Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 682 - Occupy

Chapter 682 - Occupy

The news that the Haoh Hua sect master had obtained the information about the appearance of the Immortal Sect soon spread out and quickly spread throughout the world.     

Everyone was shocked by this. The value of a Sky Heavenly Weapon was enormous.     

In the past, in the hands of that Venerate Ming, the power of the heaven-cleaving sword was so terrifying that it was enough for Venerate Ming to unleash the mighty power of an Immortal God.     

The heaven-cleaving sword was so shocking that the Immortal Sect would not be far behind. But now, the Immortal Sect had already been obtained by the Hao Hua sect master.     

To a certain extent, this undoubtedly suppressed the Star Alliance Master. They did not know that the heaven-cleaving sword had also fallen into Chen Heng's hands back then.     

After the Venerate Ming died, Chen Heng did not spread the news of the heaven-cleaving sword.     

The world had never seen Chen Heng take out the heaven-cleaving sword, so they mistakenly thought that it hadn't been found and had disappeared along with Venerate Ming's death.     

But now, the Immortal Sect had truly fallen into Chen Heng's hands. After receiving this news, the Hao Hua sect was particularly excited. Many radicals even proposed to end the contract and attack the Star Alliance.     

In the past, the Hao Hua sect master and the Star Alliance Leader had always been considered to be on the same level. But now, with the Immortal Sect in the hands of the Hao Hua sect leader, their strength had already surpassed the Star Alliance leader.     

The original balance had now been broken. For a moment, the originally peaceful world seemed to be in conflict again, and a wave of chaos was brewing.     

However, to everyone's disappointment, after obtaining the Immortal Sect, the Hao Hua sect master did not return to the Hao Hua sect, nor did he explicitly state whether he wanted to start a war with the Star Alliance. This made many people feel disappointed, but there was no other way.     

Another three hundred years passed. The Hao Hua sect finally moved. People were excited, thinking the final war with the Star Alliance was still coming.     

However, what surprised them was that after the Hao Hua sect master returned to the Hao Hua sect, what he wanted to attack was not the Star Alliance but another force.     

It was another huge world, the hometown of that Venerate Ming.     

To be honest, after obtaining the coordinates of Venerate Ming's world, Chen Heng sent people to inquire about some information and understand everything in that world.     

After a full two thousand years, Chen Heng finally made up his mind and started a great war after obtaining the Immortal Sect. Thus, a brand new great war began to break out.     

The Hao Hua sect brought the forces that had accumulated for thousands of years and directly charged into that world.     

In this process, the Immortal Sect played a huge role. This Heavenly Weapon had the power of space to locate the world very easily.     

In theory, with this Heavenly Weapon, the Immortal Sect, many worlds nearby were open to Chen Heng, and he could enter directly from there.     

The Immortal Sect was undoubtedly much more powerful in this aspect than the heaven-cleaving sword.     

Through the Immortal Sect, the cultivators of the Hao Hua sect started the great war.     

When the Great War first broke out, it didn't attract much attention from that world. That was because the size of that world was much larger than this world, and there were many hidden forces in it.     

As long as a supreme Heavenly Venerate did not appear, it was nothing to this world.     

In the eyes of the top forces in that world, the newly appeared Hao Hua sect was nothing. It was just a hidden force. Although it was somewhat powerful, as long as there were no supreme Heavenly Venerate level existences, which was nothing to them.     

There were supreme Heavenly Venerate level existences among the top forces in this world. And there were a total of three supreme Heavenly Venerates in this world.     

The three supreme Heavenly Venerates represented the three extremely powerful top forces.     

Thousands of years ago, there were two other supreme Heavenly Venerates, Venerate Ming and the outlander cultivator.     

However, after Venerate Ming and the outlander cultivator died, the power they belonged to weakened rapidly, so they quickly fell from the top power. Although the power was still not small, it could no longer be compared to what it used to be.\     

The turbulence and changes in this world were too frequent, so even if there were Heavenly Venerates, they were nothing to those top Holy Lands.     

But soon, their expressions changed.     

Because the number of experts that emerged from the Hao Hua Sect might not be too many.     

In the beginning, to avoid alerting the Holy Lands in this world, the Hao Hua sect only sent one Heavenly Venerate to lead a group of subordinates to explore this world and occupy a small area.     

They established a sect here, also known as the Hao Hua sect. In the following hundreds of years, this small sect spread outward and gradually wiped out the other small sects nearby, becoming the overlord of this area.     

At this point, no matter how careful the Hao Hua sect was, it still entered the eyes of the other sects, so the enemy became stronger and stronger.     

Initially, the larger forces did not care about the Hao Hua sect. They thought that it was just a force with only one heavenly venerate. Although it was not weak, they could not do anything about it.     

However, the more they got to the end, the more they felt something was wrong. That was because the number of Heavenly Venerates that appeared from the Hao Hua sect was increasing.     

In the beginning, it was fine. It was just increasing one by one. But as time went on, it became more and more ridiculous. The number of Heavenly Venerates increased at the same time.     

In the beginning, you could still explain it by calling your junior and senior brothers. But in the end, what was going on?     

The sects around were shocked and doubtful. Then, they were destroyed by the Hao Hua sect. At this point, the Hao Hua sect finally attracted the attention of the world's top forces.     

The Holy Land noticed the Hao Hua sect's expansion, so they began to suppress it, preparing to destroy this sect that did not know the rules.     

Then, the Holy Land was destroyed. The Hao Hua sect did not hide the battle anymore. Five level eight and more than ten level seven Heavenly Venerates attacked simultaneously, stunning the Holy Land. They did not understand what had happened.     

In the end, even the strongest expert of that Holy Land, one of the three supreme Heavenly Venerates, was alarmed and had no choice but to attack. However, at this moment, the Hao Hua sect master also attacked simultaneously.     


In the void, two extremely powerful figures intertwined and collided with each other.     

Through their powerful spiritual senses, they could see that one of the figures was tightly suppressed by the other figure. It seemed that they did not have the slightest ability to resist. They were unable to do anything.     


In the end, in less than ten moves, that supreme Heavenly Venerate was directly blown up by Chen Heng. His body turned into flesh and blood that flew out, dyeing the sky red.     

This scene made people tremble with fear and terror. The people from the Haohua sect felt that it was very normal.     

After all, this was the Hao Hua sect master who was known as the reincarnation of an Immortal God and also had an immortal sect.     

Even though they were both supreme Heavenly Venerables, the combat strength of both sides was different. Ordinary people could not compare to the Hao Hua sect at all. Even the Immortal Sect was not even refined and was directly destroyed.     

After destroying the supreme Celestial Venerate and dealing with him, Chen Heng returned to the immortal Sect and did not stay in this world for long.     

At this point, the Hao Hua sect was completely exposed. Some powerhouses searched everywhere for their traces and finally found their identities. They did not come from this world but another world.     

A fierce battle broke out. This world had stirred up a terrifying battle in just a hundred years.      

On the ground, countless cultivators were fighting each other. They each refined their secret treasures and rushed forward. In the high sky,     

Heavenly Venerates were also fighting each other. Each of them was fighting fiercely. The Dao and aura of Heavenly Venerates were so terrifying that people didn't dare to face them directly.     

At the highest point, three figures flew across the sky. The other two supreme Heavenly Venerates of this world joined hands and attacked Chen Heng together.     

Compared to before, Chen Heng felt a bit of pressure this time. Because the other party had come prepared, the two of them not only joined hands but also took out several Immortal God forbidden weapons from their forces.     

Immortals once refined immortal God Forbidden Weapons. Although the material was not an Immortal God weapon in ancient times, it still had the same power level, but the number of times it was used was limited.     

In the world where the Immortal God did not appear anymore, such an Immortal God Forbidden Weapon represented the peak of power, which the supreme Heavenly Venerate could not compare to.     

An ordinary supreme Heavenly Venerate would probably only be able to flee when facing an Immortal God's Forbidden Weapon.     

However, the Hao Hua sect master was surprising. He faced two supreme Heavenly Venerates and several Immortal God Forbidden Weapons alone, but he was not at a disadvantage. He did not even use the Immortal Sect to fight with the two people.     

Looking at this scene, many people were shocked and sighed in their hearts.     

"Even if Hao Hua sect master is not an immortal God, I'm afraid he's not far from it."     

Many people sighed in their hearts as this thought flashed through their minds. Then, they turned to look at their opponents and rushed over in an even fiercer manner, engaging in a fatal battle.     

It was unknown how much time had passed. In midair, the battle had finally ended.     

Chen Heng's expression was grim. He slashed forward with the ancient sword in his hand. The imprint in his body merged with the ancient sword, and he slashed out a sword that was enough to astonish immortals.     

Under the sword, everything was swept away. Even the immortal God Forbidden Weapon could not block it and was directly shattered.     

Chen Heng had already reached the peak of the supreme Heavenly Venerate level. He was only one step away from becoming an Immortal God.     

The Immortal God Forbidden Artifact was unattainable for others, but it was not so for him. He slashed down with his sword, killing the two supreme Heavenly Venerates and ending the battle.     

After that, there were no more ripples in this world. All resistance was suppressed, and it was no longer visible.     

The resplendent orthodoxy of this world, the supreme Holy Land, had all disappeared, leaving behind an extremely resplendent and prosperous force that was suffocating.     

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