I accidentally married a "CEO"

Ann Versus Claudia

Ann Versus Claudia

Hospital ICU... CEO Albert Tan lay lifeless while hooked up with a whole bunch of contraptions to help him stay alive. He's not out of the danger zone yet, even though Ann's blood saved him, and the surgery was successful, they could never be sure if his body would accept the donated blood. Therefore, they were keeping him under observation in the ICU for precaution.     

Claudia was standing by the glass window overlooking her father. Tears were flowing from Claudia's eyes as she gazed into the man who had raised her from birth. Never knowing someone else had fathered her in this world. As she stared at him blankly, she couldn't help but speak her thought.     

"Why did you have to get into an accident? If you did not, I would never have found out my true identity? I would not feel this insecure as I'm feeling now; why? Daddy, why? *Huh huh huh,!*."     

Claudia continued sobbing her heart out, not knowing someone had been watching her and recording the scene the whole time. She has no idea that the Director of the hospital was there the entire time. He was going to personally check on Albert Tan when he saw Claudia standing there looking sad with tears in her eyes.     

He was about to greet Claudia when he saw her, but before he has a chance to speak. She started talking to herself. The Director wasn't planning on recording the scene, but he remembers Claudia threatening him, and he could end up losing his position. Hence, he needed something for insurance and protection.     

He took out his cellphone, turned on the recording, and stayed behind one of the machines to be inconspicuous. He stood there listening to Claudia blurt out everything for him to hear and record. Somehow he felt guilty for what he was doing, but he needs to protect himself from this evil girl.     

"This is not fair; no one can know that I'm not your biological daughter, if anyone finds out, I will be a laughing stock, I'm your heiress; Tan Corporation belongs to me. I will lose everything that's my inheritance if anyone knows about this. I cannot let that happen you hear me?" Claudia said it out loud as if she was talking to her father; without realizing that the Director was recording every word, she said.     

She continued with her rumbling... "Gosh! Who would have thought that in a flash I would have an unknown identity for a father? Joke's on me! Hahaha!" She hysterically laughed and cried at the same time as a lunatic. It seems that Claudia's starting to have a nervous breakdown.     

The Director of the hospital felt pity for Claudia; he could sense a deep depression wrapped around her right now. He stopped his recording, turned around to go back to his office without Claudia knowing what had happened.     

Claudia was still standing dazed and looking at Albert Tan on the other side of the glass partition. A nurse went by and went inside Albert's room to check on him. Suddenly a thought came to Claudia's sinister mind...     

A moment later... "You have to make it look natural, do it such that it cannot be traced no matter how good the toxicologist is. Remember, make sure I'm not around when you do it, and don't implicate me. I don't want to answer any questions, no matter what. You understand?" Claudia told the nurse on duty.      

"Yes! Ms. Tan don't worry, and I will do it during the change of shift, no one will suspect that I injected poison into the patient. It will be a quick death." The nurse told Claudia confidently.      

"Good! That's what I want to hear, remember if you make an error and are unable to complete the job, you better get out of the country, or you will wish you had never made a deal with me." Claudia told her sardonically.     


Meanwhile, back at Tan's mansion...- Sophia was busy preparing for the next day. There was so much she needed to arrange with very little time left. Tomorrow is the day, and She's not allowed to make a mistake.      

'I have been preparing for this for 22 years, and the day has finally come when I will be able to announce to the whole world. Once I accomplish this one, the next is to let the world know that Ann is the rightful heiress and not Claudia' She thought with sadness in her eyes.     

Sophia went to Claudia's room. She picked up the picture of Claudia's dead Mother and started talking to it like an insane person. "I will take everything that was yours. I already took over your home, and your man is now my husband and a father to my daughter. Twenty-two years ago, you took everything from me, and now it is my turn. Hahaha!"     

" Claudia, it is now your turn too, wait and see... You're next! Your fiancée will belong to my daughter, just like your mother took my man from me!" Once she was satisfied that she had said everything there was to say, she put back the picture on Claudia's dresser and left the room.     

Sophia wanted to make sure that everything will be perfect for the war that's about to begin. No matter what, she plans to win... Tomorrow, it will be a battle between the two heiresses of Tan Corporation. " Ann versus Claudia." Who would prevail?     

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