I accidentally married a "CEO"

You And You Follow Me!

You And You Follow Me!

Ann arrived at Tan Corporation with the same entourage as the day before. Two cars full of bodyguards to protect her in case an accident were to happen.  However, this time, only the doorman greeted her when she came in.     

"Good morning Ma'am!" Greeted the doorman while bowing to Ann full of respect.     

Ann was relieved that the entourage that greeted her the day before was not present this time — leaving her to be able to go up to her office without delay.     

When she arrived in her office, she was stunned to see Lea sitting in front of her desk, typing away.     

"What? Are you already working this early? Ann asked Lea.     

"Who said I'm working, just because I'm in front of the computer and typing away, does not mean I'm working. Hahaha!" Lea has teased, Ann.     

"Seriously, what's going on? Ann asked with a worried look in her eyes.     

"I received a message regarding an offer for you to appear in a drama. I'm replying to them concerning that matter. "Lea told her casually.     

"Oh!" Ann went to the sidebar where coffee was already brewing and poured a cup for herself and Lea. "How did you reply? Did you accept or decline?"     

"Of course, pending until further notice! You're not seriously thinking about giving up your career in showbiz, are you?" Lea asked now with concern showing on her eyes.     

"To be honest, no! I'm not thinking of retiring when I haven't even begun. It's just that I have been naughty lately, and I have not taken any precautions. Who knows if I might already be… you know! Prego." She smiled after saying the last part.     

"Hmmm! That's not good, not good at all. If you get pregnant now, it means you will be out of circulation for a while. Your career will end in showbiz before it even began, also, what about my job as your Manager?"     

"You can be the children's nanny if you like! Hahaha!"     

"That's not even remotely funny, what are you laughing at, being a nanny to your children will be my pleasure. However, it will cost you and your wealthy CEO a bundle. Hahaha!" Now it was Lea's turn to laugh.     

"Friend, you don't need to ask you know that; whatever I have, except for my husband, of course. I will share it with you. You know that." Ann told Lea seriously.     

"I know! I know! You always did in the past, and you still do now. I have been living in luxury because of you, and I will never forget that until I die." Lea got up from where she was sitting, went to Ann, and gave her the biggest hug and a light peck on her cheeks.     

Ann hugged her friend back and chuckled." Don't you ever forget that!"     

*Knock knock!* Mrs. Lim poked her head at the door.     

"Good morning, CEO Wen! Good morning Miss Kuan!" She greeted both of them happily.     

"I trust you've both rested and ready to start?"     

Ann '...?'     

Lea '???'     

"You out there! You may enter and bring the first batch," Ms. Lim told someone that seemed to be waiting outside the door.     

When the door opened, a young man and a young woman who looked like interns came in with a trolley full of boxes. "Where should we put these boxes?" Both said in unison.     

"Just put it over there!" Ms. Lim pointed to the direction of the long table in Ann's room.     

"Whoa! Wait a minute, what is all this paper?" Lea intervened quickly before the two were able to follow the order.     

"Oh! It's the first batch of the expenditures from the Marketing Department." Miss Lim happily replied. "That box there." Ms. Lim pointed to the biggest one on the table. "Is the cost sheet for all the promotions and advertising?"     

Ms. Lim walked closer to where the boxes were located, opened one then showed Ann a sample one to check. "You see how detailed and clear they are, the way they account for all their expenditure. Director Hao is one of the best we have in Tan Corp." She was smiling happily while mentioning George Hao's name.     

While Mrs. Lim was explaining the details to Ann, Lea was checking the way Mrs. Lim's eyes lit up each time she mentioned George Hao's name. 'She's infatuated with him, that's for sure' Lea assessed from the way Mrs. Lim spoke. 'Too bad!'     

Suddenly the door opened again, and a burly man walked in with anger showing on his face. He was followed by the woman that Ann and Lea encountered at the Cafeteria.     

"You! And you! Follow me in my office right now!" He told Ann and Lea while pointing his finger at them. Right behind him, the woman was smirking and glaring at Ann and Lea.     

'Let's see how you are going to get out of this now.' The woman thought while smiling mischievously.     

"Are you talking to me?" Lea asked dumbfounded     

"No! I think he's talking to both of us!" Ann intervened while looking at the man straight in the face.     

"Yes! I'm talking to both of you! Who else could it be when I'm pointing at both of you!" He snarled at both of them.     

"Oh! I see!" Ann and Lea said in unison, looking at each other.     

"Well! Let's go then!" Ann said, slowly making her way to the door, followed by Lea.     

Mrs. Lim '...???' Totally lost for words.     

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