Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 495 - The King’s Power

Chapter 495 - The King’s Power

The golden door slowly opened, revealing the scene behind it. It was an extremely familiar scene for Chen Heng.     

"What is this…?"     

Standing in the empty space, Chen Heng looked at the scene and couldn't help but be stunned. In front of him, the golden light was still emitting, and there were many huge stone tablets. The golden stone tablets were colorful, like records of history and epics. Even at a glance, one could feel the rich history in them. Facing the stone tablets, an inexplicable and unique feeling of facing history emerged in his heart.      

There seemed to be endless Profound Meanings of Law on these stone tablets. At this moment, as Chen Heng stared at them, his instinct appeared in his mind. However, these stone tablets gave Chen Heng a particularly familiar feeling. He had seen these stone tablets before, not in other places but this world.     

Before him, these stone tablets were the same as Chen Heng had seen when he had obtained the nameless refinement method. It was just that compared to the last time, Chen Heng could see them more clearly this time, and he felt that they were even more unique.     

If what Chen Heng had seen the last time could only be the projection of these stone tablets, and it was just an insignificant corner, then what he saw this time was undoubtedly much more real. It might not be the original body, but at least it was a shadow. It did not have the illusory feeling from before. And when he looked at the stone tablets, the information about the stone tablets also automatically appeared in Chen Heng's mind.     

'The initial stone tablet.' In an instant, this name flashed through Chen Heng's mind. This was the name of the stone tablets, not a name given by himself.     

Based on Chen Heng's information, the initial stone tablets could only be seen by those in this world and had met certain requirements. Chen Heng was not clear about this requirement, but based on his experience, he could roughly guess a few points.     

First of all, most likely, there were harsh requirements for a person's mental will. Wanting to enter this space and form a connection with the initial stone tablets was a huge test for one's mental will. Chen Heng had developed a connection with these initial stone tablets at the last moment of the battle, thus allowing him to peek into this space. This should be a mandatory requirement.     

As for the others, one would most likely need to form a connection with these initial stone tablets to satisfy the requirements. This was Chen Heng's guess. After all, he had come into contact with these initial stone tablets before. Now, he once again formed a connection with these initial stone tablets.     

At this moment, Chen Heng had a faint feeling. After entering this space and forming a connection with these stone tablets, if Chen Heng wanted to enter this state again in the future, it would be easier to come before these stone tablets. After forming the connection, it would be even more accessible from now on. Of course, the premise was that Chen Heng still had a future.     

Chen Heng took a deep breath, then looked at the glowing stone tablets before him, and there seemed to be endless information emerging from it. A large amount of Profound Meanings of Law flowed into Chen Heng's mind, not under his control.     

Chen Heng couldn't help but grunt in just a moment, as his spirit and true spirit quickly weakened.     

It was both an opportunity and a considerable pressure. These Profound Meanings of Law kept appearing in Chen Heng's mind, causing significant stress to his body. Even his true spirit was the same, feeling overwhelmed. If this continued, Chen Heng would probably explode.     

This was a new experience. In the past, Chen Heng had also absorbed the Profound Meanings of Law left by the Gods, the so-called aggregation of divinity. But in the past, Chen Heng still had the help of the simulator, which could quickly turn the divinity into his things. But now, at this critical juncture, the simulator could no longer help him, and he could only rely on himself.     

Under the impact of the endless Profound Meanings of Law, his will gradually became blurred and weak as his initially powerful spirit was obliterated. He was afraid that the massive Profound Meanings of Law would make him explode if this continued.     

Fortunately, the baptism of these Profound Meanings of Law was finally over at this final juncture. Light reappeared before his eyes. Everything around him became clear again.     

The Crimson Knight's appearance appeared before Chen Heng once again. Chen Heng stretched out his hand. The arm turned into a white bone emitted a faint golden light. Even the skeleton had a pure light of true spirit, which gave it a new life.     

At this moment, Chen Heng was in a unique state. He could feel that his body had already been destroyed. To a certain extent, he should be dead. However, when his body rotted and died, there was a brand new power shrouding him at this moment. This power was none other than the unique power that originated from that space just now. When Chen Heng entered the initial space, a part of the power was also absorbed and brought out by Chen Heng.     

Feeling the power on his body, Chen Heng did not hesitate. A pale golden light emitted, layer upon layer, covering all directions, turning this place into a golden world.     

A small domain was formed. Chen Heng raised his head again, releasing his aura in all directions.     

"You..." In front of him, the Crimson Knight was shocked and was utterly stunned looking at Chen Heng, who had suddenly attacked. She did not expect that Chen Heng could still resist at this point. Thus, she lost the initiative instantly and was locked onto by that massive force.     


The sound of stars exploding sounded in all directions, filling the entire area.     

Chen Heng stood where he was and stretched out his hand. A golden battle sword condensed out of thin air and fell on his palm. Along with his actions, that mysterious force moved along with it. Along with Chen Heng's will, it slashed forward and erupted with the fastest and most powerful attack.     

The galaxy exploded!     


It was as if the stars had shattered, and the scene of the universe being annihilated was seen. At this moment, an incomparably resplendent and holy light swept forward, cutting off all obstacles and charging ahead.     

The Crimson Knight quickly moved. At this critical moment, she quickly turned around. She began to move as most of the power in her body was mobilized.     

The Crimson Crystal shrouded everything. The huge crimson net on the entire Qika Star also began to move. There seemed to be countless networks interweaving on it, forming a substantial defensive net.     

Even though she had lost the initiative, the Crimson Knight was still a Crimson Knight. Within a short period, she had made the best response.     

At this moment, the power of the entire star started to cohere, forming a defense together with the Crimson Knight's power, wanting to block this attack completely.     

Facing such a defense, even if the other Five Knights came, they would still feel that it would be troublesome and would not be able to deal with it in a short period. Not to mention Chen Heng, who was standing before them.     

The Crimson Knight was confident that no matter what kind of power Chen Heng's attack had, it would not be able to break through her defense.     

In the next moment, the crimson light dimmed. The golden light streaked forward, and the golden battle sword cut through everything, piercing straight into the Crimson Knight's chest. In an instant, crimson blood dripped onto the ground. The Crimson Knight's chest was pierced through, revealing most of her flesh and blood.     

The scene instantly froze. The Crimson Knight's defense had been broken...      

At this moment, all the powerhouses of the entire Qika Star looked at the scene, watching the crimson blood drip down. They were speechless, as if they could not react at all. Many people's eyes were filled with disbelief.     

Could the Crimson Knight, who stood high above at the peak of the galaxy one day be defeated by someone? Moreover, by such a young man?     

They couldn't believe it. However, the reality was right before them.     

In the distance, the Crimson Knight's chest was wholly pierced through on the battlefield. Blood was dripping, and he was severely injured.     

"You did it..." On the other side, Liu Rou looked at the scene on the screen in a daze. At this moment, only Chen Heng's appearance was left in her mind.     

In the distance, Lu Yao and the other two were also looking at this scene.     

"Big Brother..." The magic formation's teleportation was uncertain, seemed to have been affected by Chen Heng's attack. At this moment, the last bit of hindrance to the magic formation's teleportation had disappeared.     

Chen Heng's attack had already broken through the Crimson Knight's defense, and it had pierced through the crimson net that shrouded the entire Qika Star. After the crimson net was pierced through, the blockade over the whole Qika Star instantly disappeared, revealing a huge gap.     

"A good opportunity!" Ferrier was the first to react to Chen Heng's shock. At this moment, he took large strides forward and rapidly activated the magic formation in front of him.     

"Imposter king, leave quickly!" He completed the magic formation at a highly swift and violent speed. Then, he looked at Lu Yao, standing in the middle of the magic formation in a daze, and shouted, "Please don't forget the sacrifice he made for you! You must survive!" As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed to the side and headed for the periphery.     

There was still quite some time after the magic formation's teleportation was activated. During this period, once the formation was destroyed, it was very likely that the teleportation would fail. Therefore, Ferrier was already determined to die and was prepared to cover Lu Yao's back.     

Lu Yao left. When the radiance of the formation completely lit up, her and Ye Zi's figures began to fade away slowly and gradually disappeared in the middle of the formation. They were about to leave Qika Star and go somewhere else to start a brand new journey.     

Before they left, Lu Yao's gaze was still focused in the direction of the Crimson Knight. Under her gaze, Chen Heng's body gradually fell in the distance. After that attack just now, Chen Heng seemed to have used up all the strength in his body. At this moment, he could not even maintain his body of white bones.     

The golden battle sword turned into a rain of light and dissipated. The bones gradually shattered and scattered with the wind. A huge force exploded at this moment. A gentle breeze blew and swept everything away.     

Coincidentally, at this moment, a spatial crack appeared and swept away everything in this place, rushing into the distance. Only after a long time had passed did the place regain its peace.     

Chen Heng's figure completely disappeared from where he stood, leaving only the traces of blood he had left behind. There were also traces of battle that could prove his existence.     

As for the Crimson Knight?      

She still maintained the same posture as before, except that a sizeable blood-red hole had appeared on her chest, making her look incomparably ferocious.     

Granulation sprouts were pulled out from the bloody hole and then killed by an unknown force. There seemed to be a powerful force remaining in the body of the Crimson Knight, so much so that no matter how hard she tried, she could not fully recover from her wounds. It looked terrifying.     

The Crimson Knight stretched out her hand and looked at the scene in front of her in a daze. At this moment, the crimson radiance faded as the crimson net was broken.     

The sun once again appeared in the sky. The faint sunlight shone on the Crimson Knight's body, making her skin appear especially pale.     

"That power..." The Crimson Knight stretched out her hand, trying hard to clench her fist, but found that she could not do it. To make the magnificent Crimson Knight look like this, one could imagine how terrifying Chen Heng's previous attack was. But even so, she was still alive and did not die. She stood there, still recalling the power in that attack.     

'The power of the King…' After feeling it for a long time, this thought finally flashed through her mind.     

To the mighty Crimson Knight, this world rarely had any secrets. After all, she was a powerhouse who stood at the top of this world. There were very few secrets in this world that could be hidden from her. Hence she understood quickly.     

"The potential to become a King. It is the potential to become a King..." The Crimson Knight's body slowly fell.      

She could not hold on any longer and fell to the ground weakly. Fresh blood splattered all over the ground, irrigating the surrounding land. Intense pain emerged in her heart, but the Crimson Knight did not care. What caught his attention was Chen Heng's attack just now.     

"How many years has it been since I last saw the Golden King..." As she fell to the ground, many thoughts flashed through her mind. "After so many years, I finally met someone who touched the King's Power again? And he's so young..."     

The King's Power was the honorific title of the King's Power in this world. Only a true king was qualified to control the King's Power and become a top existence in the world.     

In the past, the Golden King was such an existence. But now, after so many years, she finally saw another existence who touched the King's domain. But this person was not the reincarnation of the Golden King, but an entirely new young man.     

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