I accidentally married a "CEO"

Mother of my future children

Mother of my future children

Lea who's standing by with Ronald in the adjoining room to the Meeting room still clueless of what's happening inside.     

" Ronald, thank you! For staying with me here, instead of being by your boss side right now. Do you think everything is working out as we planned?" Lea fidgeting and couldn't sit still in one place.     

" I'm sure! They got it all covered. Moreover, who do you think is my boss? " Ronald laughs with confidence; he didn't need to finish the sentence. Lea understood clearly.     

With their small talk to ease each others anxiousness, they are now able to sit and wait for the outcome comfortably.     


Ann, Jeff, Edna & Sophia were a loss for words, everything happened very quickly. They did not see that coming. They were prepared to battle the Board of Director if they do not accept Ann.     

Who would have thought that every single one of them only cares about are the shares they have in the Company. They will take anyone as long as is within the guidelines. Ann fit perfectly, with Jeff behind her 1000000%.     

Sophia and her Manager prepared to leave once everything is fine. She just received a call from the Hospital informing her of the situation.     

' This is surreal, how could all this happen in such a short time?' Sophia's haggard-looking face is now showing.     

" Ann, Jeff! We will head out; first I'm needed at the Hospital right now. Claudia still in surgery with unknown result. Mother-in-law had a mild heart attack due to that, and Albert's health is still not stable. I have so much in my plate right now, and I still need to have a press release." She sighs deeply before pulling Ann in a tight embrace.     

Speechless Ann could only comfort her grieving Mother in return. At this moment, she needs to put aside her personal feelings. This woman her Mother who had abandoned her at birth is now in the dire strait that only she could help.     

" Go! Don't worry about the Tan Corporation, Jeff and I will take care of everything!" She assured Sophia while looking at Jeff for approval and comfort.     

" Thank you! Both of you! Without you. I don't know what I would do right now. Sophia bid them goodbye, to attend to her family crisis in the Hospital.     

" Sweetheart! What's your plan for today? Do you want to go to the Hospital as well? We can go together. For sure my Grandfather will be there, and I want to introduce you to him slowly. If it's alright with you?" Jeff asks pleadingly to his wife.     

Ann thought of it for a while; ' Well sooner or later I will have to meet his family member, that's inimitable. whether it's today or tomorrow, it will occur no matter what.'     

" Sure! I would love too! But how are you going to introduce me to your Grandfather? An acquaintance? A Friend? A Lover? or Your wife?" Ann askes seriously.     

Jeff replied, after a big sigh; " I will introduce you as Mother of my future children, my one and only; and everything that you mentioned. Is the answer to your satisfaction?"     

Ann smiles sweetly then; " Yes! Mr. Go, I'm very much satisfied."     

They stepped out of the Meeting room hand and hand, on the way out they met up with the two confidants Ronald and Lea. " LET'S GO!" They all said in unison, then started laughing out loud.     


It's now official, Ann is the new Interim CEO of Tan Corporations. All the Board Member signed and stamped the document with their approval.     

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