I accidentally married a "CEO"

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

It was finally Ann's turn to sing. She was a little nervous, not because she wasn't confident, but because of Jeff. She was more worried about what Jeff would think of her than the competition.

"Miss, it's your turn." The organizer told Ann.

"Thank you!" Ann made her way into the room where the judges were waiting. As soon as she stepped in front of the judges, one of them asked her age, if she had competed before, and the reason she had joined the competition. Ann proudly answered all the questions.

"What song will you be singing for us?" One of the judges asked her curiously.

"I will be singing my favorite song by my idol, Celine Dion: 'To Love You More!" Ann smiled sweetly, answering the judges.

One of the judges said, "Go for it!"

"Thank you!" Ann happily prepared herself to start singing.

Meanwhile, Jeff was in the other room sitting comfortably, ready to listen to Ann's singing.

The music started, and Ann went for it. She gave her all, and she sang a different rendition as compared to her idol.

Take me back in the arms I love...


And remember when...


Don't go you know you'll break my heart...



I'll be waiting for you.

Here inside my heart

I'm the one who wants to love you more..."

Jeff was stunned by her singing. 'She had the voice of an angel and a genuine gem. This is not good. I need to do something, or she will make the cut and who knows what will happen then.' He immediately called Ronald and instructed him to do something.

Just as Ann was getting a standing ovation from the judges, Jeff finished talking to Ronald on the phone. "You better not screw this up, or you will be dead when I come back, you hear me!"

Ronald was going crazy. He didn't know what was happening. One minute his boss asked him to get her into the competition; now he wants to make sure she doesn't move on to the next stage. 'What the heck?' He immediately called the organizer to relay Jeff's order.

"Yes, sir! We will make sure to do as you have ordered." The organizer replied respectfully, then left to speak to the judges.

Ronald was wondering what Jeff's plan was. 'I know this will not be good if Jeff's new fake wife finds out what he did. Oh well! It's his problem, not mine! Or is it!? Ahhhhh! I'm going crazy.'

'I wonder how good this girl is, for Boss to be in this much of a panic. I guess I'll have to wait and see!' Ronald continued searching the internet, trying to find any information about Ann.

Ann was disappointed that she didn't make it to the second round. She couldn't understand why. 'All the judges gave me a standing ovation, but I still got cut? How could that be?' She was lost and unable to comprehend what had happened.

Ann slowly made her way out to where Jeff was waiting for her; her disappointment was visible on her face.

"Excuse me! Miss Wen, I'm one of the coordinators of this competition. I just wanted to tell you that your performance was excellent. It is a shame, but we will surely be in touch in the future, even though you didn't move on to the second round of the competition." She happily told Ann, with an excited look on her face.

'Hmmm? There's something wrong with this picture.' However, as confused as she was, what could she say? She mustered up the sweetest smile she could, then thanked the person, turned around, and left without looking back.

Right outside, Jeff was waiting. "Did it go alright?" He asked innocently, to not alert Ann of what he had done.

Ann looked Jeff straight in the eyes with an accusatory look, then said.

"No, thanks to someone, I didn't get in!" Ann inconsolably sulked.

'Does she know? I hope not.' Jeff was about to say something to cheer her up when Ann corrected herself.

"What I mean is no thanks to those judges."

Jeff felt relieved when he heard her response. 'Thank God! I thought she found out. If she did, I would be dead meat.'

"Why don't we find a place where we can stay for a while and turn this into a vacation?" Jeff suggested mischievously.

Ann thought for a bit then responded "Sure, why not? It's not like I have someone waiting for me at home." She jokingly said while grabbing hold of Jeff's elbow and hooking their arms together.

They decided that they would stay a couple of days in the city, at least until the last day of the competition. If the organizers contacted her, she would still be in the area.

They went sightseeing, then went for a walk at the beach, then ended the day at a restaurant overlooking the ocean. The whole time they barely said a word to each other. It was like they were both trying to sense what each other was feeling.

From time to time, Jeff would pause and look like he was about to say something, but then he would stare at her and pat her head like she was a little kid, and keep walking.

'What was that all about?' Ann was speechless at Jeff's actions. She had so many doubts and wanted answers, but she didn't know how she should approach it.

That night, Jeff made sure she was comfortable being in the same room and sleeping in the same bed with him. He gave her as much space as she needed and did not try to seduce her. He only said goodnight, lay on his side of the bed, and went to sleep.

This disappointed Ann, 'Is he not interested in me? Am I that ugly? I guess I'm not his type.' Ann thought as she lay on her side of the bed and tried to sleep with all those thoughts running through her mind.

What Ann didn't know was that Jeff was doing everything in his power to stay as far away from her in the bed.


God! Please have mercy on me! Give me the strength not to jump on her in the middle of the night. I don't want her to hate me. My patience is running thin very very very quickly. Just the thought of Ann being next to me, a part of my body is getting harder by the second. Ahhh!' Jeff agonized while lying next to his wife, who still thought that he wasn't interested in her.

It took a while before both of them were finally able to sleep. The next day both of them were grumpy and did not even greet each other in the morning. They did their morning routines and ate breakfast without saying a single word.

Ann started feeling sad and disheartened, while Jeff was getting anxious because of the uncomfortable atmosphere. The misunderstanding was getting out of hand. They both had expectations, but neither dared to make the first move.

Finally, while they were preparing their things and getting ready to go back home, Jeff couldn't hold it in anymore.

He waited until Ann finished packing, then grabbed her, one arm tucked under her legs and the other around her waist, he lifted her and carried her to the bed then started kissing her passionately. Ann struggled at first, but after less than a minute, she began to kiss him back. Whatever needs to happen will happen.

"Are you sure?" Jeff asked Ann, hoping helplessly that her answer was yes.

Ann was already too hot and ready. 'Hmmm, I have never in my entire life felt this sensation.' Her hands were all over Jeff.

'He must be an idiot if he is asking me? What would he do if I said no? Would he stop? With his thing hard as a rock, you've got to be kidding me.' Ann thought, then jumped on Jeff, taking off his clothes as if she'd gone mad.

"Does this answer your question?" Ann said as she took off all of her clothes, showing Jeff a sight that trumped even the most beautiful of wonders.

'This is my wife. I'm a lucky man.' Jeff thought before he pounced on Ann waiting for him on the bed.


The scene in the room was X-rated to the max. Jeff and Ann were going wild for each other. They were both past the stage of no return. When they were about to get to the best part, and he was about to enter her, their phones began to ring like crazy.

Jeff didn't want to stop just to answer his phone. "Don't answer it. If it's that important, they'll call back." He whispered to Ann while tracing the edge of her ears with the tip of his tongue.

However, Ann put both her hands on his chest and pushed him so hard that he almost fell off the bed. "I'm sorry! So, sorry! I need to take this call. It could be important." She apologetically explained to the horny Jeff, who was still sprawled at the bottom of the bed, butt naked, his member standing at attention...

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