I accidentally married a "CEO"

Dinner Date

Dinner Date

Jeff and Ronald arrived at Tan Corporation, looking like two Gladiators ready for battle. They went straight to the CEO's office looking for Ann and Lea with determination.     

Unfortunately, Ann had left early to prepare for her dinner date with Albert Tan. Lea went as well to do a task Ann had requested.     

Therefore, only one person was in the CEO's office when they arrived, the secretary Mrs. Lim. That made the duo very unhappy.     

"CEO Go, Ronald, you're here!" Mrs. Lim said with a surprised look on her face and grinning. She knew why they were there.     

"What time did they leave? Do you know where they went?" Jeff asked sadness clouding his features.     

"CEO Wen left an hour ago to have dinner with CEO Tan at the hospital." She replied with a respectful voice while hiding a grin.     

Ronald, who was standing at the side listening to their conversation, wanted to ask about Lea. However, he doesn't want to be obvious about their relationship.  Therefore, he decided against it and texted her instead.     

Ronald: [How's your day?] That's the only thing he could think of writing without being obvious.     

Lea: [Busy! had to do an errand for the boss lady.]     

Ronald finally found the courage to ask: [Where are you? I'm back in town.]     

Lea: [Why! You need something?]     

Ronald: [Nothing! Just do what you're doing, I'll see you around.]     

"What's up with him? He texted me, then he would say nothing. What is wrong with this Asian man?"  She mumbles to herself waiting for Ronald to continue texting.     

Jeff saw his assistant's forehead furrow, and a visible line appeared between his eyebrows. He walked towards Ronald and slapped him on his back before saying, "Go for it, man! Stop dilly-dallying, or someone else might eat the rice you cooked.     

"Hahaha! Let's go! I might as well go back to work so we can go home early." Jeff laughingly told Ronald while walking towards the elevator.     


Ann had no idea that her husband was back in town.  She went home to change her outfit into a more appropriate one for a dinner date with her father.  Not the usual attire she always wore when she visited the hospital.     

She wanted to look beautiful for her first date with her father. After finishing, she called Lea to get a bouquet of flowers and a cake and told her to meet her at the hospital afterward.     

Ann thought about her husband and was about to call him; 'should I or should I wait until after dinner, he might be in a meeting right now. 'In the long run, she decided to wait and went ahead to the hospital where Albert Tan was waiting impatiently.     


Ann arrived looking beautiful; she was the picture of an angel in Albert's eyes. He stood and gazed at his daughter, what a sight. He was so excited and about to hug her when suddenly he heard a voice, "I hope I'm not late?"     

Lea was standing there with a beautiful bouquet in one hand and a box that looked like a cake in the other. "Sorry! It was traffic, and I'm still not familiar with the area." She was blubbering, feeling awkward.     

Albert Tan looked at Ann then Lea before speaking, "And this is?" He was not happy that Ann brought her assistant with her.     

"Oh! My bad, I forgot to introduce myself." Lea interjected. "I'm Lea Kuan, her best friend/Manager/Assistant.  All around, year-round. Hahaha!"  She banters while she extending her hand to Albert for a handshake.     

Albert Tan plastered a smiled on his face then took Lea's hand; "nice to meet you!" Is all he said.     

"Oh! She only came to bring something." She grabbed the flowers and the box and then motioned for Lea to get lost.     

"Nice to meet you, CEO Tan!" Lea told Albert, turned to Ann, and hugged her then whispered, "Now I know where you got your looks. It runs in your genes. Your father is a hotty!" She jokingly told Ann     

'When did I ever tell her that he is my father?' Ann's wondered. "Leave already all right. You're making him uncomfortable." She whispered back at her friend then ushered her to leave.     

"Come in! Come in! "Albert's face started to show an eagerness to spend time with his daughter.     

Ann looked around the room curiously. However, she didn't see anyone else. "Is grandma Tan not joining us?" She asked Albert.     

"I'm here! I'm here! I was making sure the food is what I had asked for and to make sure they are fresh and hot" Grandma Tan excitedly walked in.     

Albert Tan's face hardened when he saw his mother come in. However, the old lady did not pay attention to him. She continued towards Ann and gave her a tight hug and a peck on her cheek. "Thank you for wanting to share this moment with me." She whispered while fighting back the tears.     

Ann was speechless, and she didn't know how to reply. Recognition dawned on Albert's face, and he decided to intervene.     

"All right! That's enough; I'm famished, let's eat!" He told both of them before they started getting too emotional.     

It was the best dinner for all three of them, a family reunion.     

For Ann, the feeling was indescribable, and it was the same for the other two with her. They ate happily chatting and joking; they asked Ann many questions about her childhood etc. etc.     

However, in another unknown Country. Claudia regained consciousness and realized that she was in a foreign country. Someone spoke in the background, and she could not understand a word they were saying.     

'Where am I? How did I end up here?' After carefully looking around the area, it dawned on her that she's in a third world Country. 'Grandmother would not send me here to recuperate, and Father is still in the hospital; only one person could do this to me.' Claudia thought.     

Claudia's expression hardened, she squeezed her eyes shut before she started screaming hysterically;     

"SOPHIA! Ahhh! Your '@#$%^&$' I will get back at you for this! You wait; I will take back what belongs to me!" Claudia was yelling so loud, but no one came to check on her.     


In another Country, Sophia was in the middle of a rehearsal. She stopped for a drink of water when she almost choked on it. She felt goosebumps and shivered a little. 'What was that all about?'     

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