I accidentally married a "CEO"

A Boy Or A Girl?

A Boy Or A Girl?

Last night at the Mega International Group Headquarters:     

"After carefully studying the situation at hand, the solution we came up with is to negotiate with the Pirates. The lives of the crew on board M/V Serene are in danger the longer we wait." Jeff explained to the Board of Directors.     

"I will need a volunteer to be the negotiator. Unfortunately, I cannot go myself." 'Because my wife will kill me if I do.' Jeff told himself.     

"So! Who will volunteer?" Jeff asked and looked around for any raised hand.     

When no one volunteered, Jeff decided to appoint someone to be the negotiator.     

"The meeting is adjourned," Jeff announced     

Ronald was finally breathing after hearing the decision. He was worried that they would be the ones going in the danger zone. 'Thank you, Missus, for saving my life. Without you in Big Boss's life, I know he would be the one going and I along with him.'     


"Good morning?" Jeff's handsome face stared at sleepy Ann.     

"Wake-up Sweetheart! You still have a big day at the office. Rise and shine!" Jeff was cheerfully trying to wake his wife from being half asleep, to half awake.     

"A couple more minutes, please, I'm so tired and sleepy. Please! Honey!" Ann pleaded with Jeff, who was rubbing and caressing her tummy.     

"Wake-up, wake-up, my sleepy head wife," Jeff repeated while still doing the same thing. Rubbing and caressing her tummy like Budha.     

"Honey! Stop it! That's tickles. Hahaha!"     

"Sweetheart! if we are to get pregnant after what we did last night, what would you like it to be, A boy or girl?" Jeff curiously asked Ann.     

"Hmmm? I don't know! A boy as cute as the Daddy is not bad." Ann replied, acting like she was contemplating. "But then, a girl as cute and beautiful like the Mommy is not bad either." She finished by saying.     

"That's not fair!" Jeff complained. "You said a boy as cute as the Daddy, and a girl as cute and beautiful as the Mommy. What happened to the handsome Daddy, Am'I only cute and not handsome?" Jeff teased his wife.     

"Oh! Stop it, alright! If you must, how about we have both. A little girl and a little boy. Cute, beautiful, and handsome. Hahaha!" Ann told Jeff while laughing lovingly.     


Ann got up and went to take a shower while Jeff ordered some breakfast to be brought upstairs. He then started getting ready, as well.     

The issue with the hostage situation was still going on, the same as the problem in Korea. Jeff had a lot on his plate, and he needed to take care of it all. The sooner, the better.     

Suddenly it hit Jeff; ' I'm supposed to be her shadow in Tan Corporation. How am I going to be able to do that if I'm so busy with my own Company?"     

As Jeff was thinking deeply, Ann finished taking her shower and came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. Jeff couldn't help himself imagining what they did the night before.     

"Don't even think about whatever it is you're thinking, Mr. Go!" Ann teased her husband.     

"What made you think I'm thinking about something, unless..." Jeff smiled and walked towards his wife and kissed her like she's the breakfast he ordered from the Butler.     

"Jeff, I'm going to be late, stop it ok!" Ann pushed her husband and went to the walk-in closet to find something to wear. 'Good thing I didn't carry all the clothes when I moved out, or I would be going naked. Hahaha!' Ann laughed at her way of thinking.     

Just as Ann was finishing, someone knocked on the door. It was the downstairs maid bringing their breakfast.     

"Good Morning Young Master! Good Morning Young Missus!" She greeted with a mischievous smile on her face.     

Ann turned red for no apparent reason.     

Jeff: 'Hmmm!' With a smile on his handsome face.     

"Will there be anything else?" The maid stood there waiting and curiously glancing at the bed.     

"No, nothing else! " Both said in unison while looking at the maid, embarrassed.     

"By the way, sweetheart! I might have to fly back to Korea in a day or two once they finish the investigation. I'm just letting you know in advance." Jeff told Ann, more like asking for permission to go.     

"Hmmm! Sure! Just let me know when so I can arrange my schedule because I'm coming with you!" Ann smiled sheepishly.     

'There's no way in hell that I will let you out of my sight, after what you told me last night. I will be your shadow instead of you shadowing me if anything happens to you! I will be right there with you. 'Now it was Ann's turn to look at Jeff mischievously.     

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