Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 496 - In The End

Chapter 496 - In The End

"What a pity..." Clutching her chest with one hand, the Crimson Knight thought, "I didn't discover him earlier..."     

If she had discovered that young man earlier, perhaps things would not have become as such now. At least in the Crimson Knight's eyes, compared to the reincarnation of the Golden King, the young man who dared to wave his sword and attack her was even rarer. Unfortunately, it was all over.     

A gentle breeze blew, dispersing the bloody aura in all directions. The surroundings gradually changed and returned to their original appearance. However, the Crimson Knight's aura was also steadily weakened. The initial wound on her chest slowly opened up, and the bloody traces became increasingly apparent.     

After that attack, even the Crimson Knight seemed unable to take it anymore, and it was not that strange. After all, the Crimson Knight was not the original body of the Crimson Knight but a mere clone.     

It was very normal for such a result to happen when she fought with Chen Heng to such an extent and was penetrated by an attack by the King's Power, considering the clone's power that had been completely exhausted.     

When the crimson battle sword landed on the ground, the Crimson Knight stopped moving, lying on the ground and having no strength to get up. Her whole body lost its vitality and disappeared completely.     

The Crimson Knight's figure had wholly disappeared as the breeze blew, turning into a pile of pure particles and dispersing without leaving a trace.     

As for Chen Heng? He seemed to have also disappeared, along with his corpse. It was as if he had already been swept away by the opened spatial door and was sent to an unknown distance. However, judging from his previous state, it was likely that he would not be able to continue surviving.     

After all, he had already fought with the Crimson Knight for so long. It would be incredible if he could still survive, not to mention that the space turbulence itself was hazardous. Even an average person would die if they were swept into it. The probability of survival was minimal.     

"It's over..." Many people had this thought, looking at everything before them, and sighed softly in their hearts.     

Indeed, with the disappearance of the Crimson Knight, everything in front of them seemed to have ended. As the main characters of the battlefield, the two of them had disappeared one after another. The Golden King and his followers had also disappeared on the other battlefield. It seemed that the magic formation had teleported them. At this moment, it was unknown where they had gone.     

After experiencing the previous twists and turns, the entire Qika Star was calm. Sensing all of this, the survivors had an inexplicable feeling that they had survived a disaster.      

Then, the officials began to appear. They went to clean up the battlefield and searched for some valuable things. As powerhouses at that level, the things left behind by the Crimson Knight and Chen Heng were highly precious, even if they were just a bit of flesh and blood if they could obtain enough to make the most advanced evolution fluid. And these things were undoubtedly worth searching for.     

Therefore, many people had their thoughts moved and began to explore the outside world.     


There was nothing around the deep galaxy but shattered space debris everywhere. All sorts of chaotic currents were constantly erupting at this moment.     

Chen Heng was currently in the space before him. He was in an extraordinary state, where he could feel that he was about to die. After he swung that sword earlier, he had lost all his power. His life and origin had been completely exhausted, and nothing was left.     

If a person had exhausted entirely of his origin, he should be about to die. Even an expert like Chen Heng would not be an exception. But even so, he was still alive.     

After connecting to that initial space, Chen Heng seemed to be able to borrow a portion of the energy and obtain something from it. At the same time, he could form a connection with it. It was precisely because of Chen Heng's connection with the initial space that he was still alive despite reaching this level.     

However, even though he wasn't dead, he was almost finished. His current state was equivalent to a living dead person. If it weren't for the power of the initial space hanging around and giving Chen Heng his last breath, he would have died.     

Of course, Chen Heng didn't care about this. It was just death. It wasn't like he hadn't experienced it before, so it wasn't a big deal. To him, even if it was death, it was just returning to his original body and starting a brand new journey. It wasn't much.     

On the contrary, this state before him felt like a waste of time. However, Chen Heng wasn't anxious about this. He could feel his current state. Because of the connection between the initial space, although he wouldn't die in a short while, he would eventually die as time passed. Otherwise, wouldn't he be immortal to some extent? If Chen Heng didn't do anything, he would disappear on his own after some time.      

However, Chen Heng could not do anything during this period. The area in front of him was in a chaotic space turbulence. There were large amounts of space debris in the surroundings, and the turbulence was terrifying.     

Chen Heng was currently attached to a bone and was flowing along with the turbulence. Fortunately, his body was strong enough. Even if it was just a bone, it was far from being destroyed by the ordinary turbulence. Otherwise, even this last attached existence would be wiped out.     

Chen Heng used his unique perspective to observe everything around him. In his vision, everything in the outside world was unique. In the distance, the space debris continued to gather, turning into some bigger pieces, but to a certain extent, they continued to shatter and turn into even finer debris. The entire process was extraordinary and fascinating. Chen Heng observed the various phenomena here thoughtfully.      

Before entering the initial space, he had personally seen the nine stone tablets. Although he had not been in contact for too long, he had still gained a lot of things. He had even understood the path ahead to a certain extent and knew his shortcomings.     

During this period, he quietly deduced, trying his best to digest what he had gained previously, taking advantage of the rare silence. Seriously speaking, although the battle with the Crimson Knight was tragic, it was also an excellent harvest for Chen Heng.     

During the battle, he had gained a lot of enlightenment, which further condensed his soul and allowed it to continue to grow. Under normal circumstances, such a harvest was challenging to obtain. In this world, just the harvest from the previous battle was sufficient.     

If one included the other things that Chen Heng had obtained, this journey could be said to be not a loss. Even if Chen Heng died now and returned directly, it would not be a loss.     

However, a kind of fate was looming over him, seemed not to want Chen Heng to be cut off and leave this world. As Chen Heng continued to drift in the chaotic space for a long time, a radiance appeared. Vaguely, there seemed to be the radiance of a star shining.     

A Life Star appeared not far away. Sensing this, Chen Heng woke up from his deduction and looked into the distance.     

"Is it luck?" He looked at the Life Star in the distance and could not help but be surprised.     

At this moment, he had been drifting in this turbulent flow for several months. His consciousness was getting weaker, and he was about to be annihilated. However, he had encountered a turning point in front of him at this juncture.     

'Could this be a turning point?' Chen Heng's heart moved, and he thought.     

However, even if there was a turning point, getting and heading there was still a huge problem. At this moment, he had already lost his body, and all of his strength had been exhausted. He was on the verge of death by relying on the bits and pieces of corpses left behind when he was alive, and he had no way to control his actions. Even if he wanted to get there, there seemed to be no way.     

If it were an ordinary person, even if they saw hope ahead, they wouldn't be able to grasp it. They were destined only to see from afar and not be able to reach it.     

However, to Chen Heng, there was still one last way. Looking at the radiance of the Life Star ahead, Chen Heng could roughly sense it. There were bursts of radiance flashing in his body, and there was also a surge of golden Power of Destiny rising from within Chen Heng's body.     

The golden destiny was exceptionally bright, and even a red color rose from it, forming the shape of a red and gold dragon.     

This was Chen Heng's destiny. The Power of Destiny in Chen Heng's body was extracted from Lu Yao's body. Through daily contact and interaction, and the power of the Mark of Destiny, it had gradually affected Lu Yao's future and extracted a portion of her Power of Destiny.     

This was an ordinary means for Chen Heng, who had the Mark of Destiny. However, it still had quite an effect from the looks of it. Especially the battle between Chen Heng and the Crimson Knight. That battle concerned the future of Lu Yao, the future king, and was also a critical juncture in her fate.      

Therefore, Chen Heng's attack had reasonably extracted a large portion of her Power of Destiny at this crucial juncture. The Power of Destiny accumulated solely during that battle increased the Power of Destiny in Chen Heng's body several times. It could be seen how significant the impact was.     

And now, the Power of Destiny accumulated in Chen Heng's body had already reached a considerable number. Initially, the Power of Destiny would return to the main body along with Chen Heng's return.     

However, like other aspects, although the Power of Destiny in the clone's body could be brought to the main body after returning, it would have some discoloration and could not be wholly brought to the main body. Therefore, it would suffer some losses.     

'Rather than that, it would be better just to use up all these things in this world to gamble on a possibility.' Chen Heng thought, and then, he made a decision.     

The Power of Destiny started to burn. In Chen Heng's body, the Mark of Destiny shone brightly, and it gradually began to move as Chen Heng moved.     


A muffled sound was heard amidst the Void, like a lightning bolt that flashed past, appearing exceptionally clear and unique.     

As the originally pure golden Power of Destiny started to burn, formless flames spread out in all directions. A faint force was spreading in all directions, changing and affecting something.     

"I've done what I should do..." After doing all this, Chen Heng slowly closed his eyes and thought, "I'll leave the rest to the destiny..." Chen Heng's mind completely sank into deep darkness and fell into a deep sleep.     

Chen Heng's last bit of power had disappeared along with the activation of the Mark of Destiny. He could no longer even maintain his consciousness. If this attempt failed, then Chen Heng had no other choice but to obediently return to his original body and start a new journey.     

As if affected by the Power of Destiny, the turbulence surrounding the Void began to surge. Along with the movement of the most basic microscopic particles, the movement of the turbulence of the surrounding space seemed to have changed. A brand-new path appeared, paving the way forward.      

The turbulence initially carrying Chen Heng suddenly changed direction and rushed towards the Life Star. The surrounding space began to change with a rumble. If someone were standing around, observing the star in front of them, they would discover a strange phenomenon.     

For some unknown reason, with this Life Star as the center, the surrounding space suddenly began to riot and became unstable. Large amounts of space debris and impurities rushed forward, and most of them were digested and cleaned up on the star's surface.      

The space debris was smoothed out and gradually disappeared, while the impurities began to burn and eventually fell to the ground. However, very few people noticed that a pale golden finger bone also fell among the impurities.      

In an instant, it was like a meteor falling, shrouding everything. After a long time, the phenomenon in front of them completely disappeared. Everything in the surroundings was calmed down as if it had finally stopped.     


"According to the latest news, there has been large-scale turbulence recently, and there may be drastic changes in the weather in the near future. Members of the public, please take extra care..." In the quiet and magnificent room, the voice sounded from the television.     

A moment later, a small hand reached out and turned off the TV.     

"Bad weather again..." A young girl with a pink face turned off the TV and muttered to herself.     

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