Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 693 - Tilted

Chapter 693 - Tilted

The pale golden longsword stood quietly in Kalunu's hand. The faint sunlight shone down on the longsword, giving it a pale golden glow. It was bright and resplendent.     

Chen Heng stood quietly in place, his gaze fixed on the front. At this moment, the Kobold and Centaur Vanguard had already collided. Two completely different forces began to come into contact.     

After that, the scene of flesh and blood flying everywhere was seen. Whether it was the Kobolds or the Centaurs, their strength was extremely shocking. There were few opponents in this desert, and no one could match up to them.     

It was the same in terms of quantities for both sides. The Kobolds alone had a large number of Kobolds. Although the number of Centaurs was far less than that of the Kobolds, the number of people from each tribe was also quite large.     

Moreover, in the Centaur tribes, there were usually many slaves who were driven to join the battlefield at this moment.     

Both sides fought in this desert, causing this area to become bloody. Every area was soaked in blood, and every area was bright, but it was made of blood.     

Kalunu watched all of this quietly.     

The battlefield in front of them had turned into a meat grinder, tearing a large number of soldiers into corpses. Pure blood vapor rose, turning the place into a hell on earth.     

Of course, both sides were not elites. They were just ordinary troops. The Kobolds were just ordinary Kobolds. There were only a few DragonWarlocks and Dragon Warriors.     

As for the Centaurs, they were just ordinary slave troops. The Centaurs chased them into the battlefield and turned them into cannon fodder. This level of confrontation was indeed cannon fodder.     

However, even if they were cannon fodder, they were still different. Compared to the slaves who were driven into the battlefield by the Centaurs, the Kobolds' training and fighting were far superior.     

Compared to the slave troops, the kobolds were more fearless and had a tighter formation. If that was all, the advantage of the Kobolds was very obvious.     

On the battlefield, both sides were constantly competing, but at this moment, the Kobolds clearly had the upper hand and gradually gained the advantage.     

Of course, this was only the most basic battlefield. It was still too early to rely on the victory here to decide the outcome of this battle. But on the other hand, the final victory of a huge battle was accumulated by relying on such a small advantage.     

The accumulation of a small advantage would eventually turn into a huge tide that drowned out all the enemies.     

"They can't hold on any longer."     

Kalunu stood alone on the golden chariot, and a voice sounded beside his ear. It was Hechi's voice. At this moment, he excitedly looked at the retreating slave army in front of him and let out a roar.     

Kalunu did not relax. Instead, he raised his head and continued to look into the distance. Sure enough, smoke and dust billowed in that area.     

It was as if many cavalrymen had gathered together and were charging forward together. A violent impact came from that area.     

It was the Centaur Army. After the slave army had lost their stances, they could not endure it any longer and immediately sent out their troops.     

The Centaur Priests in priest robes were silently waiting, using the abundant flesh and blood on the battlefield to perform a blood sacrifice. After that, they used their divine power to strengthen the Centaur Warriors.     

A scarlet light flashed, including the Centaur Warriors, making them look like blood-soaked demonic gods, extremely terrifying. Along with this process, the aura on their bodies grew stronger. One could feel how terrifying they were.     

The expressions of the people on the side changed slightly. They could feel that something was wrong.     

Kalunu's expression never changed. He only spoke indifferently, "Hechi, Hemmer."     


Beside him, the tall dragon-blooded Kobold and the Bearman stood out together. They looked like two small giants walking out side by side.     

"Bring your units to hold them off."     

Kalunu's faint voice echoed in this place, resounding, "I don't care what method you use. Within three hours, I want them all gone."     

Hechi and Hemmer looked at each other, then nodded together and turned to leave. Very quickly, the army moved out.     

The dragon-blooded Kobold and the Bearman Warriors that were gathered by the collective warriors directly went up to hold them off. The dragon-blooded Kobold was the main source of the Mammoth Knight.     

The Mammoth was not very intelligent, and it was difficult for ordinary people to control it.     

However, the dragon-blooded Kobold had dragon veins in their bodies, so they had a weak dragon's might. It was easier to control such a huge beast.     

As for the Bearman, although they were few, they had strong physiques. Every adult Bearman's strength was not inferior to the Centaurs, and they were the best source of heavy-armored infantrymen.     

Under the order of Kalunu, they directly charged forward. The Bearman Warriors wore heavy armor and charged forward. The mammoth let out a thick and long roar as it rampaged through the formation of the Centaurs.     

Some of the Centaurs tried to go around, shooting arrows as they ran. This move was very useful in the past.      

These Centaurs'archery skills were very good, and they shot accurately. For ordinary desert races and even human armies, these Centaurs could easily use this move to exhaust them to death.     

Unfortunately, this move did not have much effect against the heavily armored mammoth and Bearman Warriors.      

There was no iron ore in the desert, but there was a lack of artisans and other conditions to refine iron ore. Many Centaurs did not use refined bows and arrows. On the contrary, it was rough.     

To save money, many of them still used bones as arrowheads. Against fully armored warriors, this set of skills would not be of much use.     


An explosion sounded. In the distance, mammoth after mammoth roared and charged forward, crushing the Centaurs. A body of flesh and blood was nothing in front of such a terrifying beast.     

An adult mammoth was at least five to six meters tall. Standing on the ground, it was like a tall building. To deal with such a mammoth, one had to be at least a Second Rank powerhouse.     

Not to mention that it had a dedicated mammoth knight and a mage behind it. Together, they could exert even more power on the battlefield.     


A series of shocking sounds could be heard on the battlefield. And further away, another confrontation was also beginning.     

Direen stood on an empty scene, leading the many people around her. Beside her, many people were standing there.     

Among these people, there were Tree Spirits like her, Dragon Warlocks among the Kobolds who had awakened the dragon bloodline, and human spell casters. They were all people who had mastered spells.      

At this moment, under the leadership of a few Tree Spirits, their minds were touching and intersecting with each other. Waves of elemental particles' aura were drawn in from all directions, rapidly gathering and exploding.      

Finally, a standard spell was cast. Flames instantly spread, igniting the entire battlefield.      

Sparks scattered in all directions, enveloping the Centaur encampment in front of them. For a moment, it was as if meteors had fallen from the horizon, crashing heavily forward.     

Its might was extremely powerful. That terrifying aura spread out, almost capable of destroying the world. Existences below epic level could only turn around and leave in the face of such an attack. They had no other choice.     

This was a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change. It was a spell cast by several skilled Tree Spirits as the core and thousands of Dragon Warlocks as the foundation. No matter how one described it, it was powerful enough.     

And in the face of such an attack, what could the Centaurs do?     

Karuna waited and watched. In the distance, a layer of the scarlet sky appeared. At the critical moment, the power of many Centaur Priests appeared together, appearing on the land in front of them.     

Vaguely, the pious prayers of the Centaur Priests could be heard from the void, clear and loud.     

Vast divine power surged out from within, protecting the Centaur camp and preventing the altar there from being damaged. However, that was not enough.     

Looking at the scene in front of them, Dileen and the others leading the mages quickly reacted. Not only did they not stop what they were doing, but they also gathered again.     

Even if they could block it, so what. This protective power was bound to consume a lot of divine power. If they continued to wear it down, sooner or later, their power would be completely exhausted.     

Moreover, the stalemate and exhaustion in front of them also caused the Centaur Priests to have no spare energy to buff the many Centaurs. It was as if they had further weakened the opponent's strength to a certain extent.     

Flesh and blood splattered everywhere on the battlefield. Strange scenes were still appearing. A bloody aura spread out and swept in all directions.     

Kalunu stood silently on the spot. Looking at the scene in front of him, a faint smile appeared on his face. As time passed, the situation tilted towards the Kobold side.     

This was not only a victory on the battlefield but also the result of many years of continuous wear and tear.     

Over the years, the Centaurs and the Kobold Kingdom had been fighting each other nonstop, and they had launched an all-out confrontation in every region. Both sides had victories and losses, and many of their people died.     

However, compared to the Kobolds, who had strong reproductive abilities, the Centaurs' reproductive abilities were much weaker.     

Their reproductive abilities were much weaker than humans, not to mention Kobolds, whose extremely strong reproductive abilities could be considered top among various races.     

The Kobolds could easily lose tens of thousands of Kobolds, but for the Centaurs, losing a hundred units would be equivalent to half the strength of a small tribe. It would take a long time to make up for it.     

In the past, both sides had fought against each other, weakening the Centaurs' number and strength.     

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