I accidentally married a "CEO"

Dinner & Show at MGM

Dinner & Show at MGM

After reading his wife's text, Jeff doesn't know how to react. He tried to [face time] with her, but she did not answer. ' What's going on? Tuxedo?? I'm planning on wearing suits, but why would she suddenly ask me to wear a tuxedo?"     

Ronald glanced at Jeff direction and saw his reaction. "Boss! What's going on? You look lost? Is something the matter with Missus?"     

" Look at this!" Showed the text message he received with an anxious look on his face. "So?"     

" Well, maybe Missus planning on marrying you the second time, we are in Las Vegas just in case your forgetting, this is where you two got hitch the first time." Ronald secretly laughs to himself.     

" Hmmm! You got the point there. You could be right! Then, you better get me a Tuxedo without delay." Ordered Ronald with a dreamy look on his face.     


Dinner and show at MGM:     

Lea prepared a Green cocktail dress for Ann to wear instead of Red as Vivian wore in the movie. It has one strap on the right shoulder, the other side bare. The stylist let her Red-brownish hair loose with a pearl crown headband on top. Accent her with light makeup to highlight her extraordinary beauty; Red lipstick for her heart shapes lips. For her accessories hanging earing, and Pearl necklace with Diamond accent to finish.     

The complete assembly is exquisite; the dress hugs her alluring body, showing a hint of cleavage, it's to-die-for if anyone sees her.     

Lea decided to wear a Black mini cocktail dress, above the knee length. It hugs her beautiful body perfectly, that shows all her assets. 'Let see if certain someone can ignore me now!' She smiles at her reflection in the full-length mirror.     

Preparation finally finished, Lea excused herself and went to meet Ronald. They agreed to meet at the concert hall in MGM where they will watch the show and have dinner.     


Jeff is waiting at the lobby bar. Women's had been trying to get his attention since he walked in with no luck.     

" Is he a Celebrity? God! his so handsome!" One lady comment to her friend.     

" He looks like a model from GQ magazine, do you think he's waiting for someone?" Another lady asks.     

" Doesn't matter to me if he's waiting for someone or not, for I will have him tonight!" Acting arrogantly "Watch how I will snare the Male-God-Statue!" The lady told her friends.     

Jeff turned around as she was about to reach him. Stared straight past her to the woman who recently entered walking towards him with the most beautiful smile oh her face.     

The lady turned around to look at the direction Jeff staring at; she was stunned herself at the beauty that's coming toward their direction. If this guy looks like a Male God, the woman coming toward them must be his partner the Goddess. They are a match made in heaven. She was so stunned that she couldn't move out of the way for Ann to get through.     

"Excuse me!" Jeff said from behind the lady. Walked toward his wife and smiled so sweet that melted the heart of all the ladies that was ogling him.     

Jeff embraced his wife and gave her a deep kiss, in front of the onlookers. " I am the luckiest man alive to have you as my partner." Said it out loud for everyone to hear.     


Ann could almost touch her 'Idol' they were seated right at front of the stage. Her heart is bursting with happiness, and it showed on her face; " Sweetheart, thank you! For the most memorable Thanksgiving, I ever have. For this, you may ask me anything. I will do it wholeheartedly. Will not question why? only ask how high!" Her smile is enough for Jeff to be in Heaven.     

'The dinner was superb; the show is the best, most of all she finally got to see her Idol in person;     

To top of it all she's with the most handsome man in the earth, and he belongs to me.' Ann still on her dreamland like a teenager when she heard her Idol saying;     

" Ladies and Gentlemen, for my finale, tonight I received a request to have a duet. The truth is I was hesitant at first, what if she cannot carry a tune? But when it was pointed out to me who this person that will be singing with me, I automatically change my mind and accept." Ms. Celine smiled and looked toward Ann's direction.     

"Wait until you see this person, and you will know what I mean. Please give her a round of applause. Ms. Ann Wen, will you please come up the stage!" Ann couldn't believe what she's hearing. Looked at her husband with a questioning look on her face.     

"Go on! Is your night, sing your heart out for me ok! I love you!" Jeff whispered to her and ushered her towards the stage.     

When Ann step foot unto the stage and the light's shine bright on her beautiful face and alluring body, Jeff started eating vinegar for the way other men's were salivating towards his wife. He almost wanted to stop Ann from singing. ' You all are salivating now, wait until you hear her sing; However, at the end of the day, she belongs to me!' Jeff thought feeling cocky and proud.     

Ann and Celine sang "To love you more" They received a standing ovation from the audience when the song ended.     

She whispered; " Thank you! I love you more!"     

That night, Jeff is the happiest man in the world. In their bedroom, Ann only ask how high and not why? [ Imagine what Jeff asked her to do?]     

Thursday: November 22, 2018,     

D-day to visit the Kuan Residence. Ronald and Jeff are nervous, while Ann and Lea can't hide their excitements.     

The whole house is bustling with festivities; no one saw them come in.     

All four of them jointly called out: " HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!"     

Mr. Kuan: "Huh!"     

Mrs. Kuan: "It's a Miracle"     

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