Help...My Wife is a Spy

What Happened In France

What Happened In France

Halia was right, Jackson didn't lose his memory at all.     

But...what she didn't know was...Amelie wasn't actually his girlfriend either.     

A few weeks ago, when Jackson was kidnapped by Gogh and was handcuffed in his car, he was honestly worried that he'd never see Halia again. As an Interpol agent, he had heard of Gogh before, and he knew that no one ever escaped this man.     

The only thing he could hope for, was for the man to not know his true identity. Perhaps, Remy simply wanted him dead because he knew he was going to be a witness. After all, Gogh never searched his body and had no idea that he had a gun tied to the side of his leg.     

If Jackson found an opening to grab that gun, Gogh would not stand a chance.     

Soon, the car slowed down and turned into a driveway. Gogh quickly jumped out and pulled out a set of keys. He then opened the gate, drove the car in and locked it back up. How did he have the keys?     

Gogh was a professional. A few days before he came after Jackson, he already had everything carefully planned. He knew Jackson would be protected, so he knew there would be a hostage situation. He also knew that the police always had backup. The fact that there was only one road out of that place was too big of a risk for him to take. So, a couple of days prior, he had turned up at this particular property disguised as someone from the local council. He knew an old couple lived there, so when the old man came out to open the gate for him, he stole the keys right out of his pocket and quickly made a mold with some clay he had prepared. After he returned to the local motel that night, he made a copy of the keys.     

That was how he got onto the property so easily.     

After he drove in, he headed straight for the barn and parked the car in an inconspicuous spot. He had already scoped out this place and knew exactly how to carry out his plan without anyone knowing. If he killed Jackson in this barn, no one would discover a thing.     

Gogh was a professional at making his victims disappear without a trace. No one knew how he did it because no one ever lived to tell the story and no body was ever found.     

Gogh glanced at the pigsty next to the barn and smirked.     

Pigs were omnivores; they ate whatever they could find. In fact, they could easily digest human flesh and even the bones without excreting a noticeable trace.     

They were his murder weapon of choice.     

This was another reason why Gogh had selected this particular property. He knew the old couple had a huge pigsty just next to the barn, completely out of view from the house, the road and any neighbors. Even God was helping him, or so he thought...     

Unfortunately for Gogh, as soon as he undid the handcuffs around Jackson's hands, pointed a gun to his head and dragged him into the barn, the man suddenly grabbed his arm and flipped him onto the ground, kicking his gun away. Then with one smooth move, Jackson pulled out a gun of his own and pointed it to Gogh's head.     

"Surrender now, Gogh, you don't know who you're messing with," Jackson said.     

Gogh slowly raised his hands. He was told that Jackson was just a simple gangster. What just happened?     

Jackson quickly looked around for the handcuffs that the man had earlier and found them lying on the floor. But, just as he was about to reach for it, Gogh grabbed a bundle of hay and threw it in his face.     

Jackson quickly fired his gun, but missed.     

As he wiped his eyes clear, he spotted Gogh picking up the gun he had kicked away earlier. Gogh immediately pointed the gun at Jackson and pulled the trigger. Jackson felt a searing pain as the bullet traveled straight into his chest.     

But, just before he fell to the ground, Jackson calmly aimed his gun at the man and shot him straight in the head. He wasn't sure if he would wake up from that ordeal, but Gogh was not going to walk out of that barn alive.     

Soon, Amelie arrived and found the two men in the barn. Gogh was dead, but Jackson was hanging by his last breath. As Amelie pulled Jackson into his arms, she heard him whisper, "Halia..."     

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