I accidentally married a "CEO"

Asking For Forgiveness

Asking For Forgiveness

The day passed quietly inside the Condo. Jeff and Ann stayed cooped inside the bedroom and took this chance to have their much need rest, while Lea and Ronald were on their vacation.     

The two spent their time leisurely by the swimming pool, just relaxed and conversing so they could get to know each other more. [Their story would be for another chapter]     


Meantime at the hospital, Sophia had made her decision. She contacted Albert's uncle 'the head of the board of directors' to meet with her as soon as possible. After half an hour later, Elder Tan showed up not happy being summoned by Sophia.     

"I'm here, what do you want to talk about? Make it quick for I have no time to spare. I need to decide in regards to the Interim CEO position asap before our stock plummet and we all become penniless." He growls at Sophia as he sat down to make himself comfortable.     

"With regards to your suggestion of Claudia or myself stepping in as the Interim CEO while Albert is recuperating; I have another candidate in mind who I'm pretty sure you will agree with me once you meet her. I can't divulge to you this person's identity for now, but I assure you she's more than capable of doing the job, far better than Claudia or I can do." She told him expressionlessly.     

"How can you guarantee that this person you're recommending for the position is capable as you say? What proof do you have for this person to be considered as qualified?" Albert's uncle disputed.     

"You'll see! At the board meeting tomorrow, this person will be present, and when the time comes, you decide, and I will not contradict your decision whatever it might be. However, after meeting this person, and you agree with my assessment, you will need to help me convince the rest of the board to vote for this person? Do you agree?" Sophia said pleadingly.     

"Alright, I agree! Make sure that the person is qualified to be in this position, or else I will personally lead all the board members to pull out their investment along with my shares, even if the Tang Corp. Legacy collapses in the process." The senior man said it with a sullen face then hang up without saying goodbye.     

Sophia was finally able to breathe just a little. 'One down, one more to go.' After the talk with Albert's uncle, Sophia proceeded to get ready and called her Manager Edna to find Ann's contact information. She needed to talk to her in person for this to work. They needed to have that long-awaited heart to heart talk to clear the air first before she informed her of her plan.     

As she was preparing to leave, Claudia was sitting there busy looking at her tablet, searching the web for any news about her family. She needed to make sure that those two that she was in cahoots with did not divulge to the public the secret of her birth.     

'When I have time, I will hire a private investigator to find out my parentage. I need to make sure that this supposedly biological father of mine, does not show up later down the road and claims me. Who knows what kind of person he is, he could be a murderer for all I know.' Claudia thought, sardonically.     

When Claudia saw that Sophia was about to leave, she hurriedly caught up with her before she stepped out of the door. "Mom! Where are you going? There are too many reporters outside the hospital right now. If they get a glimpse of you going out, it will be hard for you to escape them.     

" Is it that important for you to go right now? Why don't I go with you? I can get rid of those reporters in a heartbeat. You know I'm good at that!" She said it with an unconvincing look on her face.     

"It's okay! Claudia, why don't you stay here and keep your Dad company while I take care of some personal matters. Both of us cannot leave at the same time; one has to stay, alright?" Sophia replied, shrugged off Claudia's hold on her and walked out without waiting for a reply.     


Sophia and her Manager Edna arrived at Ann's condominium in a short time. "Stay here and wait, I will need to talk to her in private. Make sure that we are not disturbed in any way." She told Edna with a haunted-looking face.     

As she walked into the lobby of the condominium, some people were on their way out. When they saw Sophia, they instantly recognized her even with her sunglasses and face mask on her face. She's a celebrity and on currently the top searches on the web due to her husband's incident.     

"Isn't that Ms. Sophia the Diva? What is she doing here?" One of the passersby said. "Wow! She's a beauty in person! In my next life; I want to be born as her reincarnation. hehe." The other one said while they continued staring and stopped going forward.     

*Click...click...click.* Camera flashes from the cellphone of one of the passerby. Sophia just smiled and continued toward Ann's condominium.     

The two passersby immediately posted it on the web:     

Passerby: [Look who I just ran into today! 'Showing the others Sophia's picture, which they had just have taken' I must have died and gone to heaven to see an Angel in broad daylight] Followed with a bunch of smiling emoji.     

The thread of the post went viral as soon as it was out. Masses were wondering and asking a question.     

[What's Sophia was doing at that particular Condominium?]     

[Who lives there for her to visit when she's supposed to be at the hospital taking care of her husband?]     

Sophia was a public figure and a famous one. Therefore, she does not get upset over small little thing like people recognizing and adoring her; As long as they don't post any negative review about her, she has no problem smiling when they take her picture secretly just as the two passersby did.     

Unknown to Sophia that she's being bashed left and right and lots of negative reviews were popping all over the internet. If she only knew, she would not give that sweet smile as she walked by those two passersby.     

Sophia found Ann's condominium without a problem. However, now that she was right at the front of the door, she started getting anxious. 'What if she won't see me? What if she won't want to talk to me? What if...what if…' She was still contemplating when suddenly the door opened, and Jeff was standing on the other side of the door, with a straight face void of any emotion.     

Jeff: '...?'     

Sophia: '...??'     

"Jeff! What are you doing here? Isn't this Ann's condominium?" Sophia was a little taken aback.     

"Ummm, I had to discuss with Ms. Wen about the commercial collaboration that you two have. With your current situation right now, it is not a good idea to continue shooting. We will postpone it until further notice." Jeff said nonchalantly then ushered Sophia inside the condominium.     

"Have a seat! He pointed Sophia to the direction of the sofa. I will be right back!" Jeff then walked towards the Master bedroom; he walked in without knocking and closed the door like he owned the place.     

Sophia was stunned with a slack-jawed face looking at the closed door of the Master bedroom. "What in the world is going on here? What's going on? " She mumbles to herself while she waited for Ann and Jeff to come out of the closed bedroom...     

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