I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Boys Doesn't Like The Food.

The Boys Doesn't Like The Food.

Luckily Sophia was quick to cover her mouth. If not, it could have gone into the food in front of her. After hearing the name Peter and Edward Wen, Sophia knew who she was right away. There was no mistake, Eva was related to them. She's her niece through her second cousin.     

A half-smile procured on Sophia's face after learning who Eva was. She checked Eva from the conder of her eyes and she likes what she's seeing. 'No wonder she has the pedigree and real beauty too. It runs in their family, which made her proud.     

After dinner, she plans on speaking with Eva. She has a lot of questions and Eva would know the answers for sure. However, she doesn't have any plan on divulging to everyone their relationship as of yet. She would wait for the right now, once she has all the facts, she would then announce it proudly.     

To be inconspicuous, she made small talk to Albert about the continuance of her concert tour. However, once in a while she would glance in Eva's direction to see how she fits in with the family.     

She smiled when she saw how Ethan keeps on putting all kinds of food on Eva and the boy's plate.      

"Eat! Stop playing around and eat." He told them while glaring at them. They looked good together, especially the way he was so attentive to Eva and the boys.     

Bentong, who was not used to such luxury food, only stared at his plate and did not eat. Don-don was the same way, he would pick here and there, but mostly he would only play with the food on his plate.     

The fancier the food, the less they wanted to touch it.      

However, Ethan, who was oblivious to what the children were thinking since he had never been in the situation; continued pushing both boys to eat.     

Bentong was so young, thus he doesn't have an ounce of shame in his body. He gave Ethan a pitiful and sad look before looking down. The food for him was all yucky! He couldn't understand why adults would love to eat them. For Bentong, spaghetti and chicken were the best.     

Eva saw what Bentong had done and she decided to intervene. She had been around the children for a while now and she learned a lot about how the poor live their lives. Even herself had to try and learn so she could empathize with them.     

"Don't push them; they're not used to this type of food. Are you forgetting where they came from?" Eva reminds Ethan who seems to forget that the boys were originally from the slums and had been living that kind of life since birth.     

Ethan felt terrible for how he scowled them; he forgot that this is the first time they had ever been in this setting. He was actually surprised that the children were well behaved.     

He decided to change his tactic. "If you don't like the food, you don't have to eat them. But, if you want a different kind of food, let me know, and I will ask the chef to make it, alright?" He was like a loving father from the way he spoke with them.     

He then turned his attention to Eva; "You too, if it's not to your liking, then don't push yourself to eat it." Concern was plastered on his face as he looked at Eva adoringly.     

With a sweet smile, Eva looked at Ethan straight in his eyes before thanking him for being thoughtful. "Thank you!"     

That's all Ethan needed to hear, and he's already in heaven with eyes shining brightly like stars illuminating the bright sky. "You're welcome! Now eat before I feed you." He banters.     

Grandfather Go watched how Ethan was interacting with the children and Eva. A sudden joy burst inside of him. A thought suddenly came to his mind. As if it was only yesterday he was pursuing Grandma Tan, and he would do everything and cater to everything she asked.      

He was madly in love back then, just like how Ethan does now with Eva Wen. He likes it, and soon he might have another granddaughter-in-law. Eva Wen is not wrong at all; he likes her a lot for his grandson…     

Grandfather Go felt terrible when he saw the two boys were not eating anything at all. Therefore, he motioned to the Butler to come over.     

Once the Butler was within earshot, he whispered something, making sure that no one hears. The butler nodded with a smile, then briskly left to go to the kitchen.     

Half an hour later, the chef and a kitchen helper came out carrying various dishes.      

Everyone looked to see with smiles on their faces what the chef brought out. Then, when they saw what the chef was carrying, all were grateful and thanked him simultaneously.     

The chef went straight to where the children were seated. He then lay down what he had on his hands. Followed by the kitchen helpers.     

When Bentong and Don-Don saw familiar food, their eyes lit up like a 1000 watts light bulb.      

The chef made some fried chicken, french fries, and spaghetti.     

Don-don and Bentong both stood up and faced Grandpa Go.      

In unison, they announced for everyone to hear. "Thank you! Grandpa." Then gives grandfather Go a full smile showing full teeth.     

The dinner went smoothly after that. Then, they continued the celebration into the parlor.     


A couple of hours later, the boys were both asleep on the sofa next to Grandpa Go. It was a beautiful sight to see; grandfather Go caressing Bentongs while his busy chit-chat-ing with grandma Tan.     

Everyone else decided to play a little poker. The promoter was Ethan, and everyone agreed.     

While they were playing poker, Ethan brought out the subject to Jeff. He wanted to build a foundation called [Cleaning the street] To be funded by Mega World Intl. Group of Company.     

"Tell us your idea; if it's any good, I could help you promote it through my concert," Sophia asked.     

"I want to help orphans that are currently out in the street. I'm planning to build a home for them, give them free education, etc... etc.." Ethan proudly announced for everyone to hear. Including his grandfather and grandmother Tan.     

Jeff & Ann were listening and seriously considering Ethan's proposal,     

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