I accidentally married a "CEO"

Going Back Home To My Wife

Going Back Home To My Wife

Grandma Tan was disappointed that Ann declined to attend the dinner planned at Grandpa Go's mansion. However, it doesn't mean that she's accepting defeat. She would find a way to get Ann over there, one way or the other.  ' I'll wait when she comes for a visit, and then I'll try again. If need be, I'll ask Sophia's or Albert's help in this matter.  I would make sure that she.' Grandma Tan's face brightens from her thought.     


Jeff was not too delighted that he has to leave his wife. He's pacing back and forth in his study, thinking of a way to delay his impending departure.  Unfortunately, no matter what he does... he couldn't think of a way at all.     

"Ronald! are you out there? " Jeff called out.     

Ronald came in absentmindedly, and it seems that he as well was not happy that they are departing in an hour for Korea. "You called? " Said Ronald with sadness visible in his eyes.     

When Jeff saw his assistant's face. "What? You too! Hahaha!" He chuckled, " We are both in deep trouble.  By the way, re all the preparation done? We should be heading out in an hour, make sure you instructed them what they needed to do while we're not here." He told Ronald while he was picking up all the documents he would need and putting them in his briefcase.     

"Yes! I instructed them all right! However, I'm worried that someone would try to harm them while we're away and... "  Ronald stopped in the middle of his sentence.     

"And...?" Jeff's expression hardened.     

"Well! My only concern is that while we're in Korea,  we are too far away to rush back if needed..." Ronald was contemplating whether he should broach the subject or not.     

" Speak up! What you're trying to say is, you think that one of us should stay in case something does happen. Am I right?" Jeff is now emotionally upset, vein-popping out of his neck while scolding him.     

" Man... If you only knew how I had been wracking my brain for a way to postpone this trip, but I'm blanking out. Ann needed me right now, and I know that old gizzard would do something, and I'm not going to be here to protect her. Ahhhh! It's driving me insane!"  Jeff was shouting uncontrollably.     

Terror overtook Ronald's face.  It did not dawn to him that Jeff might be in much worst predicament than himself. "Please! Accept my apology! It's wrong for me to act this way.  I never thought that you were also thinking the same thing as I am.  Forgive me!" Said Ronald as he looked down on his shoe, ashamed of his action.     

"Forget it, let's get this over with, so we can come back home right away.  The sooner, the better," Jeff grabs his belongings, walks out of his home office toward the vehicle that was waiting to take them to the airport.     

God was on their side, and everything went smooth as the baby's bun.  Their trip to Korea was a success.  The Fire Chief Investigator informed Jeff that it was only an accident. The Oxygen cylinder that caused the fire was leaking, unknown to the welder that was working at the time. A spark had caused to ignite the fire and had a domino effect with all the cylinders nearby, in turn, created a massive blast that they heard that day.     

Once that business was taken cared of, they continued to their next agenda — the suppliers of steel materials. The negotiation was a success as well. They agree to keep the price the same for the duration needed to complete building the contracted amount of vessels.  Once everything was settled, it was time to celebrate and go back home...     

"Thank God!  Good job! Now, we can head back home to be with our beautiful women!" Jeff was thrilled that he was whistling and dancing around as they walked towards the vehicle that would take them back home to the arm of their beloved one.     

Ronald: ".^-^."     


Ann made a call to Lea to inform her of her plan to stop by at the hospital on the way to work.  "I need to report what's happening right now and also to ask for some advice concerning the Vice President. You go ahead and hold the port before I get there." Said Ann while inside the car on the way to the hospital.     

"Don't worry! Do what you must, Mrs. Lim is here to guide me. Be careful, all right!" Lea warned her with concern in her voice.     

"Lea, thank you!  You always got my back.  I don't know what would I do without you."  Ann said before hanging up the call.     

There were still a lot of reporters standing by in the lobby of the hospital.  Everyone was hoping to get a glimpse of Sophia or any other family member from Tan Corporation. There's also that new Interim CEO with the unknown face.  Therefore all the reporters were all wanting to get a picture of her to go along with their story.     

Ann was inconspicuous as she came and was able to go up to Albert's room without being detected. She was in her businesswoman attire and looks impeccably beautiful and smart.  To the eye of any onlooker, they can never know that she's the one they had been waiting for all this time.     

For some odd reason, even though they had met each other several times already, she still gets nervous whenever she's about to meet him face to face.       

*Knock Knock* "It's Joanna! May I come in?" She called out.     

Albert Tan was sitting by the window, gazing outside and in deep thought.  Sadness clouding his features when he heard a knock at the door. His whole face lip up when he heard Ann's voice. He hurriedly made his way back to his bed and made himself look pitiful.     

"Come in! " Albert answered, sounding all pitiful and barely audible.     

"Good morning!  How are you doing?  I hope you are resting well so you would recover soon and take back your position in the company." Said Ann as she came in with the sweetest smile she can procure for Albert to see.     

"What brings you here so early? Aren't you supposed to be holding the port while I'm dying here? Hmph! Maybe your not the right person for the job." Speaking like his scolding her, but in reality, he's so happy to see her right now.     

"Well... If I'm not wanted here, and someone can't handle the sight of my beautiful face. Then maybe I leave right now and do the job I'm supposed to do." Ann acted like she's ready to leave.     

"No! No! No!, I'm just playing with you, can't even spoil me a little." Albert Tan pouted his mouth like a spoiled child. [Naglalambing]-[wanted attention] He then got up from the seating position from the bed. She walked towards Ann and coaxed her to sit down on the chair nearby.     

"Tell me! besides wanting to see this old face of mine, what else brought you here this early?"     

"I don't know if you saw the news yet? But someone broke into your office and set it on fire. We believe that It's the Vice President, and he ordered someone to do it." Ann didn't beat around the bushes.     

"What!  That S.O.B.  Wait till I get a hold of that bastard and I will make sure he never sees daylight ever again.  Go on... Continue...."  Albert Tan requested with his brow raised and ready to murder someone.     

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