I accidentally married a "CEO"

Come To Rescue

Come To Rescue

Jeff stared at his sleeping wife's face for a while to get his dose of vitamins. He just stood there, mesmerized. When he couldn't take it anymore, he then went as close as he could, sat by the bed, and caressed her beautiful angelic face.

However, that was not enough; he then kissed her red lips lightly as not to wake her up. He lingered for a minute more, and then got up and left. He was leaving a sound asleep Ann, never knowing that the husband that she had been yearning for was just there.

When Jeff walked out of the Master Bedroom, he ran-in to Lea who had just finished cooking without noticing her until she spoke.

"Are you going to stay for Lunch? Is Ann awake or still napping?" She asked calmly.

"No! not staying, I have a lot on my plate right now, and No! Ann is still resting, let her be." Jeff replied, contemplating and about to say something but got interrupted by Lea. 

"CEO Go, if you don't mind, I have a favor to ask you?" Lea asked as she looked at him blankly.

"Shoot! I only have a minute, and I would appreciate it if you would make it quick." Jeff was looking at her with curiosity.

"Ann and I have been through thick and thin, and we are more than just friends with each other, we are more than sisters. What I'm trying to say is... If you ever do anything to hurt her in any way...- You better wish you were never born, I know you are very powerful and all, but it only takes one bullet to kill a person if you know what I mean?" She stared straight at Jeff's face without batting an eye as she gave him the warning.

"Lea, you don't mind me calling you that right?" Jeff's has a half-smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Not at all!" ' Shoot, you can call me sweetheart for all I care' She thought while smirking.

"Rest assured that not in this life or the next life will I ever make Ann cry. I will never hurt her intentionally or otherwise. The only time she will ever cry because of me if it ever happens, is because I already left this world. But I will still wait for her in the afterlife to continue making her happy. Does my answer satisfy you?" He said it with sadness in his eyes, which made Lea's heart ached for her friend.

"Now is my turn to ask a favor of you, this is very important, and I need your cooperation on this matter to work. Will you help me? Please!" He put his hands together like he was praying, saying please!

Lea was shocked. Jaw opened and speechless. ' This man, the rich, arrogant, handsome, whatever else you can think of man, is pleading with me to help him, acting like a child asking his mommy for a treat. Hahaha! It's nuts. She's going bonkers just thinking about it.' 

" Sure! What do I get to lose." She replied with a smile.

"This is what I want you to do..." After giving Lea the instructions, he was about to leave when he remembered something, He turned around looking back at Lea and put his finger on his lips and did...- 'Shss!' sign. Don't let Ann know I came" He then turned around and left.


Meanwhile, Ann finally woke up from her nap. Got up, went to take a shower to freshen herself up. While taking a shower, she remembered that she needed to call Jeff. 'They should be done by now. It has been a while since he left.' She thought. 

Ann went to the dressing table, picked up her phone and speed-dialed #1 on the list. 

*Ring-ring-ring* After a while a voice recording picked up. "You have reached... Leave a message after the beep." Ann was baffled unsure of what to think. 'Hmmm, where could he be?'

Since she couldn't get a hold of Jeff, she decided to look for Ronald and ask him he knows anything.

However, there was no Ronald around nor Lea. 'Now what?' 

Ann walked towards Lea room, *knock knock* "are you there, Lea?" she asked while opening the door at the same time. What she was Lea was taking a nap and in deep slumber. She did not hear Ann knocking and was totally out.

Ann went towards the bed to try to wake her friend. " Lea…" Ann shook her legs, but she didn't even move.

"Lea… wake up! I need to talk to you." Ann said, half whispering for she didn't want to startle Lea in the process. However, when Lea still didn't move, she needed to do what she needed to do...

"LEA! WAKE UP!" While Ann was shaking her in the process.

"WHAT THE HECK! What! Is the house on fire? What's going on? Ann, what is freaking wrong with you? The last person that did that to me is still in the hospital, you know?" Lea jokingly told her friend with one eye open and another squinting.

"We need to talk; I need your advice, and also I think it's time I tell you everything. Get Up! I'll wait for you in the kitchen; I'm starving." Ann walked out of the room ahead of Lea and went to the kitchen.

'Where are you, Jeff? I need you right now, babe! Please! Call me, please!' Ann prayed on the way to the kitchen. 

'Should I text him? Leave a message, perhaps?' Ann thought as she took out her phone and started composing a message that would surely make her husband replied.

[ S.O.S. WIFE BEING KIDNAPPED! COME TO THE RESCUE! All in capital letters then hit send...

Let see if that message does not get your attention. Ann thought while secretly smiling without Lea, noticing what she had done.

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