Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 238 – Terms

Chapter 238 – Terms

After arriving here, Chen Heng's body paused as he sensed a different aura.     

Within the depths of the building, there was a very powerful and stubborn aura.     

This aura was like an ancient tree, leaving behind traces that could not be gotten rid of.     

The surroundings were filled with this aura, making it quite obvious.     

Even without anyone leading him, Chen Heng would be able to easily find the source of this aura.     

As such, he walked forwards.     

He ignored Liu Wen by the side and walked in by himself to that unfamiliar place.     

He had never come to this place before—even though he had been in the Flowing Cloud Sect, he had never come here as an Outer Court Disciple.     

After all, this was the core of the Flowing Cloud Sect, and it had the central figures of the Flowing Cloud Sect.     

Chen Heng had only been an Outer Court Disciples and had a low status; he did not have any qualifications to come here.     

"How sparse…" Chen Heng muttered to himself.     

Compared to the outside, the spirit qi in here was very dense, and it was at least ten times denser than outside.     

There were Spirit Formations in the surroundings that locked down spirit qi, making it so that it did not dissipate. This created a man-made cultivation wonderland.     

Just by staying here for a long time, one would be affected by the spirit qi and progress.     

Those who actually cultivated here would receive even greater gains, and they would reach higher levels even easier.     

After walking around, Chen Heng could not help but nod.     

Ahead, there was a spirit garden, from which the fragrance of spirit grasses wafted over.     

This spirit garden was not very big, but it was filled with high grade spirit grasses; it was on a completely different level to the spirit garden that Chen Heng had looked after.     

This made sense—under the influence of such dense spirit qi, it was to be expected that the spirit grasses nurtured would be quite extraordinary.     

Comparatively speaking, the spirit garden that Chen Heng had looked after in the past was just an ordinary spirit vein.     

As such, it was normal that there was such a big difference.     

Chen Heng examined these differences before continuing onwards towards the place he had sensed.     

Soon, he reached a large hall.     

The hall was very big, and there were many small and extricate Spirit Formations around it.     

After coming here, Chen Heng did not sense any changes; there were no traps or restrictions.     

It was as if this was just an ordinary place with nothing special.     

Sensing this, Chen Heng could not help but feel a bit surprised.     

Ahead, there was a man standing there.     

It was a very tall middle-aged man who was dressed in gray robes, and he looked quite ordinary.     

Because his back was towards Chen Heng, Chen Heng was unable to see what he looked like and could only see a big silhouette.     

Under the faint light, the man's figure was quite tall and straight, but his hair was speckled with white.     

Hearing Chen Heng's footsteps, the man raised his head but did not do anything else.     

Chen Heng did not directly act and instead walked forwards and stood next to the man.     

After reaching there, he could clearly see the things ahead.     

Ahead were rows of memorial tablets, which seemed to commemorate the previous Sect Masters.     

"You came slower than I thought," the middle-aged man said without looking over, "I thought that you would reach here faster."     

"I had a look around, which took up some time," Chen Heng said as he shook his head, "After all, I used to be a disciple of the Flowing Cloud Sect and felt some nostalgia. It's just that the Sect Master did not go to recuperate from his injuries and instead waited for me here."     

"It's no use trying to recover from my injuries."      

Standing there, the middle-aged man shook his head and said softly, "You should be able to sense the situation in my body. Given my condition, there's no use trying to recuperate.     

"In actuality, even if you didn't come, I would still pass away after a few years. 30 years ago, I was already a half-dead person," he spoke softly, resolving Chen Heng's confusion.     

"So it's like that," Chen Heng nodded and understood some things.     

Before, he had been wondering about some things.     

There was evidently something wrong with the Sect Master's strength.     

His cultivation was not low, and even if it was not as high as Chen Heng's, it would only be a bit lower. In terms of the system Chen Heng was used to, the Sect Master would be at the peak of Enlightened Master, a step away from True Lord.     

Even if such a person was not on the level of Chen Heng, with the Guardian Formation and the support of all the disciples, he should not have been defeated so easily.     

As such, Chen Heng had felt quite confused.     

It seemed that the Flowing Cloud Sect Master had long since been heavily injured and could not recover.     

As such, he naturally had not been able to withstand Chen Heng's attack and had been easily defeated.     

Otherwise, if the Sect Master had been at his peak, even if Chen Heng wanted to take him down, it would have taken him a great deal of effort.     

"That big battle 30 years ago…" Chen Heng nodded before saying, "Now that things have come to this, what does the Sect Master want to do?"     

"What can I do?" the middle-aged man gave a bitter smile as he shook his head, "I'm already someone about to die and am not a match for you; what could I possibly do?"     

"This matter was brought about by the Flowing Cloud Sect," Chen Heng said calmly, "I started out from the Flowing Cloud Sect and would not like to do anything to it."     

"What do you want then?" the middle-aged man turned as he looked at Chen Heng.     

"Use your position as Sect Master to grant me the position of Elder and then pass the position of Sect Master to me in the future. How does that sound?" Chen Heng asked softly.     

"That's it?" the middle-aged man felt quite surprised.     

Honestly speaking, Chen Heng's terms were much better than what he had expected.     

Having an enemy become the Sect Master of their sect sounded quite shameful, but this was better than their sect being annihilated.     

After all, in the end, Chen Heng had come from the Flowing Cloud Sect and was an Inner Court Disciple.     

With this connection, it was not that difficult to accept Chen Heng becoming the Sect Master.     

"This is your best choice," Chen Heng said as he looked at the Sect Master calmly, "If you don't agree, I will have to destroy the Flowing Cloud Sect and establish a new sect.     

"Compared to that, isn't it better to each take a step back? I will preserve the Flowing Cloud Sect's reputation and name and become the new Sect Master, while you will step down as Sect Master."     

"I'm someone who is about to die; stepping down as the Sect Master is not a big deal."      

The Flowing Cloud Sect fell silent for a few moments before nodding, "But how are you planning to deal with Elder Song and the other Elders?"     

"They are all Elders of the Flowing Cloud Sect," Chen Heng said softly, "And after I become the Sect Master, they will all become my subordinates, so I naturally will not do anything to them. As long as they are willing to lower their heads, I will spare their lives and not even touch their positions as Elders."     

Essentially all of them were at the Profound Understanding realm, and by Chen Heng's standards, they were almost at Enlightened Master.     

There were not many such people within the entire Yue Kingdom.     

The reason why the Flowing Cloud Sect had been an overlord in the Yue Kingdom was partially because of these Elders.     

If Chen Heng just killed all of them, although that would be the easier thing to do, the Flowing Cloud Sect's strength would be reduced by half.     

Since he was going to become the Sect Master, they would all be forces under his command.     

As such, as long as they were willing to submit to him, Chen Heng did not mind letting them continue to live.     

Hearing Chen Heng's words, the Sect Master's expression relaxed and said, "Then what about the Flowing Cloud Sect's disciples?"     

"Those who are willing to stay can stay; those who want to leave, I won't stop them either," Chen Heng said calmly, "But the rules in the Flowing Cloud Sect should change, and some people in power should be removed."     

After the Sect Master changed, some rules needed to be changed as well.     

In the past, many of the True Legacy Disciples had been chosen on the basis of their families.     

Now that Chen Heng was going to take power, things naturally would not go on like this.     

Of course, during this process, there would be some blood shed, but Chen Heng did not mind.     

Standing there, the Flowing Cloud Sect Master nodded before sighing.     

He did not raise any objections and had tacitly agreed to Chen Heng's terms.     

After all, given that he was on the weaker side, to be able to preserve his life and the Flowing Cloud Sect was enough.     

"I agree," the Sect Master nodded.     

Only after a while did they walk out together.     

"Senior Apprentice Brother Zhang…"      

Outside, Liu Wen was waiting with a group of people. Seeing Chen Heng walk out, he immediately came up.     

He gave a smile, but when he saw the Sect Master by Chen Heng's side, his expression froze, "S-Sect Master…"     

Behind him, the other disciples also froze. Looking at Chen Heng and the Sect Master, they did not know what to say.     

Evidently, none of them were prepared for this scene.     

Ordinarily speaking, after Chen Heng and the Sect Master met, one of them would definitely die.     

From the situation, it seemed that the Sect Master was not a match for Chen Heng at all and would definitely fall at his hands.     

So what was going on here?     

They were standing side by side and seemed quite amicable; they did not seem like they were going to start fighting at all.     

As such, they all froze and felt quite confused.     

"Hmph," the Sect Master coldly harrumphed.     

He naturally knew what was with these disciples.     

After Chen Heng had forced his way into the Flowing Cloud Sect, he knew that some disciples would submit to Chen Heng.     

The disciples ahead of them were these ones.     

He naturally knew what was going on, but he could only coldly harrumph.     

"Go and pass my orders to gather all the disciples," he said coldly.     

After he spoke, Liu Wen and the others looked at each other before instinctively looking over to Chen Heng.     

Seeing this, the Sect Master could not help but frown.     

"Go," Chen Heng said, "The Sect Master told you to go, so go."     

Only then did Liu Wen and the others leave.     

"Let's go," Chen Heng raised his head and looked around.     

Following this, they silently walked out.     

Outside the Flowing Cloud Sect, Zhang Ya and the others were still waiting.     

Elder Song and the other defeated Elders were being watched over by the Zhang clan, and they were unable to move.     

Zhang Ya was very wary of these people.     

After all, they were the Flowing Cloud Sect's Elders, and they were all people with Profound Understanding realm cultivation; they could not let down their guards against them.     

Fortunately, it seemed that the restrictions that Chen Heng had left on them were quite powerful.     

These people's auras were not any different, but all of their strength had been sealed.     

Right now, as they were being watched over by the Zhang clan's people, their expressions were absent-minded.     

Even though they were all Profound Understanding realm cultivators, they began to think about their ends and the Flowing Cloud Sect's end.     

Chen Heng had destroyed the Guardian Formation, and nothing could change that.     

What then? What would the end of the Flowing Cloud Sect be like?     

None of them knew.     

As such, they all felt dazed and did not have any thoughts of resisting.     

After a while, footsteps sounded out in the distance, and they sensed a familiar magic energy aura, causing them to look over.     

Following this, they were stunned.     

Ahead, there were two figures slowly walking over.     

Chen Heng was walking with the Sect Master side by side, looking like they were on good terms.     


Seeing this scene, the Elders all felt dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.     

It was not just them; everyone else was stunned as well.     

"Clan brother…" Zhang Ya quickly walked forwards, but looking at the Sect Master, she first seemed confused before looking wary.     

"No need to be anxious."      

Seeing her like this, Chen Heng smiled and shook his head, "I've already decided. Soon, I will be an Elder of the Flowing Cloud Sect."     

"Just an Elder?"      

Hearing this, everyone, including the other Elders, felt quite surprised.     

Chen Heng had directly broken through the Guardian Formation and charged into the Flowing Cloud Sect's territory just to become an Elder?     

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