Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 237 – Familiar Person

Chapter 237 – Familiar Person


The two powers collided, resulting in shockwaves that spread out.     

The heavens and earth trembled, and spirit qi roiled, being absorbed into the formation.     

Chen Heng continued to slowly walk forwards.     

"That's all there is to it."      

As he walked, he sensed the power of the Guardian Formation and inwardly shook his head.     

The Guardian Formation was indeed quite powerful, but that was relative.     

Compared to ordinary Foundation Building or Profound Understanding realm cultivators, this kind of power would be unbelievably mighty.     

However, to him, it was not a big deal.     

Chen Heng shook his head and slowly continued onwards.     

A shocking scene unfolded.     

As Zhang Ya and the others watched on, a hole began to appear in the massive formation.     

It was as if a divine sword had descended, and ahead, incredibly sharp sword light appeared, filling the surroundings.     

Chen Heng had cut open the Guardian Formation—even though it had gathered the strength of all Flowing Cloud Sect disciples, it could not withstand even a single blow from Chen Heng.     

He was completely unstoppable.     

As the Guardian Formation was damaged, runes flew all over the place, and everyone fell silent as they watched Chen Heng continue on.     

"Even… Even the Guardian Formation was unable to stop him…" Elder Song and the others struggled to their feet. They no longer felt as much disbelief and only felt quite bitter.     

They had seen that scene clearly.     

The Flowing Cloud Sect's Guardian Formation had been completely activated, and it had been controlled by the Sect Master, the strongest person in the Flowing Cloud Sect.     

In the hands of an expert like the Sect Master, the Guardian Formation should have been able to unleash its greatest power and defend against all enemies.     

However, in front of the Zhang clan's clan leader, it had still been ripped open and not been able to stop him at all.     

The Zhang clan's clan leader seemed like a god who had descended to the world, and he was completely omnipotent. Even a Great Formation like this had been unable to stop him.     

This was completely terrifying.     

Looking at Chen Heng slowly walking towards the Flowing Cloud Sect, all of the Elders felt completely hopeless.     

Even the Guardian Formation had been destroyed; who could be a match for him now?     

The Sect Master?     

Even though the Sect Master was also powerful and was the strongest in the Flowing Cloud Sect, he had not been able to do anything to the Zhang clan's clan leader even with the Guardian Formation and the strength of all the disciples; what could he do now that the Guardian Formation had been destroyed?     

They had lost from the very start.     

"If we had known things would be like this…" Thinking about how they had wanted to lure the Zhang clan's clan leader to the Flowing Cloud Sect and kill him before devouring the Zhang clan, the Elders all gave bitter laughs.     

If they had known that the Zhang clan's clan leader was such a person, they would never have dared to plot against the Zhang clan.     

This was no ordinary Profound Understanding realm cultivator; this was evidently a descended deity.     

How could they have never realized there was such an entity in the Yue Kingdom?     

In the distance, Gao Yue continued to stare at Chen Heng, feeling speechless.     

Her mind was filled with shock.     

"He actually did it…"      

Only after a while did she come back to her senses, a look of shock on her face, "He is truly a god…"     

Before, she had just wanted to invest in some geniuses so that she could achieve her goal when they matured.     

She had never thought that there had actually been such a genius right under her nose.     

Chen Heng's strength completely surpassed what she had expected.     

Based on her estimates, even after all of Hou Juan's potential was unleashed, she might not even be able to compare to Chen Heng.     

Moreover, Chen Heng evidently had not even reached his peak yet.     

"This is… truly amazing…"      

She had already made the decision that after this was over, she would find the opportunity to meet with the Zhang clan's clan leader.     

Given all of her arrangements, it should not be too difficult to meet with him.     

When that time came, she would have an opportunity.     

Ahead, Chen Heng continued to slowly walk forwards.     

He did not know what those people behind him were thinking, nor did he mind.     

The surroundings were just as he remembered, and they had not changed much.     

His past identity had spent much time in the Flowing Cloud Sect, and he was naturally quite familiar with the surroundings.     

Looking at these familiar surroundings, he could not help but feel some nostalgia.     

In the distance, faint breezes blew, causing Chen Heng's robes to flutter.     

Under the sunlight, his handsome looks combined with his calm demeanor gave off an extraordinary air.     

As he walked through the Flowing Cloud Sect's territory, he could sense some weak auras.     

Chen Heng slightly turned and saw the sources of those auras, which were some Flowing Cloud Sect disciples.     

Right now, all of them seemed quite weak, and their faces were all quite pale; it looked like they had gone through a big battle.     

In actuality, that was indeed the case.     

Before, it seemed like it had been just Chen Heng against the Sect Master and the Guardian Formation, but it had actually been the entire Flowing Cloud Sect.     

The instant that the Guardian Formation had activated, all of the disciples had sent their magic energy into the Guardian Formation.     

Without the disciples sending their magic energy in, the Guardian Formation would have just been an empty shell.     

After the Guardian Formation had been destroyed by Chen Heng, the disciples all received backlash.     

However, because their connection with the Guardian Formation was not too close, their backlash was not too severe.     

The most severe backlash was some internal injuries, while a less serious backlash was just one being drained of one's magic energy.     

These were some young disciples, and they had most likely only just joined in the past few decades; they were quite young and their cultivations were quite low.     

Chen Heng only glanced at them before continuing to walk.     

The disciples stood there frozen, and they only started breathing again after Chen Heng left.     

Chen Heng continued to walk; to him, the Flowing Cloud Sect's territory did not have many secrets.     

He had cultivated here before and stayed for quite a period of time.     

There were even some people he was familiar with still here.     

After walking to a certain place, Chen Heng stopped.     

Ahead was a large hall, and there were a few figures standing in front of it. Compared to the disciples on the outside, their cultivations were much more profound.     

There were some familiar faces, causing Chen Heng to stop.     

Following this, he turned and looked at a figure in front of him.     

It was a woman in a white dress, whose face was somewhat pale. She had a hand against a pillar and breathed raggedly.     

She was a relatively pretty woman, and she looked like she was in her early thirties.     

Looking at this woman, Chen Heng thought to herself.     

This woman was called He Rou, and she was the woman who Chen Heng's past identity had been infatuated with.     

Before Chen Heng had taken over this body, his past identity had madly pursued her, and everyone in the Outer Court and Inner Court knew about it.     

Of course, after Chen Heng had descended, he had not paid much mind to her and had directly ignored her.     

After 30 years, she was still in the Flowing Cloud Sect but was much older.     

However, this was to be expected.     

Even though cultivators' lifespans were far longer than those of mortals, her cultivation was not very high. She still had not reached Foundation Building, which was why it was normal that she was starting to age.     

After all, by now, she was already 50 or so years old.     

For her to be able to maintain such an appearance without reaching Foundation Building, it was because she had spent a great deal of effort on her looks.     

Leaning against the pillar and sensing Chen Heng's gaze, He Rou raised her head with difficulty, her face looking quite pale.     

Under the sunlight, the young man's figure was revealed.     

After 30 years, his appearance had not changed much. In fact, he had become somewhat younger, and he looked like a young man.     

He stood there and looked at her, as if it was still the past.     

It was just that different from before, it was as if he had become a different person, like a god who had descended, while she had become old.     

Looking at Chen Heng's appearance and thinking of the past, her expression could not help but become complicated as she thought of many things.     

"Senior Apprentice Sister He…" someone spoke softly.     

She also recognised Chen Heng and looked quite delighted, and she looked at He Rou, as if she wanted to say something.     

Even though it had been 30 years, He Rou was someone the Zhang clan's clan leader had once been infatuated with.     

They had all seen Chen Heng destroying the Guardian Formation. It could be said that within the Flowing Cloud Sect, everyone's lives were at his mercy.     

If He Rou could say something, perhaps she could get rid of the danger, and she might even be able to use this opportunity to turn things around.     

He Rou also understood this.     

Standing there, she opened her mouth, wanting to say something. However, looking at Chen Heng's calm expression, she was unable to say anything.     

After 30 years, the situation was completely different.     

Looking at Chen Heng's young face, she could not bring herself to say anything.     

"Senior Apprentice Brother Zhang!"      

Not too far away, a voice suddenly sounded out as a figure rushed over.     

It was a somewhat skinny middle-aged man. He wore gray robes and was squeezing through the crowd as he looked at Chen Heng with a look of delight.     

"Senior Apprentice Brother Zhang, it really is you!"     

"Junior Apprentice Brother Liu?" Chen Heng frowned as he spoke.     

"Yes, it's me, Liu Wen."      

Hearing Chen Heng's words, the middle-aged man instantly looked delighted.     

It was Chen Heng's fellow disciple from the Outer Court back then, Liu Wen.     

Back then, he had been one of Chen Heng's few friends.     

Over the past 30 years, he was one of the disciples who had stayed in contact with Chen Heng.     

"Come with me," Chen Heng did not say much and nodded.     

Hearing this, Liu Wen did not say anything and directly walked behind Chen Heng.     

"Senior Apprentice Brother Zhang, is there anything I can help you with?" Liu Wen asked respectfully.     

"Do you know where the Sect Master is?" Chen Heng asked as he looked into the distance, "Bring me there."     

Time gradually passed.     

After a while, Liu Wen led him to a different place.     

This was the center of the Flowing Cloud Sect, and it was a large building.     

After reaching here, he could sense that the spirit qi in the surroundings was much denser.     

"This is where the Sect Master and Elders do their closed-door cultivation…" Liu Wen said respectfully after bringing Chen Heng here.     

Chen Heng nodded and did not say much before walking forwards.     

After reaching here, he did not need anyone else to guide him.     

A certain aura was currently drawing him forwards.     

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