I accidentally married a "CEO"

Always Remember

Always Remember

The Director of the Hospital was in the hot seat. He didn't know how to answer CEO Tan's questions. 'What if he answers it incorrectly and ends up either losing his job or getting killed in the process. He needs to think of the best way to answer.' He was about to reply when; *Knock-knock* "Hello! May I come in?" A man wearing a black leather Jacket stood at the door, waiting to be ushered in.     

"Come In! How may I help you?" Albert Tan replied gruffly.     

"Sir! I'm Officer Gomez from the Crime Division; I'm hoping to be able to have a word with you. That is, if you're healthy enough to answer a few questions?"     

"Officer Gomez, thank you for worrying about my health. However, if you are here to ask me about my accident, there's nothing much I can tell you." Albert sincerely wanted to help Officer Gomez.     

"I Understand, Sir! I only have a few questions to give us an idea of where we need to go for the investigation." Officer Gomez pulled out his memo pad and started jotting something down.     

"Well, if you don't need me, I should be going." The director interjected, glad that Officer Gomez showed up just in time.     

"Go ahead if you must, remember my question, and don't lie to me when you give me the answer. You hear!" Albert Tan reminded the Hospital Director.     

As soon as the Director of the Hospital left, Officer Gomez got down to business. He didn't want CEO Tan to get worn out; he asked the questions very briefly then said goodbye as fast as he came in.     


Sophia finished the arrangements for Claudia's transfer. Instead of sending her to America, She sent her to a third world Country. 'Let see how you will survive in this environment and be able to come back in this life.' After taking care of the details, Sophia returned to Albert's room.     

"Honey! I had taken care of everything; The Hospital will airlift Claudia ASAP." Sophia informed Albert, happiness showing in her beautiful face.     

"Thank you! I love you! What would have happened to Claudia and me if you did not come back to my life?" He kissed his wife sweetly and laid back down to rest.     

"By the way, I'm sorry to inform you this late. But I have a Tour coming up." Sophia said, trying to play pity with her husband.     

"I told them I should cancel it for now, until you recuperate. But tickets are sold out and too expensive to refund."     

"It's alright, Hon! Now that I know Joanna is my daughter, I will try my best to ask her to spend time with me. You may go on your tour, and she can keep me company along with Mother." Albert Tan happily gave his approval for Sophia to go on the Tour alone.     

Sophia hugged her husband and sweetly whispered in his ears." When I come back, you should be well by then. I will make sure to pay for leaving you. Alright!"     

"Ya! Ya! Ya! Enjoy your tour, take care of your health, and call me every day, alright! Now go and let me rest. I need some energy before Joanna comes when she gets done with work.     

"Ann is coming? That's good news, can't I stay? I want to spend time with her as well, you know? "Sophia was trying her best and acting pitiful.     

"You will have your time together. Let me enjoy her alone while I'm recuperating. Is that too much ask?" Albert Tan was now getting agitated.     

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you; I will not get in between your bonding together, ok! I will stay away until you fully recuperate. But after that, you will need to share her with me." She pouted her mouth like a little child.     

Sophia embraced Albert and bid her goodbye. 'It's going to be a long Tour; hopefully, by the time she has finished, Ann and Albert will have reconciled already. When that happens, she will announce her retirement to the public and be Mrs. Albert Tan and Mother of Joanna Wen Tan.'     


Ann's first day at the office finally came to an end. She was worn out and ready to go home when she received a text message from Jeff; [Are you back home now or still at the office?]     

Ann replied, [Still at the office, almost done. What's up?]     

Jeff; [Nothing, finally got a couple of minutes to break from a boring meeting.]     

Ann;[Oh! My heart aches for you, baby!]     

Jeff; [Ouch! I'm so in love with my wife!] started chuckling to himself.     

Ann; [Will call you when I get home. I'm 2X in love with my husband!]     

Jeff couldn't wait for her to get back. He excused himself and went to find an area where no one could hear their conversation and dialed his wife's number. [Face-time]     

*Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz* Ann's phone started buzzing. When she looked at the name, who else could it be?     

[Face-time] "Hi! Honey! What's wrong? I thought you would wait until I get home? I'm still in the office, you know." Ann was trying to sound cheerful, but it clearly showed on her face how tired she was right now.     

"I know! I know! It's just that seeing your text about 2X, and I'd rather hear it from you in person. Can you please restate what you wrote?" Jeff begged his wife to say the word.     

"Alright! Mr. Go, I love you, I love you, and I love you! Is that enough?" Ann teasingly asked him.     

"Thank you! And I love you more each day. Remember that, always!" Jeff sweetly told her.     

Suddenly, Ann heard a loud explosion where Jeff was; then the phone went black. "Jeff? Hello! Jeff!"     

'What's going on? What happened?' "Lea!!! Call Ronald right now and find out what happened?" Ann was now in panic mode. One minute she was talking to her husband, now the phone is dead after hearing a loud explosion.     

"Ann, I couldn't get a hold of Ronald either," Lea told Ann.     

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