Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 459 - Ancient Mecha

Chapter 459 - Ancient Mecha

"If that's the case, there shouldn't be any problem with Lu Yao..."     

Feeling the situation on Lu Yao's side, Chen Heng's expression was calm as all sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind. 'What I need to pay attention to next is the situation on the Five Knights' side.'     

In the next few years, the forces that descended on this planet were mainly the remnants of the Golden King led by Lu Yao, as well as the forces under the Five Knights. As the two of them were entangled with each other, a full-scale conflict would break out after a few years.     

The power of the Five Knights would descend in half a year's time, but from their perspective, their forces were very powerful. The situation that they had to deal with was inevitably complicated, and it was impossible for them to get away so easily.     

It would have been fine if they had been able to accurately capture Lu Yao's information. However, just some vague information was not enough for the Five Knights to drop everything immediately and descend to this place.     

And that was precisely the case. In the original trajectory that Chen Heng had seen, the forces that descended after more than half a year were only some of the forces under the Five Knights' command. Although these forces that belonged to the Five Knights were mighty, they were not as overwhelming as Lu Yao, which gave Lu Yao a chance to slow down.     

Furthermore, after Lu Yao's forces slowly grew and revealed her whereabouts, the Five Knights descended and came to this planet with overwhelming power. However, Lu Yao's hands had accumulated a certain amount of power and reached another level due to an extended buffer time.     

Even though she was still not a match for the Five Knights, she could use this opportunity to escape and leave this planet successfully, stepping into the galaxy.     

This was the situation in the original trajectory. Now that Chen Heng thought about it, even though the initial trajectory had changed a lot because of his actions, the time when the Five Knights descended should still not have changed much.     

After all, although Chen Heng's actions were significant, he had only affected the people around him so far. In terms of influence, it was far from the extent of affecting the galaxy. It was unlikely that his actions had affected the Five Knights' descent. Therefore, there was still some time for them to grow.     

'In about half a year, the forces under the Five Knights will come to explore…' Chen Heng's expression was calm as he thought to himself, 'And in about one or two years, the Five Knights will react and truly descend here.'     

'There is still some buffer…' Chen Heng thought.     

All in all, he should still have one to two years to grow, better than the previous half a year in total. However, it was not a lot better either. After all, his opponent was none other than the Five Knights who stood at the top of this world.     

Based on what Chen Heng knew, the Five Knights had already existed in this world for thousands of years and had led an army that had destroyed countless forces and invaded a myriad of stars.      

Each of them was an absolute top performer. Whether in terms of strength, status, combat skills, influence, or intelligence, they were all at the top of this world. They were well-deserved powerhouses, and it was already challenging for some ordinary people to catch up to such an existence. They might not be able to do it even if they spend their whole lives trying to, not to mention that they had to do it within one or two years. It was ridiculous.     

In other words, it also meant that Chen Heng was not an ordinary person but a cheater. Otherwise, he would not have the confidence.     

Chen Heng secretly sighed, then he looked into the distance, with his expression returned to calmness.     

Time slowly passed. Not long after, Chen Heng returned to the Dragon City Academy. The familiar place and the surroundings were still the same as before, didn't change much. Of course, in reality, it was indeed the case. After all, it was not so long after Chen Heng left. It would be strange if there were a lot of changes.     

Chen Heng walked into the slaughterhouse, then returned to his residence, and returned to the slaughterhouse again after settling some errands. In the familiar slaughterhouse, Fang Yuan was still working hard.      

At this moment, he was sitting at the side, resting and watching other people work. A few colleagues that Chen Heng knew were still working with bitter faces.     

When Fang Yuan saw Chen Heng, he seemed pleasantly surprised and happy that Chen Heng paid a visit.     

"Ever since you left, the work efficiency of this place had decreased." Fang Yuan ridiculed him, "Your work efficiency alone can completely match up to all these people."     

That's true. With Chen Heng's previous work efficiency, if Fang Yuan did not stop him, he would complete almost all the tasks within a day. There was no need for other people to work at all. Chen Heng was very professional about slaughtering people or other things. After all, he would be rewarded for slaughtering someone, but not for the other workers.     

The other workers didn't have Chen Heng's power, and they wouldn't be rewarded for slaughtering. So they were working very hard here every day, which was why Fang Yuan felt that their work efficiency decreased.     

"I came to tender my resignation." Chen Heng smiled and spoke, telling Fang Yuan that he would be taking over the position of Guardian and leave this place, and if nothing went wrong, he would have to leave the Dragon City Academy and go to other places to guard for a long time. Hence, naturally, he wouldn't be able to continue working here.     

On the other hand, Chen Heng no longer needed the killing power provided by this slaughterhouse. Wang Zhong did a great job in this matter.     

Ever since Chen Heng injected the slaughter divinity into Wang Zhong's body and developed it into his own downline, he no longer worried about the source of the killing power. Compared to Chen Heng, Wang Zhong was the one putting in the extra effort.     

Apart from the beginning, Wang Zhong would provide Chen Heng with a considerable amount of killing power every day, which amount was so significant that Chen Heng couldn't compare at all even if he kills non-stop in this place every day. With the huge gift provided by Wang Zhong, Chen Heng naturally did not need to continue staying here.     

Fang Yuan had already expected this. When he learned about Chen Heng's identity and power as a Beastmaster when Chen Heng first came to work in this place, he knew that Chen Heng would leave sooner or later.     

After all, Chen Heng was a true Beastmaster, and he was a top-class figure according to this world's view.     

It was unrealistic for him to keep working in the slaughterhouse. This was especially true after Chen Heng kept getting good results and performed well in the Qika League. Therefore, Fang Yuan was very open-minded about this.     

"It's not good for young people to stay in this place all the time." He laughed and then patted Chen Heng's shoulder, saying, "I'll support you if you can have a better future."     

Then, he told Chen Heng about the current situation of the slaughterhouse. Recently, this slaughterhouse's reputation had also become more well-known because of the broadcast of the previous program. After hearing about Chen Heng's deeds, many people came here and even signed up to work in this place.      

It was no longer challenging to recruit people here. Even many people wanted to come in but were rejected by Fang Yuan. After Chen Heng learned about this situation, he couldn't help but smile and say nothing more. He left a gift for Fang Tian before leaving.     

After he left, he went to another place - the data room of Dragon City Academy, a place with records of all the students in Dragon City Academy. Of course, only general information like photos and basic information were included. Specific information like strength, family background, etc., could not be found here.     

Chen Heng came here to inquire about the identities of a few people, including the blonde girl from back then. During this period, he had not forgotten the origin of this inheritance he obtained - an inheritance given to him by the blonde girl.     

However, Chen Heng knew nothing about the blonde girl's identity. She was not a simple person to be able to give him such an important thing. Therefore, after realizing this, Chen Heng began to inquire about her identity secretly.     

The investigation of the blonde girl's identity wasn't smooth. In the beginning, Chen Heng had entrusted the people of the Black Dream Group to help investigate and even asked Liu Rou to help pay attention, but in the end, he found nothing.     

Based on his common sense, the blonde girl had once been active in Dragon City Academy, so she should have left traces in many places. However, no matter what methods Chen Heng used to search and explore, there were no traces of her. Even the cameras in the academy had no traces of her at all.      

Chen Heng had also specially asked Qi Lin and the others. Even those people who should have come into contact with her had no impression of her, and they were all present during the competition organized by the Black Dream Group.      

Logically speaking, they should have met the blonde girl before. After all, at that time, the blonde girl was sitting at the periphery of the arena and was a member of the audience. However, after asking, there was no outcome.     

Qi Lin and the others had no impression of the blonde girl and simply couldn't remember her. Chen Heng wasn't sure whether it was because they had no impression of her or a unique force had blocked their perception, causing them to omit the blonde girl, but based on what he knew, he was more inclined to the latter.     

After trying all kinds of methods and getting nothing, Chen Heng came here, hoping to try his luck. The records of the current students of Dragon City Academy could be found in this place, including their basic introduction. Although it was impossible to have detailed information, it was not a problem looking at the photos.     

However, after coming to this place, Chen Heng was ultimately disappointed. Based on his understanding, there were only tens of thousands of people in Dragon City Academy, including the current students, staff, and so on.      

However, no one matched Chen Heng's impression among these tens of thousands of people. This finding made him feel disappointed, and he silently shook his head and left towards the outside world.      

He already had a premonition in his heart. That blonde girl was probably the same as Ye Zi beside Lu Yao, not a figure on this planet. Perhaps, she came from the boundless galaxy and originated from a mystical force, but he did not know where she came from.     

'In the future, would I have the chance to meet her again?' Various thoughts flashed through Chen Heng's mind, and then, he continued to stride forward.     

Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.     

Chen Heng had already left Dragon City Academy and came to the area he was in charge of. He became the captain of this area's garrison and was responsible for maintaining the order and safety of this area.     

This job was relatively easy. As long as one had enough power, one could easily intimidate the surroundings, and there wouldn't be many problems. Of course, it would be a different case if one didn't have enough power. One might not even suppress his subordinates, not to mention defeating the rebels and terrorists.     

Chen Heng's power was naturally enough. Therefore, he quickly took up the post and fulfilled his obligations. Everything seemed very easy. After getting used to it, Chen Heng actively paid attention to the information from the outside world and analyzed things from this information.     

'Recently, the report about the western region has been released…'      

Chen Heng sat on the sofa alone in the quiet and spacious room. His face was calm as he thought in his heart, 'Now that I think about it, it's not far from the appearance of that ruin.'     

Ancient ruins, this was also the characteristic of this world. In this world's ancient times, there was once a flourishing civilization. Not only on the planets that the Qika Federation belonged to, but there had also been ruins of even more ancient civilizations in other places. Among them, many secret treasures originated from the ancient civilizations.     

This ruin found within the Qika Federation was left behind for a reason. In the initial trajectory of fate, this ruin was critical to Lu Yao, as she had obtained something that allowed her power to increase rapidly in this ruin.      

Even if she had to face the forces under the Five Knights, she would still have a certain amount of power to counterattack later on. It was nothing else but an Ancient Mecha, a unique product of this world.     

In this world, influential people could use a mecha as a power amplifier to increase their power. If ordinary martial artists could use a mecha to display their power, in theory, they could destroy mountains and even a troop of mighty armies.     

However, this type of mecha was also highly precious. If one wanted to make it, one would need to consume a large number of materials. A real mecha core was required in the production of a real mecha.     

However, things like a mecha core seemed to appear only in the ruins of some ancient civilizations. As for what the mecha core was and how it was made, it remained a mystery.     

In the current civilizations, things similar to the mech core appeared, but they were shoddy and straightforward products. These mechas were not only much worse than real mecha, but the amplification was also very limited, far inferior to real mecha.     

Thus, only a very limited number of mecha in this world could genuinely be called a real mecha. Other than those mecha remade with the mecha core, only Ancient Mechas were left in the ancient ruins. The value of an ancient mecha was unquestionable.     

Qika Federation's influence was powerful, and they controlled many planets. Their influence could also be considered vital within the nearby planets. However, such a force seemed to have left behind less than five Ancient Mechas.     

The Five Knights that roamed the galaxy were not only powerful, but each of them had the best Ancient Mechas on them. One could see how precious Ancient Mechas were.      

In the ruins that had been opened this time, there were ancient mechas. Based on what Chen Heng knew from the trajectory of fate, there were at least two mecha cores and a well-preserved Ancient Mecha in the ruins.     

This complete Ancient Mecha allowed Lu Yao to successfully escape from the original trajectory and help her out of many difficult situations along the way. Chen Heng's goal was the same.      

He wanted to enter that ruin, not necessarily to get that Ancient Mecha, but he had to get a mecha core at least. This way, he would have the opportunity to forge his mecha in the future. Otherwise, he would be at a disadvantage if he were to clash with the top figures of this world in the future.     

Now, it seemed that it was time to make a move. Chen Heng did not make a move earlier because he did not know the exact location of that ruin. The trajectory of fate wasn't omnipotent. Even though he knew the direction of the general trend, he was very blurry about many details.      

Chen Heng knew the existence of the ruins, but he didn't know the exact location of the ruins. Therefore, he had to wait until now before he could set off.     

'Let's pack up and get going…'     

Chen Heng thought as he looked at the news before him, then he walked out of the room and left the place.     

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