I accidentally married a "CEO"

Let's Go Home

Let's Go Home

"Meaning their blood type is compatible, right? And she can donate blood?" Sophia was quick to interject into the conversation.

"Yes! Mrs. Tan, you are correct." The Technician replied while looking down at his shoe.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, Ms. Tan, I mean Ms. Wen's blood is a match, compatible to donate to the patient. If there's nothing else I would like to ask Ms. Tan, 'I apologize,' I mean to say Ms. Wen to come with me once again to start the process." The Technician was able to catch his mistake just in time.

"Sure! Give me a couple of minutes to have a word with Mrs. Tan, and I will follow suit. If you don't mind waiting outside first, it's a private matter." Ann told the Technician first and then the other people in the room.

Once there was no one left, "Mother, there's one thing I want to know? And I would be grateful if you could tell me honestly before I do this. I promise that no matter what your answer, I will not change my mind. I will donate my blood to save a life." Ann asked Sophia with a straight face.

"Alright, that's fair enough. Ask away; I will do my best to answer truthfully." Sophia said it worriedly.

"Is Mr. Tan, my biological Father? Yes or no! Truth is the only thing I want to hear, no excuses. As I had promised, it doesn't matter what the answer may be; I will still donate my blood. So, is he my Father or not?" Ann was on the verge of crying.

She's so upset that she was shaking badly to the core of her body. "So Mother! What is the answer?" She repeated the question once more with her voice as piercing as it can get.

Sophia got up from where she was sitting, grabbed Ann, hugged her tightly, and then started crying before answering: "YES! He's your Father." Is all she could say and continued sobbing and hugging Ann at the same time.

Ann slowly removed herself from Sophia's embrace, backed away a little, then said something with sadness in her voice: "Thank you! That's all I wanted to hear." Then she walked away with tears in her eyes.

'For so many years, I had been wondering who you are. Now that I know the truth, why I'm I not happy at all? On the contrary, I'm so upset about knowing you're my Father.' Ann's face was full of sadness as she went out of the room.

'For me to find out who you are, you had to be in your deathbed needing my help to survive. What a joke.' Ann thought while walking on the way to the Lab to give the blood her Father needed to stay alive.

Sophia was so stunned by what just happened, and she was overwhelmed with emotion that she started having problems breathing. "Calm down; everything's going to be alright nothings going to happen. He's going to be fine." She mumbled as she sat back down to calm herself and waited for the results.


Jeff, Ronald, and Leah were doing a group chat while no one noticed what they were doing. Jeff and Ronald understood what was going on, and when Sophia asked them to leave the VIP room, they took the opportunity to drag Claudia out of the Hospital and took her with them.

As an excuse, Jeff told her he was hungry, and he wanted her to join him. Claudia was so gullible that she jumped at the opportunity and happily tagged along. To make sure that they would be available when Ann finished, they went to a nearby Cafe.

Jeff thought that when they announced the test result, they needed to make sure that Claudia was out of the hearing and could not be in the way. Therefore, they had to drag her along and put up with her while waiting for Ann to finish.

Claudia was on cloud nine, thinking that Jeff was there to comfort her during this calamity. While they were at the Cafe waiting for the food to arrive, Claudia was in deep thought. 'When did it start to have feelings for this man? Four years ago, I hated this man to the core of my being when they told me that he was my fiancé since birth.'

'Gosh, come to think of it, I have even done everything in my power to stay away from him. But what happened? Back then, I thought that he was too old for me. But, looking at him now, he's not that old at all, and very handsome too!' Claudia was engrossed with her thought and kept on staring at Jeff like a lovesick child.

'Come to think of it, in a short month, and I will be announced to the world as to future Mrs. CEO Jeff Go!' With that thought, she was now in heaven away from cloud nine, and with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, the most awaited message arrived. Ronald and Jeff finally received a text from Lea, informing them that everything was finished.

She followed it with the word [come and pick us up quickly; Ann is too tired and wants to go home and rest. Hurry!!!]

When Jeff saw the text message Lea sent, his blank looking face suddenly brightened, and he smiled. He quickly stood up without a word to Claudia, who was still daydreaming about her future as Mrs. Jeff Go.

Jeff walked out of the Cafe towards Ronald, who was standing by the car waiting. He got in the back seat of the vehicle. " Let's go! My wife is waiting for me, and she's not feeling well." Jeff ordered Ronald to drive off, leaving Claudia in the Cafe.

When it comes to his wife's well being, nothing else seems to matter in Jeff's mind. His wife is everything in the world. [Especially not Claudia!]

Ann and Lea were waiting at the back of the Hospital to pick them up. Lea was helping her stand, afraid that she will collapse any minute while thinking. 'Where are you guys? Hurry up, please!' Lea kept on praying.

Ann was still a little weak from all the blood she had given to save her Father and did her best not to pass out. She has no energy at the moment and just wanted to lay down.

Leah kept telling her to hold on, just a little bit longer, when suddenly everything went black, and she collapsed on the ground. In time for Jeff to arrive and see what happened.

Jeff didn't wait for Ronald to stop the car. He jumped out of the car and ran for his life towards his wife as if the devil was chasing him. Meanwhile, his heartbeat was going *thump…thump...thump*.

Once he reached Ann, he knelt and picked her up like a Princess, carried her to the car without a care in the world, then ordered Ronald to take them home...

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