Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 498 - After Waking Up

Chapter 498 - After Waking Up

"However, this experience is somewhat special..."     

Sitting upright on the table, Chen Heng looked at the scenery outside and could not help but mutter to himself. In these two years, Chen Heng had been in silence within a small fragment of his broken bones.     

After activating the Mark of Destiny, Chen Heng's power had already declined to the extreme, and even his own consciousness had fallen into silence. Therefore, he was unable to do anything. He could only drift with the wind and let nature take its course.     

However, from the current situation, his result was not bad. Through the turbulent flow of the past, he had successfully landed here. From then on, he came here. After that, he gradually recovered over the past two years.     

Although Chen Heng had fallen into silence, some of his instincts were still there. At this moment, even though it was only a small fragment of his bones, he was still instinctively absorbing the power of the outside world and continuously recovering himself. This kind of recovery was only an instinctive action at the beginning, but in the end, it was something that Chen Heng deliberately did.     

However, up until now, Chen Heng had not awakened for long, so his power had not recovered to a certain extent. Still, compared to the beginning, it was naturally much better.     

However, the girl named Gunali from before was very special. From what Chen Heng could sense, the girl named Gunali was just like Lu Yao back then, possessing an extraordinary talent.     

That kind of talent was unique and powerful, but it was hidden in that seemingly weak body and had not been developed. Of course, compared to Lu Yao, although Gunali's talent was not bad, she still lacked a bit of luck, which was the so-called destiny.     

Compared to Lu Yao's vigorous destiny, Gunali's body did not have the slightest bit of the blessing of destiny. She was just an ordinary person. Without the blessings of destiny meant that she could only rely on herself.     

If nothing unexpected happened, she would probably be like this for the rest of her life, unable to tap into her own potential. However, since Chen Heng had discovered it, the result would naturally be different.     

Of course, that wasn't the most important thing right now.     

'This bone fragment is only a part of the remains I left behind. Although it can carry my consciousness, it won't allow me to recover much of my strength.'     

Chen Heng's gaze looked towards the outside world. At this moment, various thoughts flashed through his mind. "If I want to truly recover, I still need a body."     

This was a very natural principle. The combination of the body and the power of the true spirit was the most powerful state. Chen Heng's current state was only the remnants of the true spirit, but he did not have a strong enough body to bear it.     

Without a body to bear it, just the power of the true spirit would not be able to recover to its peak. At most, it would reach a certain level and stop advancing, unable to continue advancing.     

Although the broken bone could support Chen Heng's consciousness and even restore Chen Heng's strength to a certain extent, it could not replace the use of the body.     

Therefore, for the current Chen Heng, finding a body that could be used was the most important thing at the moment. And on the other hand, it was the same.     

With this thought in mind, Chen Heng took a step forward and walked out of the door of the room.     

After Gunali left, the door to the room was originally closed. No one could enter without her permission, so no one dared to open the door without permission.     

However, to Chen Heng, who was still a spirit body, it didn't matter whether the door was open or closed. He strode out of the door in front of him and directly passed through it.     

Outside the room were a long and narrow corridor and a huge and gorgeous living room. In the living room, the girl who was previously resplendent was still there. At this moment, she was urging the other servants around her to do their work and get them to clean up seriously.     

"All of you, do your work seriously. Don't be lazy."     

She stood there and watched the servants around her doing their work. At the same time, she looked around in boredom, wanting to see if there was anything that had been overlooked.     

A gust of cold wind blew past, blowing her sleeves up. Immediately, the girl shivered. She vaguely saw a figure flash past, which was very frightening. However, when she focused her eyes, she realized that there was no figure at all.     

Therefore, she was somewhat suspicious and puzzled, but she did not find anything. No matter how she looked at it, there was no one around. Everything that happened just now was like an illusion.     

But in fact, Chen Heng was standing in front of her, looking at her with interest. Of course, Chen Heng wouldn't be seen. With his spiritual power, as long as he was willing, no one would be able to detect his existence.     

His perception would be directly distorted, and even if he saw it, he would pretend not to see it. He wouldn't be able to detect that someone was standing in front of them.     

This was the case before their eyes. Based on Chen Heng's observations during this period of time, as long as he was willing, no one within this manor would be able to discover him.     

Except for Gunali. Although she was young, this little girl indeed possessed a talent that even Chen Heng was surprised by. To ordinary people, Chen Heng would not be able to be discovered. But to Gunali, she could easily detect Chen Heng's existence.     

Mental distortion was useful to ordinary people, but it was completely ineffective under Gunali's unique telepathy. However, Gunali had already left. From the current situation, no one should be able to discover Chen Heng.     

Therefore, Chen Heng walked out of the room. Outside the room, the sun was shining brightly in all directions. Following the traces that he had recorded, Chen Heng walked to one side and slowly came to an area.     

It was a garden. In the garden, all kinds of flowers were blooming. The fragrance was spreading everywhere, and it was very pleasant to smell. The entire garden looked exceptionally beautiful and unique, making people feel happy at a glance.     

However, in the middle of the garden, the most eye-catching thing was the ancient tree in the middle. The ancient tree was huge, about ten meters tall. Both its branches and leaves were golden in color, and it had a unique and mysterious texture.     

On the ancient tree, an inexplicable aura spread out in all directions, affecting the entire garden. In an invisible way, a wave of vitality spread out, forming a small domain.     

To a certain extent, the reason why the flowers and plants in this garden could grow so luxuriously and beautifully was related to the Golden Dragon Tree in the middle.     

Standing under the Golden Dragon Tree and looking at the huge ancient tree in front of him, Chen Heng nodded his head in satisfaction. Two years ago, he fell under this ancient tree before being picked up by Gunali.     

From Chen Heng's point of view, this Golden Dragon Tree was undoubtedly amazing. The Golden Dragon Tree was a very precious plant in the entire universe. Its branches contained powerful vitality, and it was one of the important ingredients for making high-quality evolution fluids.     

In the past, Chen Heng had seen it before, but it was far from being as tall and full of vitality as this one. From the surface, this Golden Dragon Tree was at least seven to eight hundred years old, and its branches contained vigorous vitality.     

And this powerful vitality was exactly what Chen Heng needed at the moment.     

'The most direct way to obtain a new body is, of course, to directly find a mother who has given birth to a baby and directly throw it into it to seize the baby's body.'     

Standing where he was, Chen Heng looked at the Golden Dragon Tree in front of him, and various thoughts flashed through his mind. 'But if that's the case, isn't it a little too slow? From conception to birth, it will take at least half a year, and then it will take time to grow slowly.'     

The speed at which an ordinary person could conceive and give birth was still a little too slow. A baby from birth to adulthood would at least take more than ten years.     

Under normal circumstances, it was fine, but in front of him, he did not have that much time to waste. After all, Chen Heng did not know the situation with the Crimson Knight.     

After he had used the last attack, he had been sucked into the turbulence and left Qika Star. He did not know the ending of the Crimson Knight.     

However, one thing was certain. If the Crimson Knight knew that he was still alive, she would definitely come and kill him.     

This was the potential risk. Under this potential risk, if he continued to grow slowly, it would be a little too slow. Under normal circumstances, it was fine. But now that there was a better choice, there was no need to hesitate.     

"An 800-year-old Golden Dragon Tree is just right..."     

Looking at the Golden Dragon Tree in front of him, Chen Heng muttered to himself and then reached out his hand. His arm touched the Golden Dragon Tree in front of him.     

Although it was an illusory body, he could still feel the unique touch and the rough texture of the tree bark. Chen Heng pressed one hand on the Golden Dragon Tree, and then his aura began to change.     

In Chen Heng's body, an inexplicable mark appeared with a bright light. Within it, the faint shadow of a divine bird appeared. It was as if the Divine Bird's long cry could be seen, and the scene of the sky being torn apart appeared. Under Chen Heng's control, this mark was injected into the ancient tree.     

"Old friend, after being silent for two years, it's time for you to revive..."     

Standing on the spot, Chen Heng muttered to himself and then began his own actions. He injected the mark in his body into the ancient tree in front of him.     

With all this, the mark began to change. In the ancient tree's body, a large amount of life force was being absorbed and surged into the mark. In the end, it even affected the internal structure of the ancient tree, forming a huge embryo.     

A brand-new life form was being nurtured in it. What emerged from it was an aura that Chen Heng was particularly familiar with. Not only was that aura familiar, but it also gave off the feeling of being one with Chen Heng. It was as if it had the same origin as him, and it was very special.     

However, at this moment, this aura was still very weak, as if it had yet to fully recover. Compared to Chen Heng's previous imprint, this life form needed a long time to be nurtured before it could slowly recover and regain its consciousness and power.     

This was only the first step. Feeling the changes in the ancient tree, Chen Heng couldn't help but smile. The life form that was being nurtured in the ancient tree embryo was none other than Red.     

In the previous battle, Red was Chen Heng's subdued beast. It fought together with Chen Heng to the end until it obliterated everything in its body. However, even so, as an Imperial Beast, Red's mark still existed. Following its own death, it returned to Chen Heng's body.     

Under normal circumstances, after an Imperial Beast died, its mark would return to the body of the Beastmaster, becoming one with the Beastmaster. After that, the Beastmaster would obtain the final strengthening, while the Imperial Beast would completely disappear, losing its final trace.     

However, Chen Heng didn't fuse it into his own body. Instead, he used the last bit of divine power to carefully protect it, maintaining its last bit of life force, floating with Chen Heng's true spirit.     

It did not die. Instead, it fell into silence like Chen Heng. Only now did it have a chance to recover. Not only Red but also the Ancient Armor.      

Chen Heng carefully sensed for a moment on the spot. Other than the mark left by Red, the core of the Ancient Armor still existed. However, just like Chen Heng, it also fell into silence.     

In the previous battle, the Ancient Armor had faced the Crimson Knight's power head-on. It was severely damaged and could no longer be activated. However, in comparison, the Ancient Armor was an object. Although it had a vague instinct, its situation was much better than Red and Chen Heng.     

At this moment, although the Ancient Armor had fallen into silence, as long as it was replenished with enough materials, it could still be repaired and even become stronger than before.     

After all, before this, not only Chen Heng but even the Ancient Armor had also received the baptism of the Crimson Knight's power, becoming stronger in the passive confrontation.     

As long as it could be repaired, the Ancient Armor that had recovered would become stronger than before, surpassing the past. Of course, the prerequisite was that Chen Heng could obtain enough materials to repair the Ancient Armor.     

To a certain extent, this was not a simple matter. Various thoughts flashed through Chen Heng's mind, and then he injected a portion of his true spirit power into the ancient tree in front of him.     

Under the support of Chen Heng's power, the interior of the ancient tree quickly changed. Next to the previous embryo, another place that gave birth to life quickly appeared.     

Within it, there was already a human-shaped fetus that appeared, and its aura was exactly the same as Chen Heng. However, compared to Red, although this fetus had Chen Heng's life aura, it was not agile and lacked that kind of soul power.     

This was because Chen Heng's consciousness had not entered it. At this moment, the fetus was only an empty shell. However, for the time being, this did not affect anything.     

After finishing his actions, Chen Heng stopped. Under the Golden Dragon Tree, he raised his head and looked at the ancient tree in front of him. In front of him, the tall Golden Dragon Tree was still standing. At this moment, its branches and leaves were swaying. It looked very beautiful and unique.     

Chen Heng could sense that after his actions, the vigorous vitality was declining and gradually changing. However, on the surface, the Golden Dragon Tree was still the same as before. It seemed that nothing had changed.     

If one did not have a sensitive perception like Chen Heng, one would not have been able to notice the changes.      

After doing all this, Chen Heng turned around and left. For the time being, he did not want to enter the body yet.      

At this moment, his body was in the Golden Dragon Tree and had not fully matured yet. If he entered the body, he could only stay in there and waste his time. He could not do anything else.     

Rather than that, it would be better to separate his spirit and the body. He could make arrangements and plannings while in the spirit form, while his body would be slowly nurtured until it matured.     

By then, it wouldn't be too late. With this thought in mind, Chen Heng quickly returned to Gunali's room. After returning to his room, he silently closed his eyes and began to seriously sense.     

'The sense of the slaughter divinity is still there, and it has already grown to a very powerful level.'     

This thought first flashed through Chen Heng's mind, sitting on the spot. The Slaughter Divinity was something that Chen Heng had injected into Wang Zhong's body.     

It had not been taken out ever since he planted it. Of course, if Chen Heng had completely fallen back to his original body, then the slaughter divinity, as an additional item that Chen Heng had taken the initiative to separate, would also return with Chen Heng.     

Or perhaps it would be directly transformed under Chen Heng's will, seizing Wang Zhong's body and turning it into Chen Heng's own body. However, from the looks of it now, it still hadn't reached that stage.     

It had not returned to Chen Heng, nor did he seize Wang Zhong's body. Therefore, in these two years, Wang Zhong's growth was still pretty good.     

According to Chen Heng's senses, the slaughter divinity was still active in Wang Zhong's body. The slaughter power in his body was churning, and the opportunity was about to boil.     

To be able to have such a performance, there was no doubt that Wang Zhong must have done well in the past two years. He had killed a lot of lives continuously, which was why he could accumulate such a huge amount of killing power.     

Before this, because Chen Heng himself had not recovered, the killing power was only accumulating there. At this moment, along with Chen Heng's own recovery, the killing power began to become active. Chen Heng mobilized it and began to pour into Chen Heng's body continuously.     

To a certain extent, this was one of the reasons why Chen Heng could recover so quickly during this period of time.      

If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Heng's body hadn't fully matured, as long as he poured all the killing power that he had accumulated over the past two years into his body, Chen Heng's strength would probably be able to quickly recover to Forth Rank or even Fifth Rank.     

Right now, it was a little slower. However, it did not matter.      

As for Lu Yao's side, it was a little blurry at this moment. The divine power seed that Chen Heng had planted in Lu Yao's body was still present at this moment. However, the perception was a little blurry. It should be due to the distance.     

After all, after walking into the galaxy, the distance became an astronomical figure. The divine power seed was limited by the distance, so it was very normal for the perception to be blurry.     

However, although the sense was a little vague, some of the basic conditions were still clear. Chen Heng could feel that Lu Yao was still living very well at the moment, and even her strength had improved significantly compared to the past.     

However, due to the vague sense, Chen Heng could not know what level Lu Yao had reached now. However, she would still be stronger than two years ago.     

Sitting on the table, Chen Heng looked into the distance as this thought flashed through his mind.     

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