Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 695 - Victory

Chapter 695 - Victory

The picture scroll of civilization was displayed, and a scene that could shake heaven and earth appeared.      

Behind the picture scroll of civilization, a god that could support heaven and earth appeared in this place, facing the Scarlet Evil God in front of them.     

This god's image was much more specific than the Scarlet Evil God.     

His entire body was covered with scales, and his appearance seemed somewhat similar to that of Kalunu, but it was also somewhat different.     

Each scale on his body contained an immeasurable amount of power of laws. It was as if it contained the origin of heaven and earth. It was terrifying and boundless.     

Two long red horns, along with a mighty dragon aura, appeared above his head. Overall, he looked like a giant dragon, but he looked like a Kobold. It was as if two different images were combined.     

He stood in the void, staring at the distant Scarlet Evil God. Two equally massive and terrifying auras flowed out, manifesting in this place. A powerful aura shot into the nine heavens, shaking all living creatures in all directions.     

In the distance, Direen, Hechi, and the others looked at the scene before them with some shock. They felt the scene unfolding in the scroll of civilization, and their hearts and minds were shaken at that moment.     

In that vast painting, they could feel the traces and existence of their past. They had been to this world before, and the rise of the Kobold Kingdom was also a part of their strength.     

They had left an indelible mark on it, and it was because of this that they had appeared at this moment, participating in the battle as a part of the Kobold Kingdom.     

Hechi, Hemmer, Direen...     

One by one, names and figures appeared in the scroll, making the figures in the scroll more real, and even their bodies became more solid.     

In the void, the tall image of a god stood still, and at this moment, he raised his head to look forward.     


His eyes were as hot as the golden sun. When his eyes fell forward, all kinds of inexplicable scenes began to appear, and there was even a terrifying scene of the void sweeping over and starting to burn spontaneously. It was especially terrifying and awe-inspiring.     

The scarlet sky froze at this point.     

"In the end, this is the result."     

Kalunu looked ahead, his gaze very calm. He was not surprised by this result.     

All in all, the power of that god was indeed powerful. Although it was an Evil God, it should also be a true god. It was just that he did not know what era it was from.     

But this did not hinder anything. The other party's base was still too weak compared to the power of the entire Kobold Kingdom.     

The Centaurs rampaged through the wilderness. Although the blood sacrifice along the way was very successful, when it came to the purity of faith, how could it be as huge as tens of millions of Kobolds?     

The Kobolds existed in the World of Gods. They could exist in the world with their extremely weak bodies, relying on their powerful reproduction ability.     

In terms of numbers, ten Centaur tribes could not even compare to one Kobold Kingdom. And when this force began to exert its power.     


The picture scroll of civilization was displayed. Behind Kalunu, all sorts of traces of the Kobold Kingdom appeared. At this moment, they were displayed to their heart's content and were added to it.     

Under the influence of this force, Kalunu's aura began to rise and rise. In response, he smiled. His figure was connected to the Void God behind him. That aura continued to rise, reaching a higher level.     



Crisp sounds rang out like a war drum. The sound shook the sky and earth as if countless people were running on the ground. With the support of the Kobold God's power in the air, the scarlet sky finally fell, completely losing its power.     

The clash of divine powers produced the most direct conflict. In this regard, this Evil God was far from a match for Kalunu.     

The faith of the Centaur Kingdom was inferior to that of the Kobold Kingdom. Not to mention that behind Kalunu stood Chen Heng and many other worlds. In those worlds, countless believers worshiped there. Strands of the pure power of faith transmitted over and surged into Kalunu's body.     

The vast and powerful Kobold God was born. Thunder rolled in the void, and faith's power produced the most dazzling miracle. Then, Kalunu's figure rushed into the sky and merged with the shadow of the Kobold God.     

Looking at this scene, people from all directions were trembling. The stronger the person, the more profound the feeling of this scene was. In their perception, the current Kalunu had already become powerful to another level.     

At this moment, he was more like a high and mighty god than a human. He was so holy and extraordinary that his existence alone shook the world around him, making the world tremble as if it could not bear his existence.     

The contrast of this powerful aura made the Evil God opposite him seem small and insignificant, unable to display the kind of majesty a god should have.     

However, at this time, no one cared about these things. In midair, a large hand stretched out, and layers of order chains wrapped around the figure of the Evil God in all directions, firmly trapping him.     

Divinity deprivation!     

The most powerful power was displayed. In all directions, all the Kobolds and sub-dragons were roaring furiously. The dragon blood in their bodies was boiling, and a bit of divine splendor turned into pure power, surging into Chen Heng's body.     

Under the support of this power, the aura of Kalunu became even stronger. That aura was incomparably terrifying and shocking.     

The battle ended here.     

Under everyone's gaze, the existence of the Evil God was torn apart by Kalunu. The Evil God's minions were completely suppressed at the same time. Even its divinity was completely taken away.     

Divinity was the foundation of a god. Once it was taken away by someone, it would mean death to a certain extent.     

In an instant, divine light bloomed. The Centaurs turned around and were shocked to find that the god's statue had been shattered in the church. Everything inside had dissipated. The divine aura within had been taken away and had already left.     

Under the god's influence, the Centaurs who had once established a connection with the Evil God and become their priests were all affected by the backlash. All the divine power in their bodies was rampaging.     

Under the terrifying gazes of many, they transformed into terrifying monsters, choosing people to devour. The scene was very bloody.     

Regarding this bloody scene, the people around did not have the slightest bit of pity or sympathy. All they had on their faces was a cold smile.     

The Centaurs and the Kobold Kingdom had already formed a deep hatred in the past few decades of fighting. They wished that the other party would immediately die.     

At this moment, seeing the other party's misfortune turn into this state was naturally something everyone felt extremely happy about.     

People like Hechi even ordered their warriors to retreat, giving the other party a certain amount of space to fight. They just watched the other party fight and kill each other.     

Watching their enemies fight with each other was a great feeling. It made people feel happy and comfortable.     

It was especially so for people like Direen and Hemmer, who had blood feuds with the Centaurs. At this moment, they felt extremely happy and wanted to sing a song to express their happiness and attraction.     

There was a reason for their indifference. Since the rise of the Centaurs, countless races and tribes have been destroyed. Many families that were originally not full had been destroyed because of them, and many tragic things had happened.     

How many wives had lost their husbands and children, how many children had lost their fathers and mothers, and how many sad things had happened?     

It was uncountable and unbearable to watch. And this sin was also the reason why everyone was so cold.     

Of course, if it weren't for Kalunu, they wouldn't have died even if the Centaurs had committed so many sins and hateful things. But since Kaluu was here, then the result was obvious.     


The tall mammoth charged forward, and the Kobold Army charged forward. They had already completely defeated the army of the Centaur tribe.     

This also indicated the outcome of this battle. Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone, including Kalunu, smiled.     

To the Kobold Kingdom, the victory of this battle was very meaningful. This not only meant that the Centaurs, their greatest opponent, had left the battlefield but also that the desert would no longer have any enemies.     

The desert, which had been in chaos for a long time, was finally about to welcome a unified force. It was no longer as chaotic as before, nor was it like before, where the centaurs and Kobolds occupied half of the territory.     

The development of the Kobold Kingdom was destined to take a step further and reach a higher level.     

At the same time, from another perspective, the destruction of the Centaur tribe had also allowed the first goal of the Kobold Kingdom to be completed perfectly.     

This strengthened the team and allowed many people to let go of the knot in their hearts and not wallow in the sadness of the past.     

People like Direen and Hemmes from the Kobold Kingdom could finally let go of their past hatred and rededicate themselves to the construction of the Kobold Kingdom.     

There were naturally many benefits to this. It could be imagined that the Kobold Kingdom would usher in a huge change in the coming days.     

Time slowly passed.     

The battle in the wilderness quickly spread through various channels, and everyone learned of the news. The Kobold Kingdom defeated the Centaur tribe and became the new overlord of the desert.     

This matter had happened beyond everyone's expectations. After all, before this, no one could have imagined that this would happen. Because on the surface, the strength of the Centaur tribe was much stronger.     

Their martial strength was strong enough to annihilate powerful tribes like the Tree Spirits and the Bearman. And behind them, there was even a revived god.     

On the other hand, there was nothing in the Kobold Kingdom. It was just a kingdom built by a group of Kobolds. In the eyes of many powerhouses, the Kobolds were just ants. They were so stupid that they couldn't even defeat an ordinary human farmer.     

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