I accidentally married a "CEO"

Dinner Burnt!

Dinner Burnt!

Ann acted like she didn't have an idea that Ronald was there. "Honey! You're here already?" She called out for Jeff, knowing he's not there.     

Ronald got the idea and played along with Ann. "Good evening, boss lady, Lea! I'm sorry, but the boss has something to finish before coming over."     

"He asked me to come over first to start preparing what you needed for dinner; I hope you don't mind?" He's turning red by the minutes from telling a lie.     

Ann acted innocently. " Oh! That's so thoughtful of him. Then let me thank you for making all the preparation ahead of time."     

Lea was standing there, watching the two play the act. 'She's not that stupid. She knows her best friend and her husband were playing cupid, and she loves it.'     

Lea looks at the uncomfortable looking Ronald. 'He's so cute when he's blushing like a teenager. She decided to play along with everyone.'     

"It's good that you're here. At least I won't be a third wheel," Lea told Ronald with her eyes showing gratitude.     

Lea acted hurt. " I thought it would only be you and I, girls night. But now I hear that your husband will be with us; It's not fair." She pouted and tilted her head, then looked into the ceiling.     

"Alright! You got me; we just thought that we could have a nice quiet dinner together, that's all." Now It's Ann's turn to act hurt.     

Ronald felt much better after hearing that Lea doesn't mind him being there.     

Finally, Jeff arrives with a big smile on his face. He looked at Ronald, then at Leah, then started chuckling, then winks at his wife.     

"Alright, let's start cooking; I'm hungry, I could eat a whole cow right now," Ann told everyone.     

Ronald handed everyone an apron then put one onto himself.     

"How should we do this?" Ann looks at the three for a suggestion.     

Jeff made the decision; he doesn't want to tire his wife after working all day. "How about you supervise us, and will do all the work."     

Everyone agreed, and they started to prepare and cook.     

"Okay, we'll start with the appetizer first. "Honey, preheat the oven to 450 deg. celsius." She told Jeff.     

Lea slice five tomatoes in 1/4 piece then place it on the baking sheets."     

"Ronald, where's the mozzarella cheese? Slice them; for each tomato, put a slice of mozzarella. After that, you need to season it with olive oil, salt, and pepper."     

Jeff was standing there watching his wife give's order to the two. He's done his part. He turned the oven on to preheat.     

Ann continued with her instruction. " Put one basil leaf on top of each tomato with a mozzarella slice." She told Ronald and Lea, who's having fun working together.     

" Got it!" The two said in unison.     

"Okay, now it's ready, Jeff, it's your turn. put it into the oven; wait for about 8 to 10 minutes until the cheese melted and slightly Brown you got it!"     

" Yes! Sweetheart, I got it." Jeff was teasing her in return.     

Once the appetizer was inside the oven and the cheese started melting, the aroma was so delicious that it made a person drool.     

'Hmmm! That smells like heaven. I can wait to taste it." Lea told Ronald while licking her lips.     

However, as soon as Ann smells the melted mozzarella, she begins to feel nauseated and runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up.     

Jeff, Lea, and Ronald looked at each other with a question on their faces.     

Jeff runs after his wife, worried sick. "Sweetheart! are you alright?" He asks with concern in his voice while stroking her back.     

Ann continued throwing up and couldn't reply. Jeff doesn't know what to do. " Ronald! Lea! Get the car ready; we're taking her to the hospital." He was yelling at them at the top of his lungs, not realizing it at the same time.     

Lea has her mouth wide open, deep in thought. Suddenly, her eyes brightened, and her whole face lit up; It dawned on her that Ann might be pregnant, and started jumping for joy.     

"Hahaha! Ronald, do you know what that means? Hahaha!" Lea jumped on Ronald due to her excitement and did not realize that Ronald looked at her dumbfounded and speechless.     

Only when Jeff yelled again that Ronald went back to earth. "Ronald! didn't you hear me?"     

Ronald doesn't know what to do. Lea's embracing her while Jeff was screaming at the top of his lungs for him to prepare the car. "-Ah, Lea, I need to get the car ready. Excuse me!" Slowly moved her hand from his neck, but before he was able to walk away, Lea kissed him on his lips.     

Colored drained out of Ronald's face. Terror overtook at first; then, his face reddened afterward.     

"Lea, we need to talk later, ok! But for now, we need to get the car ready. Boss lady is very sick." He's trying to make excuses for his reaction.     

"It's alright! Go! The big boss might die from worrying himself when there's nothing to worry about."     

"What do you mean?" Ronald is now curious and forgot what he was supposed to do.     

Jeff and Ann were coming out of the room when they smelled something burning. Ann runs back to the bathroom to throw up again. "What the heck was that smell? Ronald! Lea, can you guys check the appetizer? It's burning." Jeff screamed at them from the bathroom door.     

"Oh! Shit!" Both run to the kitchen to turn off the oven. "What a waste! I didn't even get to taste it yet, and it's gone." Lea told Ronald sadness clouded her features.     

"It's alright, and there are more ingredients left. We can make another batch. Once they leave." Ronald was coaxing Lea to cheer up.     

"Do you think they will leave soon? Let's air out the condo so the smell would go away, and they could get out of the bathroom. What do you think?" Asked Lea almost in tears...     

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