Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 478 - Followers

Chapter 478 - Followers

No matter how bad the situation was, they still had to face it in the end, especially for Avril and the others. Coming to this planet to hunt down the Golden King was an order given by the Five Knights. No one could disobey the order of the five knights.     

It would be fine if they did it, there would naturally be a mountain of rewards. Everyone could obtain what they wanted, and it was not impossible for something even greater.     

However, if they did not manage to do it, the outcome would be terrible. To them, the possibility of them capturing the Golden King on this planet was highly unlikely.     

After all, the Level Five expert that had appeared earlier was not just for show. If they continued to capture the Golden King brazenly, there was a high chance that something would go wrong.     

In fact, if they revealed their location, there would be trouble. The unknown Level Five expert would definitely be happy to take them down in one fell swoop, eliminating any hidden dangers for the Golden King.     

Right now, capturing the King of gold was no longer feasible. However, there must still be something that can be done to mitigate the risk in other aspects. Otherwise, when the Five Knights arrived, not only did they fail to capture the Golden King, but they failed to achieve anything.     

Thinking of this, Avril could not help but feel a headache. She began to miss Olly. It was not that she had a deep relationship with Olly. It was just that in the face of the current situation, one more person would be able to share the burden. There was no need for her to have a headache alone.     

Similarly, two Level Fives were better than one Level Five. Unfortunately, Olly was no longer there. Even his corpse had been eviscerated. Avril had a headache, but there was nothing she could do.     

"Under the current situation, it's probably impossible to capture the Golden King anymore."     

Avril thought for a moment, then said, "But no matter what, we can't let the Golden King leave this planet."     

For the time being, although it was a pity that they couldn't capture the Golden King, it wasn't totally unacceptable to the Five Knights. As long as the Golden King was still on this star, they could easily capture him when the Five Knights truly descended.     

However, if the Golden King left this star, there would be a huge problem. This world was very big, and the entire galaxy was exceptionally vast. Its vastness was unimaginable to ordinary people.     

If the Golden King left this star, it would not be so easy to lock onto and find him as long as he hid in another place. The fact that they could track down this planet was solely the result of the Golden King exposing himself.     

However, they might not be so lucky next time. Therefore, they could not let the Golden King leave this planet, even though it was also very difficult to do so.     

The Civilization of the Qika planet was very developed. There were many factions that had the ability to leave this planet and communicate with the outside world. Under such circumstances, it was undoubtedly a very difficult task to prevent the Golden King from leaving this planet.     

However, no matter how difficult it was, they still had to do it. Otherwise, their fate was doomed to be miserable if they did not do their job well. Avril calmed down and then looked at the people in front of her. She said, "Send people to negotiate with the Qika Federation, as well as those factions on this planet that have the ability to sail. All of them have to notify us.     

"Just say that we are willing to accept them on behalf of the Round Table.     

"As long as they are willing to help us, I will accept them into the Round Table and give them official memberships."     

Standing on the spot, Avril took a deep breath and said. As soon as she said that, everyone was bewildered.     

"Lord Avril, do we really have to go to this extent?"     

Someone could not help but ask as he looked at Avril. The Round Table represented no one else but the Five Knights. The identity of an official member of the Round Table was extremely prestigious. Not only could they enjoy the various rights and benefits of the Round Table, but they could also be nurtured by the entire Round Table.     

In the galaxy, the area ruled by the Round Table was extremely vast. There were more than a trillion living beings on it. However, there were very few official members of the Round Table. Even among them, there were only two or three official members of the Round Table.     

However, it was precisely because of the scarcity that they were of great value. Although the Qika Federation's strength was admirable, it was much inferior compared to the Round Table.     

The reason why Avril and the others were afraid was not because of the Qika Federation but because of the Peace Alliance standing behind the Chica Federation.     

Just like the Round Table, the Peace Alliance was also a huge force. However, the Peace Alliance was relatively loose. It was a loose alliance formed by a large number of civilizations.     

Therefore, although the Peace Alliance's strength was strong, it would not pose much threat to them under normal circumstances. However, the Round Table would not interfere with the Peace Alliance if they did not have any valid reasons.     

In the end, by excluding the power of the Peace Alliance, Avril and the others would not take the Qika Federation seriously. The independent forces on this planet were even less worthy.     

In normal times, these forces would not even be considered as peripheral forces of the Round Table, let alone becoming official members of the Round Table.     

However, now, in order to seal off the Golden King as much as possible, they had to offer up a lot.     

"I will seek approval from the Five Royal Highnesses. A total of ten spots will be given to the forces on this planet."     

Avril stood where she was and made a decision. "As long as they are willing to help us seal off this planet and not let the Golden King escape, it will be a great merit.     

"The moment the Five Royal Highnesses descend and capture the Golden King, they will be welcomed as official members to the Round Table."     

She thought for a moment and said.     

"As for the Qika Federation, I will negotiate with them.     

"I believe that as long as we give them enough benefits, it shouldn't be a problem for the Qika Federation to cooperate with us for a period of time."     

It was undoubtedly impossible to lock down the Qika Star for a long time. After all, trading between the Qika Star and other planets was very dense and frequent following the development of the Qika Federation.     

If it was sealed for a long time, not only would it be very difficult, but it would also cause huge losses. However, Avril and the others didn't need to seal it for a long time.      

All they needed was to trap the Golden King in this star for a short period. It wouldn't take longer than three to four months. By then, the true power of the Round Table would have ascended.     

Sailing in the galaxy required a lot of time. Even with the power of the Five Knights, it was impossible for them to arrive here immediately. They needed a certain amount of time.     

Olly and Avril were the first batches of people to arrive here because they happened to be stationed nearby. Therefore, they could not be considered the main force of the Round Table. They were just the vanguards.     

When the main force of the Round Table reached here, it would be time for them to capture the Golden King. At that time, be it the Golden King or the mysterious Level Five powerhouse, none of them would be able to escape.     

Avril's expression changed as she thought of this. In front of her, hearing Avril's words, everyone nodded their heads silently, agreeing.      

Of course, in reality, there were no more opinions. Under the current situation, Avril's method was undoubtedly the best method. At most, she just needed to add some details. Therefore, they were silent for a moment, then quickly began to discuss and add details.     

Ferrier stumbled back to his room. Crimson blood dripped all over the floor that he walked past. He seemed to be seriously injured by Avril's previous blow. However, he did not seem to care about it. He was just in a daze.     

"Who... is it?"     

Ferrier staggered and almost fell to the ground as he walked into his room. However, this thought flashed through his mind.     

"Who is protecting that imposter king?"     

This thought flashed through his mind. At this moment, there were many doubts in his heart.     

"Is he really one of us?"     

Then, this thought arose in his mind. "But, why should I protect the imposter king?"     

As this thought arose, a familiar face appeared in front of him. Standing on the spot, he hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind. He carefully walked to his bathroom and checked inside. After confirming that there were no abnormalities, he began to act.      

He used the blood on his body to draw an inexplicable pattern on the spot and then injected his telekinetic power into it. Inexplicable waves passed by, and a unique feeling rose in the surroundings, appearing in Ferrier's heart.     

Along with all this, the power in his body was also rapidly disappearing and was flowing into the array in front of him. However, Ferrier was not surprised by this and only gritted his teeth to support it.     

After a moment, an inexplicable aura descended, and it was very obscure. In front of Ferrier, a single eye slowly opened. The Golden Eye was extremely clear and distinct.     

"Ferrier, What's Wrong?"     

An unknown voice sounded. It was hoarse and ethereal as if it was illusory and unreal. The single eye looked at Ferrier. A trace of doubt flashed in its eyes. "Has the plan been exposed?"     

"No, it hasn't."     

Ferrier secretly sighed in relief and said, while looking at the single eye that appeared before him.     

"That's true."     

The single eye seemed to have sensed the situation around him and continued to say, "If you have been exposed, then I'm afraid that you would've been a corpse by now.     

"Who injured you?"     

"Avril, a nobody."     

Ferrier shook his head and said casually. He didn't care about his injuries and continued, "Did you send someone to Qika?"     

"If you're talking about you, then I did."     

In front of him, the ethereal voice continued to pass by, but there was some doubt in his voice. "Why? Is there a problem?"     

"That's right."     

Standing on the spot, Ferrier took a deep breath and continued to speak, recounting everything that had happened before. After he recounted everything that had happened before, the single eye in front of him fell into silence, as if he was still digesting the information.     

"That person was not sent by me."     

After a long silence, the voice in front of him sounded again.     

"It wasn't you?"     

Standing where he was, hearing this, Ferrier was stunned and puzzled. "If it wasn't you, then who was it?"     

"I did have the idea of getting someone to assist the imposter king and make him attract their attention as much as possible."     

In front of him, the single eye's voice continued to sound, "But in my original plan, that person should be you."     


Ferrier immediately frowned.     

"That's right."     

The single eye's voice continued, with a certain tone, "Being in the Round Table, you can learn a lot of information. You can also secretly help that imposter king, allowing him to escape at a critical moment.     

"As for that person, I didn't send him."     

"Then who could it be?"     

Ferrier frowned, and then he thought of another situation. "Could it be that the remaining subordinates of the king came here after tracing the king's aura?"     

"It's possible..."     

In front of him, the single eye's hesitant voice sounded, and it seemed to be hard to be sure. It was different from what they imagined. After a long period, the power of the Golden King had long disappeared, as if it had disappeared from this universe.     

In the eyes of others, this was a very normal thing. After all, after losing the Golden King, there were only those followers left. How could they face the high and mighty Five Knights?     

Since a thousand years ago, the power of the Golden King had constantly been declining, and it had been hit so hard that it could not recover. Now, there was basically nothing left.     

However, only people like Ferrier knew that the power of the Golden King had not completely disappeared. Instead, it had been hidden little by little over a long period of time.     

Back when the Golden King had fallen, someone had already realized the situation in the future and made a judgment about the hidden power. For a whole thousand years, they hid their tracks, changed their appearance, and did not let anyone discover them.     

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