Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 242 – Divert

Chapter 242 – Divert

Sometimes, Zhang Ya truly admired Hou Jua because she was always taken care of so much by Chen Heng.     

They had both been young girls when they had entered the Flowing Cloud Sect.     

Back when they had entered the Flowing Cloud Sect, they had lowly positions, and Hou Juan's talent was incredibly poor.     

However, Chen Heng had taken notice of Hou Juan and had treated her incredibly well, making even Zhang Ya, someone from the same clan, feel jealous.     

This was the same as time passed.     

After following Chen Heng, Chen Heng had never treated Hou Juan poorly, and he would always give her valuable resources.     

If her talent was good and she was worth nurturing, then it would be fine. However, everyone in the Zhang clan knew that Hou Juan's talent was incredibly bad.     

Only after 30 years and using so many precious resources had she been able to reach Foundation Building.     

And now, she had cultivated a demonic technique. Even her own clan members would disown her for such a thing.     

However, Chen Heng completely ignored that and had even attacked the Flowing Cloud Sect for her.     

"Junior Apprentice Sister Hou, Junior Apprentice Sister Hou…"      

Standing there and thinking back to the past, Zhang Ya thought to herself, "Just what did you do to deserve this…"     

Elsewhere, Hou Juan was considering the same question.     

"Just what did I do to deserve this…" Hou Juan had gotten out of bed with some difficulty and was walking in a spirit garden.     

She looked at the surroundings, sensed the spirit qi around her, and sighed.     

All of the scenes from the past played in her mind.     

From when they had met to now, Chen Heng had treated her the best.     

This kind of kindness was something that could make others sigh in admiration and jealousy.     

Even those from the Zhang clan's main branch could not help but feel admiration towards how she was treated.     

Moreover, this whole incident had arisen from her.     

Walking in the spirit garden, Hou Juan sighed and wondered just why Chen Heng treated her like this.     

Her feelings towards Chen Heng were quite complicated.     

In the past, she had thought that Chen Heng was interested in her, and she was willing to devote herself to him.     

However, many things had happened, which proved those thoughts otherwise.     

It seemed that Chen Heng did not have those kinds of thoughts about her.     

He acted like this out of pure care, and there was nothing else to it.     

However, this seemed a bit exaggerated.     

By now, she felt that she owed Chen Heng far too much.     

In a sense, everything that she had had been given to her by Chen Heng. There was great favor between them, and she did not know how to repay him.     

Thinking to there, she could not help but sigh.     

As she walked, she soon froze as she looked in a certain direction.     

There, a young man was standing.     

She did not know when Chen Heng had been standing there, but it seemed that he had been there for a while.     

The weather was somewhat cool, and he stood there by himself, wearing white robes. His looks were exquisite and handsome, and anyone who looked at him would find it difficult to forget him.     

Just by standing there, he seemed to blend in with the surrounding scene.     

As Hou Juan looked at Chen Heng, Chen Heng's gaze also fell on Hou Juan.     

"You've come out?" Chen Heng's expression was calm as he asked softly.     

Looking at Chen Heng, Hou Juan smiled and nodded, "Yes. Even though lying in bed was good, I felt quite bored, so I took this opportunity to come out. Since the situation is like this now, there isn't any danger in me coming out."     

If this was the Flowing Cloud Sect of the past, she naturally would not dare to come out like this.     

However, now, everyone in the Flowing Cloud Sect was being suppressed by Chen Heng, and the Flowing Cloud Sect essentially belonged to the Zhang clan.     

She could naturally rest at ease as she walked about, and she did not have to fear anything.     

"Your injuries haven't recovered yet; you should spend some more time resting," Chen Heng said as he nodded, "Taking a walk now and then is good, but don't overdo it."     

"I'm also a cultivator and naturally understand this," Hou Juan smiled and said softly.     

At the end of the day, she was at Foundation Building and understood these things.     

"That's good," Chen Heng nodded and did not say much else.     

Standing there and looking at Chen Heng, Hou Juan stared for a while before saying hesitantly, "Senior Apprentice Brother… do you… not have anything to ask me?"     

"For example?" Chen Heng asked with a smile.     

"For example if I have cultivated a demonic technique and if I've killed people," Hou Juan said as she forced a smile.     

She had told Zhang Ya about these things before.     

However, she wanted to say these things to Chen Heng directly and explain herself.     

As for whether or not he wanted to hear it, that would not be up to her.     

"It's not necessary," Chen Heng shook his head as he spoke softly, "Ya'Er already told me all that I should know."     

"Senior Apprentice Brother… already knows…" Hou Juan fell silent for a moment as she looked at Chen Heng, feeling quite complicated.     

If it was anyone else standing before her, she would not feel much.     

It was just Chen Heng who she did not dare to face.     

Over the past few decades, it had always been him looking after her.     

And now, she had let down his expectations, and had become a demonic cultivator.     

This made her feel that she could not face Chen Heng, making her feel quite complicated.     

However, Chen Heng's answer surprised her.     

"It's fine."      

Hearing Hou Juan's words, Chen Heng only shook his head and said softly, "I've already sent people to give the order to clear your name."     

"Senior Apprentice Brother…" Hou Juan felt stunned.     

She stared at Chen Heng as her body froze.     

"Is this… worth it…"      

Only after a while did she speak again, her voice becoming somewhat hoarse, "I… don't deserve this."     

Using the Flowing Cloud Sect to publicly clear her, this would be hiding the fact that she cultivated a demonic technique.     

For Chen Heng to do this, he would be taking a great risk.     

If the fact that she cultivated a demonic technique was exposed to the world, then the entire Flowing Cloud Sect and Chen Heng's reputation would be destroyed.     

Was it worth it to take such a risk for someone like her?     

"Whether or not it is worth it does not depend on the surface."      

As if he could see what Hou Juan was thinking, Chen Heng shook his head and said, "Some things cannot be calculated clearly. Often, when we do something, it is not about whether it is worth it. At the very least, that is how I see it."     

Standing there, he paused before looking at Hou Juan, "You are the most precious thing, and nothing can compare."     

Hou Juan completely froze.     

The most precious thing…     

Those words continuously reverberated in her mind.     

"Senior Apprentice Brother, are you expressing your feelings…"     

She suddenly lowered her head as her face became a bit red.     

Looking at her, Chen Heng inwardly shook his head and said, "Alright, it's getting late; you should go back. Have a good rest."     

Hou Juan did not reply and turned and left, returning to her room.     

As she walked, she thought of what had just happened, unable to come back to her senses.     

At the same time, Chen Heng was still standing there.     

He silently watched as Hou Juan left until her figure disappeared.     

However, within his vision, motes of red light began to rise up.     

At this moment, Hou Juan's Fortune began to become active.     

As Hou Juan slowly left, motes of red Fortune were flowing away from her and gathering towards Chen Heng.     

"So it's like that…"      

Sensing the Fortune appearing on him, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

The Fortune Mark flashed within his body and gave off unique energy.     

The Fortune Mark was one of Chen Heng's trump cards, allowing him to see Fortune.     

He had obtained it long ago and was now able to use it with great proficiency. As he continuously used it, he could achieve more and more with it.     

Taking others' Fortune and giving it to himself was something that he had recently discovered in the past 30 years.     

Back then, he had discovered that as he continuously interacted with people with Fate, some of their Fate would transfer over to him. This was the case with Hou Juan.     

This had caught his attention, so he began to investigate it.     

By now, he had some preliminary conclusions.     

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