Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 359 – Once Again Entering The Cursed Land

Chapter 359 – Once Again Entering The Cursed Land

After eating, Chen Heng left.     

This time, he did not come back just to see Chen Rou; there were also some old friends who he wanted to visit.     

This included Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao, as well as some friends from the church.     

Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao still lived in this city, and seemed to be doing quite well for themselves; they had started a company.     

After seeing Chen Heng, they were quite happy.     

"After you left, we wanted to go and visit you, but were refused."     

Within a quiet café, Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao sat opposite Chen Heng as they spoke, "After that, we heard that you had been kidnapped."     

Sitting there, Yang Cheng shook his head as he said, "What rubbish security; they should have given you to us and have us protect you. We would have been much more reliable than those people."     

"I think the same." Chen Heng said as he smiled.     

Following this, he asked about Xiao Lan's situation.     

That girl who he had helped back then was now at school, and seemed that she was living happily.     

Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao greatly liked her, and had always been acting as her guardians to look after her.     

"Are you really going to go back into that Cursed Land?"     

After hearing about Chen Heng's goal, the two of them felt quite shocked.     

Even though it had been half a year, the effects from that Origin Curse appearing were still present.     

Even now, Yang Cheng could not forget what things had been like when the Origin Curse had appeared.     

That terrifying figure was like a nightmare, and would flash in his mind now and then.     

Compared to half a year ago, this city seemed much more bleak.     

Because of what had happened, many people had left this city and gone to other cities to work.     

As such, Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao were quite shocked after hearing why Chen Heng had come back.     

"It's a problem I'll have to resolve sooner or later." Seeing their reactions, Chen Heng smiled and said softly, "If I don't deal with it, the same thing will happen in the future."     

Hearing this, the two of them nodded.     

Indeed, even though that Origin Curse from half a year ago had been banished, it still existed.     

It was extremely likely that one day, it would return.     

When that time came, if Chen Heng was not here, who would deal with it?     

Rather than waiting for it to come and deal some damage, it was better to deal with it in advance.     

In the past, some people had suggested this, but they just did not have the strength to do it.     

"Are you confident that you'll be able to do it?" The two of them asked Chen Heng.     

"More or less." Hearing their words, Chen Heng smiled and replied.     

"Since that's the case…" The two of them fell silent for a moment before gritting their teeth and saying, "Let us go with you; we know that Cursed Land quite well. If you bring us, we'll be able to help you a lot."     

By now, the two of them were very familiar with that Cursed Land.     

After all, they had already gone into it twice.     

Looking at the two of them, Chen Heng stared for a moment before smiling, "If that's the case, then thank you."     

If he had a guide, it would be much more convenient for him to traverse that Cursed Land.     

Chen Rou also made the same decision.     

After all, she could not bear to watch her little brother risking his life while she just sat back and watched.     

This did not sit well with how she did things.     

Apart from her, the Tiancheng Nation's government also sent many people, including some people from the Alliance.     

They were the top-tier Curse Bearers in the Tiancheng Nation, and would be able to hold their own even against high-level curses.     

This kind of team was quite luxurious.     

It seemed that the government was taking the Cursed Land in the Changyuan City quite seriously.     

In actuality, they had no choice—after all, that Origin Curse was still alive.     

If the Origin Curse once again descended, it would dierclty devour this entire city.     

When that time came, even the entire Tiancheng Nation would face a crisis, and might be destroyed.     

Such a terrifying existence was like a ticking time bomb to the Tiancheng Nation.     

As such, they wanted to dismantle this bomb as soon as possible.     

Now, their opportunity had come, so they naturally would not hesitate.     

After a few days, their team set off.     

It was evident that this journey would be quite spectacular.     

"It's here, eh…"     

Dense black fog covered the surroundings, continuously spreading out.     

Chen Heng's expression was calm as he turned and looked about.     

Ahead was a desolate ruins, which looked like what had once been a massive city.     

This area looked quite ancient.     

This was the Cursed Land located under the Changyuan City.     

Back then, after Chen Heng had fought with the Origin Curse and banished it, the Cursed Land had also been banished.     

Following this, the entrance of the Cursed Land had been sealed by the government, making it so that no one could go in, and nothing could come out.     

To Chen Heng, there was nothing special about this place. It was just deathly quiet.     

The only thing special about it was that the curse energy here was much denser than other places.     

During this half a year, Chen Heng had entered some Cursed Lands.     

Those Cursed Lands all looked different, but what they had in common was that they all had incredibly dense curse energy.     

This Cursed Land was the same, but was even denser than the others.     

After walking in, Chen Rou and the others became much warier and tense.     

After all, this was not the first time that they had come here, and they still remembered the dangers they had faced within last time.     

"There seem to have been some changes…" After walking in here for some time, Yang Cheng frowned and spoke.     

He did not know if it was just him, but there seemed to be far fewer curses here, compared to last time at least.     

"Could it be because so many of them were sent to our world last time?" Chen Rou thought to herself.     

However, soon, she shook her head.     

Within the Cursed Lands, curses could not die, and as long as the Cursed Land remained, curses would continuously be created.     

As such, the numbers of the curses in this Cursed Land should not have decreased.     

So what was going on then?     

After walking for some distance, they did not encounter any dangers, nor did they encounter any curses.     

They could not help but frown.     

At that moment, Chen Heng suddenly stopped walking and looked in a certain direction.     

"They're coming." He said with a calm voice.     

By his side, everyone else looked over in curiosity and alertness.     

As they watched on, figures began to slowly approach from within the black fog.     

Those figures were very big, and each of them were at least three metres tall. They were covered with curse energy aura, and seemed incredibly terrifying.     

As they walked, their red eyes looked over towards Chen Heng and the others.     

In that instant, curse energy began to rampage, and a formless pressure spread out.     

"High level curses!" Sensing this massive amount of curse energy, everyone's expressions fell.     

So-called high level curses were adept at using curse energy, and their bodies themselves were quite powerful. They could easily wipe out a town and had terrifying power.     

Of course, to these people, a few high level curses was not a big deal.     

The Alliance's members could all deal with high level curses themselves, and even had chances at winning.     

However, right now, there were dozens of high level curses appearing.     

If such a number appeared in the outside world, they would be able to easily slaughter an entire city.     

Facing such numbers, even the Alliance's numbers felt an instinctive fear.     

Normally, if they encountered such a situation, the only thing awaiting them would be death.     

However, right now…     

They instinctively looked to the centre of the group, att he boy.     

The boy was wearing clean white robes and had a calm expression. Despite seeing so many high level curses, his expression did not change in the slightest.     

It was as if these curses were nothing to him.     

Of course, that was indeed the case.     

Looking at Chen Heng's reaction, everyone calmed down and felt some confidence.     

Following this, they rushed up and began to fight with the curses.     

The Curse Seeds within their bodies exploded out, causing their bodies to go through changes, and causing them to become much stronger.     

What was important was that under the effects of curse energy, they could at least injure these curses.     

This was quite important—after all, under normal circumstanecs, ordinary people would not be able to harm curses.     

No matter if it was guns or cold weapons, there was no way of injuring them.     

The only thing that could attack them was Curse Bearers who also had curse energy.     

That was why Curse Bearers had such status.     

However, after activating their Curse Seeds, their bodies went through strange changes, making them look quite savage.     

If someone opened a haunted house, all of these people could join it without having to do any makeup.     

It was not too bad for Chen Rou—she had the holy item from Chen Heng, as well as her own Cursed Item.     

However, everyone else was not doing as well.     

Standing there, Chen Heng ovbserved for a few moments before shaking his head.     

This was not good enough at all.     

All of these people could temporarily suppress these curses, but they were far off from being able to destroy them all.     

If the battle really went on, even if they were able to kill all of these curses, most of them would fall to either the curses or the backlash from their curse energy.     

These people were already the strongest forces in the world—it was no wonder that this world would be corroded by Cursed Lands to this extent.     

Fortunately, because the laws in the two worlds were different, when the curses entered the real world, they would be suppressed by the world's laws.     

If that was not the case, this world would have already perished.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng nodded and waved his hand.     

The area ahead was extremely chaotic, but as Chen Heng waved his hand, some changes appeared.     

Faint light flashed, beautiful and resplendent.     

That light covered everything in the surroundings, including Chen Rou and the others, cleansing the curse energy in their bodies.     

Under the light, all of the changes from the curse energy disappeared.     

"My wounds…" When the others opened their eyes again, t hey were shocked to find that their injuries had all disappeared.     

The injuries left behind from curses were not easy to get rid of, and the remnant curse energy would often prevent wounds from healing.     

However, all of the curse energy left in their bodies had been cleansed away, and their bodies had also recovered.     

Sensing this, they all paused and looked over.     

The terrifying curses that had been standing there had all disappeared, as if they had never been there.     

Howls sounded out—under the light, the curses had been purified and disappeared.     

Soon, everything became silent again.     

From when the curses had appeared, it had only been a few seconds.     

"He… instantly dealt with so many high level curses…"     

Seeing this, Chen Rou, Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao were not too surprised, but the other people, who had only seen Chen Heng act for the first time, were all dumbfounded.     

However, they soon came to their senses, because Chen Heng was already walking.     

"Let's go…" he said softly as he walked onwards.     

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