I accidentally married a "CEO"

Say It And Your Dead!

Say It And Your Dead!

M.C. got up and looked Ann up and down. He then walked around her checking the gown and her at the same time. While he was doing this, Jeff was sweating bullets, and he's afraid M.C. would say something about the small tiny bump his wife now has and barely visible.     

'God, if you're listening and watching right now, please.... don't let him see that little miracle we created and mentioned in front of my beautiful wife.' Jeff was praying with all his might while looking at M.C. sternly. He was giving him a look that said, 'Say it, and you're dead!'     

M.C. stood still and continued looking at Ann, and he had his finger in front of his lips while checking Ann. "I don't know what it is, but there's something... Hmmm..." He continued looking... and checking... Finally, he once again walked around Ann before his face lit up. " I got it! I know what's wrong with this picture, there's something different with you, and that's...."     

Jeff was ready to kill him if he said the wrong thing; he's standing glaring at M.C. with intent to kill. "Say it, and you're dead!'     

"You need accessories, I think... I think a pearl drop earring and a necklace to match. He then turned in Jeff's direction and looked him straight up. "What do you think, CEO Go?" M.C. asked him mischievously then wickedly at him before giving his full attention to Ann once again.     

Jeff couldn't help himself from grinning, "That's right! You are right one hundred percent; let me see how I could remedy that." Jeff rushed out of the parlor and made a call away from Ann's hearing; a couple of minutes later, he came back with a box full of jewelry.     

"Would this do?" He handed the box of jewelry to M.C. to check out.     

M.C. took the box of jewelry and sorted through it, and when he found what he was looking for, "Wallah! This is it, the one that's missing."     

He was showing and dangling on his hand the same jewelry that she wore when she sang her duet with her idol at Caesar Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. A pearl teardrop and a necklace to complete the ensemble.     

M.C. gave the earring and necklace to Jeff to put on to Ann. This gesture made Jeff appreciate the designer more and more. "Thank you! You don't know how much I appreciate this, and it means a lot to me."     

M.C. lifted one eyebrow, looked at Jeff up and down, then smirked. "My pleasure! Anything for my lovely couple. Anything!"     

"It's all set then? I'm wearing this for the dinner rehearsal tonight." Ann twirled around before she walked a little closer to M.C. "You're coming, right? I want everyone to meet the famous designer that created my magnificent wedding gown and this gown that I'm going to wear and show off.     

"Oh sweetheart, I would love to... But, unfortunately, I have an appointment with a Royal family attending your wedding, and I cannot cancel. I'm s-sorry, baby." M.C. felt so bad, and it's clearly showing on his face, "forgive me?" He put his two hands together and begged for forgiveness.     

"It's alright, it's fine...-We understand, you are a very famous person and...and...Royal's, you say? From which Country?" - Ann looked at Jeff - "Do you know of any Royal family? Because I surely don't."     

Jeff only smiled as an answer to her question before embracing him and kissing her on her forehead. It's not me who knows them. Grandfather's the one who sent the invite. I wasn't expecting them to accept, but I guess they are coming."     

"Wow! This is wow! I have a Royal family at my wedding. Hahaha!" Ann unconsciously touched her belly and was about to say something, then realized the M.C. was watching them intensely and corrected herself as fast as possible.     

"M.C. Understandable that you're not going to be able to attend the dinner rehearsal, but you are coming to the wedding, right?" Ann was asking with her eyes bulging from the socket.     

"Yes, yes, yes! I would not miss the wedding for any Royals. Hahaha! Let me get out of here so I could attend to those pompous Royals. Don't worry, one of my assistants will be assisting you for the dress rehearsal, alright!" He hugged Ann quickly and extended his hand to shake Jeff's. "See ya!"     

"Honey, tell me... Who are these Royals that are coming to our wedding? I'm curious."     

Jeff acted seriously, thinking whether he would reply or not. "Hmmm?" He put his second finger to his forehead, "let me think... I think It's the Royal family of Estonia, if I'm not mistaken. My father was very close to him, I think."     

"Let's get you out of that dress, as much as I want you to continue wearing it, and I would prefer you butt naked if you asked me," Jeff whispered to Ann seductively.     

"Hmmm, so do I, honey...so do I..." Ann said it erotically, licking her lower lips as she spoke.     

Jeff couldn't handle it and kissed his wife with hunger, fire burning, and he needed to release the inferno that was slowly building within him. He lifted Ann and carried her into their room to have an afternoon siesta...     

Authors note:     

Thank you, Adleena, for the Ko-fi; I was able to update tonight... [Smiling]     

Another reminder in case you had missed it. Since the book is ending, I started a new series. It's the children's story and I'm sure you will fall in love with them. The title of the new book is:     


Is a continuation of this book combined with my other completed book 'The Billionaire's Contracted Wife' Their children's love story.     

I will greatly appreciate your support by voting as you did with this one. The mass release will depend on the ranking of the book.     

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