I accidentally married a "CEO"

It's Time For Cupid

It's Time For Cupid

Jeff and Ann had no idea that Grandma Tan had heard their recent activity, and she couldn't wait to call Grandpa Go to make her announcement. She knew that the old man would be happy to know that the eggs were hatch.     

Once Grandma Tan spilled the beans, both Elder's were now counting the chicken before it even hatches.     

"Make sure to ask your chef to prepare some healthful meals for the couple, alright! They need to have the strength to do the derby all night long. Hahaha!" Grandpa Go cheerfully told Grandma Tan before bidding her goodnight.     


The couple just finished doing the deed, and Jeff was smiling like a devil while looking at his wife's flushed face after going wild on top of him.     

He stayed inside of her after the deed, making sure nothing goes to waste. He needed to make sure that all the little swimmers went to the right path and stay there.     

Ann finally came to her senses a couple of minutes later. She did not realize that Jeff had already turned the water off and now reaching for the towel.     

"Stay put, let me dry you off first," Jeff said as he reaches the towel and begins drying Ann's hair first. Jeff's eyes still full of desire while he's wiping the water away from Ann's body. " Hmmm, so smooth and silky," He murmured while his drying Ann's middle part.     

Ann's now fully alert from the aftermath, shyly looks at Jeff and grinned. She couldn't believe what she just did, good thing they are married. If not, she wouldn't know how to face him afterward.     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeff asks while wrapping her with the towel and pulling her to him before lifting her ready to take her to the bedroom.     

Ann shyly smiled before replying. "Honey, do you think they heard us outside?" Her face reddens, thinking about what they just did and how wild she was.     

Jeff carried her like a baby, walks toward the bed, laid her down, and started kissing her again.     

"Sweetheart, even if they heard us, which I doubt it. We are married, and that's normal. Moreover, they are probably cheering for us right now. Hahaha!" Jeff laughs at the thought of Grandma Tan cheering.     

Ann pinches Jeff's butt and trying to push him away. "You naughty! How could you say that!"     

"Ouch! Sweetheart, why do you always pick at my butt, why not other parts of my body?" Jeff jokingly teases his wife.     

Ann remembers what she did while they were at the hight of their lovemaking. ' When she thought Jeff was going to pull it out, she suddenly grabbed hold of his butt with both hands and pulled him back in.'     

Ann's couldn't help but smile before saying. "You know why? It's because you have the hardest 'butt' I had ever seen and touched, and it now belongs to me. Hahaha!"     

"What do you mean, I have the hardest 'butt you had ever seen and touched?! You better make that clear or else!" Jeff is now seriously upset and jealous.     

He put his two hands to Ann's face, looks her straight in the eye with blazing fire. " How many other 'butt' had you touched and seen in your entire life? Answer me, damn-it!" Smoke was coming out of his ear, and nose fire was blazing in his eyes.     

"If you must know Mr. Go, In my entire life..." Raised her hand, showing her finger, acting like she's counting. "One..." Ann didn't get to continue her games. Jeff kissed her so hard, not sweet like he usually does. His punishing her for what she's doing. Jeff realizes that she's playing with him.     

Ann was stunned for a moment. She thought he was playing around, but he's madly jealous she can see it on his eyes. "Honey... I'm sorry!" Started kissing him on his eyes first. "I was just playing with you, alright." Kissed his nose, then his lips.     

" I don't care how many buns you had seen in your life, as long as I'm the only one that saw your buns! You hear me!" Jeff made sure that Ann won't forget who she belongs too.     

During their lovemaking, Ann whispered to her husband, the only bun that she ever lay her eye on was his. After hearing what Ann said, It stimulates his urge to satisfy her to the limit.     

Ann lost her senses several times while they were making love. Jeff was finally satisfied after doing a total of three rounds before both of them got knocked out.     

The next morning during breakfast, the couple was questioned by Grandmother Tan, and they end up giving the full details of how they met and ended up getting married in America.     

"So' you're telling me that you two have been married for more than 4 years already and your Grandfather never found out about it? What a surprise! However, that's for the best because knowing him, he would have made you annulled your marriage as soon as he finds out." Grandma Tan said with a big grin on her face.     

' Fate is really unpredictable, who could have thought that after going around in a circle, the dots still got connected. Hahaha!' She thought to herself after the couple left.     


Jeff dropped Ann at Tan Corporation before heading to his own office.      

"Don't work too hard, if you need to rest...- call me and I will be right here to pick you up. Alright! " Jeff told his wife as she stepped out of the car.      

"I'm fine! Don't worry, I will call you right away if I decided to go home. Bye!" She then kissed him on his lips before turning around to go inside the building.     


Ann was yawning and stretching her body when Lea arrives at the office. "Whoa! What's with that? " Lea asks while she's surveying Ann.     

" What happens to you? You look like a tornado had run over you. Let me guess; you had a marathon last night, didn't you? Never mind, you don't need to answer. Hahaha!" Lea walks away to make some coffee.     

Ann looks at her friend; sadly, then a thought came to her mind. 'Lea needs to get laid, so she will stop teasing me. And I know the right man for her.' She dials a number.     

"Hello! Ronald, this is Ann. There's something I need your help."     

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