I accidentally married a "CEO"

Spending A Night

Spending A Night

Sophia felt something was wrong as if it's a warning; she couldn't shake it off no matter how much she tried. "Edna! Give me my phone, please! I need to make sure everything is all right in Asia." She told her assistant.     

*Bzzz Bzzz* [facetime] Albert saw his phone light up, he checked it and saw it was Sophia. He quickly answered the facetime; "Hi! Honey! Look who's here with me right now!" He pointed the phone towards Ann and Grandma Tan's directions.     

"See, we are having dinner together, it's too bad you can't be with us right now." Albert was beaming from ear to ear with happiness.     

Sophia saw the images, and her whole face lit up, she forced a smile before answering.     

"You guys are not fair; you waited when I'm out of the Country to have a family get together. I'm mad at all of you!" She pouted her mouth and acted hurt.     

"Well! I'm currently preparing and doing a little rehearsal. I will let you guys go back to your happy reunion. Bye! Everyone!" She waved at them and blew them a kiss then hang up.     

Sophia felt relieved after seeing that her family in Asia was excellent. She went back to her rehearsal with full energy ready to rock her fans.     


Back in the hospital room, Ann sat quietly listening to Grandmother Tan telling her love story with Grandfather Go. Once in a while, she would glance at her father, who was engrossed in watching her converse with her Grandmother.     

"Grandma Tan, may I ask a favor?" Ann's eyes gleamed with excitement.     

"Of course you may! What is it?" Grandma Tan happily replied     

Ann's face brightened when she heard the answer, "By any chance, do you have an old photo when you were about my age? I'm just curious." Ann finished her sentence not to be conspicuous.     

"Sure, I do! I have lots of them at home if you want we can go after this, and I will show you all of them." She replied excitedly.     

"Thank you! I would love that; I can't wait to see what you looked like back then."     

Albert sensed that there was more to Ann wanting to see what her Grandmother looked like before, but he couldn't pinpoint it. "Ann... Is there something bothering you? Is that why you want to see your grandma's old photo?" Albert asked with concern in her eyes.     

Ann decided to tell her father about Elder Tan's comment. "You see, it dawned on me that my similarity with Grandmother must be uncanny." She gave Albert an example.     

"When you first saw me at CEO Go's office. You kept staring at me secretly."     

She turned and looked at her Grandmother; "Grandma also did the same when I first met her here. And recently, it's Elder Tan. I concluded that it has something to do with my looks." Ann explained to both of them.     

"Hahaha! Albert Tan started laughing.     

Grandmother Tan just smiled at Ann then winked; "You'll soon find out!" "Hahaha!" She laughed along with Albert Tan.     

Ann just sheepishly smiled and acknowledged that she understood.     


In the meantime, Jeff was at home impatiently waiting for his wife to come home.     

He wanted to surprise her, but it was taking a toll on his sanity. 'Should I text her at least? Or should I call her instead, I can do a voice call, and she wouldn't know I'm back. What should I do?' Jeff was losing it by the minute.     

*Knock Knock* "Young Master, dinner is ready! Should we serve it here, or will you come to the dining room?" The Butler asked.     

"Hmmm?" Jeff thought.     

'Should I wait for her so that we eat together? But she's having dinner already. I will eat a little then eat again later when she arrives.'     

"I will eat here, bring me a small plate. I will eat again when Ann comes home." Jeff replied to the Butler, anxiously waiting.     


After dinner, Ann and Grandmother Tan went to the Tan Mansion. Grandmother Tan was very excited to show her around. Finally, after Grandma Tan was satisfied that she had shown her everything there is. She told Ann to follow her to her bedroom.     

Once inside, she pulled out an old box from the top of the cabinet.     

One by one, she started handing Ann the photos of herself when she was young. "You see! As you can see for yourself now, you understand why with just one look at your beautiful face, they know you belong to the Tan Clan." Grandmother Tan proudly informed Ann.     

Ann was stunned when she saw the picture of her Grandmother. Dark short hair just like her wig, they could pass as twins. Now all was clear to Ann, mystery solved. Even without a DNA test to prove their relationship, in one glance, the truth would unfold.     

It was already after 9:00 p.m. when they finished their bonding. Ann was preparing to leave when Grandma Tan asked Ann with a sad-looking face, "It's very late already, why don't you keep me company for the night?"     

Ann felt a tinge of ache in her heart when she saw how sad her grandma looked. "But Grandma, I don't have any change of clothes. Moreover, I need to be at the office early in the morning." She tried to make excuses.     

"That's not an issue; Sophia has many nightdresses that she has never worn. You can use one of those. For your other change of clothes, I can call my shopper and bring you whatever you need first thing in the morning. How's that?" She proposed with pleading eyes.     

'Jeff's is not home anyway, what's the harm in me spending some time with grandma.'     

Ann hugged her Grandmother, then said, "All right! Just for tonight, but I will need a couple of minutes to myself. I need to call someone, alright?"     

Ann went to find a secluded area where no one could hear her conversation. *Bzzz Bzzz* [Face time] to Jeff.     

Jeff did not answer her [face time.]     

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