Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 491 - The Potential to Become a King

Chapter 491 - The Potential to Become a King

The Crimson Knight stared coldly at Chen Heng. She did not care about the leaving of Lu Yao and the others and still appeared very confident.     

"No matter what, let's give it a try."     

Chen Heng voiced out. He looked at the Crimson Knight in front of him with a smile on his face. He did not care about what the other party said and appeared very confident as well. His attitude surprised the Crimson Knight.     

"You look very confident."     

She stood there and looked at Chen Heng in front of her. She shook her head silently. "I just don't know if you will still be able to smile when your hope is finally destroyed."     

"Maybe not."     

Chen Heng's expression did not change. He silently reached out his hand. In the palm of his hand, a majestic power condensed and faintly shook the surroundings, turning into a deep palm print that was about to erupt.     

Chen Heng was very confident in the departure of Lu Yao and the others. Perhaps it was just as the Crimson Knight in front of him had said, at this moment when the entire Qika Star was enveloped by the Crimson Net, it was extremely difficult for Lu Yao and the others to successfully leave. It was almost impossible.     

However, to Lu Yao, as long as the Destiny in her body was not exhausted, even if there was only a slight possibility, she could still turn it into reality and accomplish all of this.     

Needless to say, the chosen one was sometimes this unreasonable. And the Destiny in Lu Yao's body was clearly not exhausted yet. Even though Chen Heng had spent so much time plucking the wool, Lu Yao's Power of Destiny was a little less than what was originally in her Destiny's trajectory.     

However, even if it was left behind, it was still a huge number that ordinary people could not imagine. Before the Power of Destiny was exhausted, Lu Yao was fated not to die.     

Chen Heng was more confident than anyone else about this. Moreover, Chen Heng was here.     

Chen Heng stood still. After a moment of silence, he reached out his hand again and punched down. The punch was like the roar of a divine dragon from Nine Heavens. It carried a huge spiritual energy tide and almost drowned the city in front of him, turning it into a sea of spiritual energy.     

A terrifying power was rising. The river water in the sky was stirred and directly erupted, enveloping the land, wanting to drown this area. The land cracked inch by inch, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared, spreading outwards.     

At this moment, as the two powerhouses exchanged blows, the aftershocks between them spread out, causing a terrifying impact on the stars beneath their feet.     

The changes in the weather outside were merely the aftershocks. And in the central area where they exchanged blows, everything had already changed, transforming into a different appearance.     

The terrifying energy was dissipating, and in that area, whether it was spiritual energy, telekinesis, or other powers, they were all dissipating and clashing with each other.     

The Crimson Knight unleashed her full strength, and it was so terrifying that it caused all the powerhouses on the planet to shudder. At this moment, all existences above Rank Four could clearly feel the terrifying power.     

It was as though a brand new, blood-red sun had appeared in midair, gradually overlapping with the original sun's silhouette, covering the original sun. Everything was silent, as though everything had fallen into a deathly stillness.     

This power was terrifying, as though it wanted to devour the entire world, causing everything to fall into an atmosphere of destruction. It was incomparably terrifying, causing one to tremble.     

To put it bluntly, if the Crimson Knight's power was completely released, it was likely that even the entire Qika star would be destroyed.     

However, at this moment, there was another power that was resisting it. A figure stood in the middle of the battlefield. The golden armor on his body was gradually tattered, and his entire body was resplendent. At a glance, one could not help but feel a holy aura, causing one's heart to tremble.     

It was Chen Heng. At this moment, Chen Heng finally lets go of all his worries and chooses to fight with the Crimson Knight without holding back.     

His body seemed to sense Chen Heng's determination and conviction. The power of the Ancient Armor was fully activated. At this moment, it turned into golden armor supporting Chen Heng's body.     

Following that, a miracle began to appear. Chen Heng's strength was only at Fifth Rank. Under normal circumstances, even if he used all his means, he would not be able to cause much damage to the Crimson Knight before him.     

However, with the support of the Ancient Armor, his strength had completed a leap forward. With a single step, he had reached a level comparable to the Crimson Knight.     

This kind of progress was undoubtedly terrifying. In this regard, countless people in the entire Qika star were amazed by this. They were impressed by his will and conviction.     

"Is this your will?"     

In the spacious room, Liu Rou silently watched the battle. She sat on the sofa in the room and silently observed the battle in front of her. Her face was filled with admiration.     

From the beginning until now, she had witnessed Chen Heng's progress to this point step by step. And now, she realized that she did not seem to understand the young man at all.     

What exactly was on his body that allowed him to have such a strong and tenacious belief? What exactly was it?     

One punch forced Chen Heng to retreat, leaving a large wound on his body. At this moment, the Crimson Knight stared at Chen Heng in front of her, thinking about the same question in her heart.     

The Ancient Armor's blessing to people was also related to the mecha master's belief. The stronger the mecha master's belief and will, the more power he would obtain.     

During the battle, she had already felt that powerful will. In the past, the Crimson Knight had met many enemies, and she had also met many people who amazed her.     

However, even among these people, there were very few people like Chen Heng. Moreover, he was so young and full of vitality. Unlike many people who were very old but looked young on the outside, Chen Heng in front of her was full of the aura of youth. No matter from his bone age or other aspects, he was only in his teens.     

He was only in his teens, yet he had such potential and conviction? The potential to be a king?     

At this moment, this thought suddenly flashed through Crimson Knight's mind. To be a king, this was the praise given to the top heaven's favorites in the galaxy.     

Crimson Knight had also received this kind of praise in the past, and she had walked all the way until now. But now, she suddenly felt that this young man in front of her was also worthy of this kind of praise.     

If they were in a suitable environment, the other party was destined to bloom with endless brilliance under the right conditions. He even had the potential to truly walk in front of her and be on equal footing with her.     

Unfortunately, it was still too early. With a wave of her hand, a fist print took shape in an instant, directly shattering a large mountain and enveloping the entire city.     

In front of her, Chen Heng was once again sent flying. He did not have the time to dodge, and his figure rushed forward. However, very quickly, a boundless radiance blossomed.     

Under the radiance, he rushed out once again. The originally intact armor had already been shattered into pieces on his body, appearing worn out. However, even so, his body was still tall and straight as he stood.     

The Crimson Knight could sense that her opponent's spirit and aura were still the same. He was like a king who ruled over the world. His majestic aura was especially terrifying.     

He walked out from the ruins of a city. Under the sun, he looked particularly dazzling.     

"It seems that this is the limit."     

Chen Heng raised his head and looked at the Crimson Knight in front of him. In his eyes, the Crimson Knight opposite him was also so majestic and tall. It was like a mountain that could not be climbed and could not be crossed.     

And under this mountain, no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that he could not cross it. In fact, it was the same.      

If other factors were excluded, just the strength of this body was only equivalent to that of a Fifth Rank. Even Fifth Rank was still a little lacking, and he had not really advanced successfully.     

With the addition of the Ancient Armor, he was able to cross a long distance and reach the level of the other party. In the words of this world, it was Sixth Rank.     

Using the power of the Ancient Armor, Chen Heng could barely reach this level of combat strength, but it was not lasting. He could fight to this extent because Chen Heng used his own true spirit's power to strengthen himself.     

Otherwise, the power of faith alone would not be able to hold on for too long, and he would be defeated sooner or later.     

But even so, he was still not a match for the Crimson Knight. The Crimson Knight's main body was at least the peak of Sixth Rank, which was his limit. Although this was just a clone, its combat strength was not that simple. It was not something that ordinary Sixth Rank powerhouses could fight against.     

An ordinary Sixth Rank powerhouse might just be serving food to his opponent. Even if Chen Heng tried his best, he would not be a match for his opponent. If he wanted to fight against his opponent, he would need to use other methods.     

Therefore, he raised his head and extended his hand. The golden armor turned into a shadow and disappeared. A slender and pale arm was stretched out, exposed to the sunlight.     


From afar, the Crimson Knight watched Chen Heng's actions. A puzzled look appeared on her face. At this moment, she could not help but turn around, trying to understand what Chen Heng was doing.     

In her senses, there seemed to be an invisible pulsing feeling appearing along with Chen Heng's actions. Vaguely, there seemed to be a brand new power appearing from afar, echoing with Chen Heng's actions.     

And what was that power? The Crimson Knight frowned, feeling a little puzzled. Could it be that other than the person in front of her, there were other powerhouses hiding on this planet, preparing to resist her?     

She was puzzled, and this thought flashed through her mind. As this thought flashed through her mind, a scene began to appear in the distance.     

In the corner of Qika Star, a tall volcano began to become active. As Chen Heng stretched out his hand and called out to the distance, it was as if an existence within the volcano was beginning to awaken.     

Waves of formless rhythm emerged. At this moment, violent tremors spread out from within and then gradually spread into the distance. The flames that filled the sky soared into the sky, illuminating everything.     

In the midst of the flames that filled the sky, there seemed to be a pair of golden eyes that opened, carrying boundless majesty. Then, flames bloomed like flowers in the sky.     

A divine bird surrounded by flames appeared in this place. Its entire body was covered in flames, and only its pair of eyes were revealed. It was a brilliant golden color.     

At this moment, it stood in midair and let out a long bird cry. Its several hundred-meter-tall body stretched out and rushed into the distance.     


The sky was filled with dazzling light. As it flew, the golden sparks in the sky were shocked. It was like a shooting star streaking across the sky, exceptionally dazzling.     

"What is that?"     

At this moment, countless people raised their heads and looked into the sky. Lu Yao and Ye Zi were the same. They stood at the same spot and stared blankly at the sky. They watched as the resplendent divine bird charged forward and finally crashed into the battlefield.     

In an instant, the sky was filled with dazzling light. The originally majestic aura was covered up, leaving behind only a golden glow. Whether it was Chen Heng or the Crimson Knight, their auras were completely covered up at this moment, not revealing the slightest bit.     


Looking at the scene in front of her, Lu Yao muttered to herself and finally reacted, "Big Brother's Imperial Beast..."     

In the past, she had seen Chen Heng's Imperial Beast, which was a Dragon Bird called Red. And just now, from that divine bird, she had sensed the aura of the Dragon Bird from the past. Even though it had changed a lot, the aura of the past was still the same.     

"Such... such a powerful Imperial Beast..."     

Compared to Lu Yao, Ye Zi and Ferrier's eyes widened in disbelief. "What kind of Imperial Beast is that?"     

In the past, Ferrier had seen a lot. He had followed the Golden King and seen many terrifying creatures in this world. That divine bird just now had a majestic and sacred aura. Its bloodline was so powerful that it made people tremble. Even among the top-tier Imperial Beasts, only those who were known as kings could compare to it.     

In the past, such Imperial Beasts were rare to see. Even on those prosperous and powerful planets, there weren't many of them. But now, he saw one in front of him. This couldn't help but make his heart tremble, and he felt shaken.     

"Ancient Armor, incomparably tough faith, and this mysterious Imperial Beast that's comparable to a king's Imperial Beast..."     

Standing where he was, Ferrier looked into the distance. At this moment, he had an inexplicable absurd thought. "This imposter king's elder brother seems more like the reincarnation of our king than the imposter king..."     

"What did the person who planted the king's mark do?"     

At this moment, he could not help but think so. The Golden Mark on Lu Yao's body did not originate from her own body but had been planted by the followers of the Golden King.     

In order to plant the Golden Mark, the group of people once searched the entire planet Cheka and finally found the carrier, Lu Yao.     

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