I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Restaurant Is Yours!

The Restaurant Is Yours!

Ann was distraught that they had all ganged up on her. She understands that Jeff's worried that she's having a hard time on her second day, and he can't accompany her, but, to go to that extent of doing video surveillance. She had reached her limit.     

"I'm sorry! I was just concerned about you!" Jeff was still following her.     

"That's not the point! My point is, you and those two are plotting against me." She lashed, pointing was Lea and Ronald were watching the scene unfold with their naked eye.     

"How would you feel if you're in my shoes?" Tears were glistening on Ann's beautiful green eyes, about ready to fall.     

"Ok! I would be pissed too! But hear me out, alright. It is not like..." Jeff did not get to finish what he was about to say. Ann walked into the ladies' room and slammed the door on him.     

When Jeff tried to open the door, he found it locked from the inside. He had no choice but to stand guard outside the ladies' room and wait patiently. 'If she doesn't forgive me, I will be in the doghouse tonight for sure.' Jeff thought.     

Jeff was pretty lucky that no one saw him. 'If any of his subordinates saw their CEO standing guard outside the ladies room, he would be a laughing stock for sure.'     

Well, at least, that's what he thought, that no one saw him. Ronald, Lea, and Mrs. Lim were all having a stomach ache from laughing hard due to Jeff looking like a teenager waiting for his crush.     

A minute passed by; there was still no Ann. Jeff was now starting to worry. " Sweetheart! are you alright? Can you open the door, please! Pretty please!"     

Lea; "Hahaha!"     

Ronald" Hahaha!"     

Mrs. Lim: Hahaha!"     

All three laughed in unison, and Jeff heard them. He gave them a killer look with a warning. And they stopped, scared of the consequences.     

After what seemed to be an eternity, Ann finally opened the door. " Oh! My God!" Stunned that Jeff was still right outside the door waiting for her.     

"What in the world are you doing CEO Go. Do you not realize how ridiculous you look right now? Don't you even care about your image? You're a CEO for God's sake! If anyone sees you standing there, you will be a laughing stock." Ann said, half smiling and about to burst into laughter.     

"So you also think I'm funny? I can see you're just holding it in and want to laugh at me like those three idiots over there." He pointed with his mouth twisted toward the direction of the three.     

"Oh! Forget it; let's get something to eat. You said there's a famous restaurant that has all my favorite food, right? If so! Let's go, and then I'm famished; I did not get to eat breakfast this morning. No thanks to someone." Ann was talking about Jeff, who had to have a second-round right when she was about to sit down and eat.     

Jeff was elated that Ann seemed to have forgiven him, maybe? " Ronald, Lea Let's go!" He ordered the two happily and guided his wife back to her office to get her things.     


The restaurant's location was at the center of the downtown area. Ann was awestruck when she saw the ambiance; it was breathtaking. A barrister welcomed the customers as they entered, and to the right was a big aquarium with live seafood from lobster to blue crab and a variety of fish that they could choose from.     

The theme and concept of the restaurant were excellent. Customers choose from live seafood; it's cooked the way a customer wants.     

They ushered their group to a VIP section of the restaurant. Jeff and Ann were seated in a table for two, and Ronald and Lea had their table for two as well. The scene in the VIP room was more like a double date in the process.     

Once seated, they were given a hot towel to clean their hands. Ann was waiting for a menu so she can choose what she wanted to eat. To her shock, not a minute after they sat down, they were served the appetizer followed with a soup and salad. 'That was quick service?' Ann thought.     

Jeff was watching in amazement how beautiful his wife was the way she was eating her soup. Elegant, exquisite, table manners perfect, a real lady to the core.     

"What do you think so far?" Jeff asked Ann curiously.     

"Not bad! This place is beautiful; if I ever have my restaurant, I would want it to look like this." She replied sheepishly.     

"Hmmm! That's great then! Because this restaurant is yours!" Jeff announced proudly.     

Lea, who was currently eating her hot soup, almost choked and spat the soup in her mouth to Ronald's face sitting across from her. "What did he just say?" Lea asked Ronald with wide-eyes, not believing what she heard.     

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