I accidentally married a "CEO"

There Goes Their Dinner...

There Goes Their Dinner...

Jeff's chef is one of the famous 3-star Michelin from Europe. He was recruited from Europe to the Philippines. When he was first approached by Jeff, he readily declined not knowing who Jeff was. But, once he saw what Jeff's had to offer… He took the offer in a heartbeat.     

His kitchen supplies consist of only delicacies from all over the world. Jeff gave him the black card to use for whatever he wanted to purchase. He was treated like a 'mistress' if you would look at it in any other way.     

In the past, he would never allow anyone to come near his kitchen. He was only to prepare and serve Jeff and his guest if any. However, after the year passed, he became close to everyone in the household and he started cooking food for them.     

Now, he's one in the family of Jeff's household and he takes his position very seriously.     

With a serious tone, he spoke to his assistant, "Go to the market and buy 'Balut' [Duck egg] for the boss. We need to ensure he has the stamina to last him for a lifetime. We need more babies to come." He spoke humorously; he then raised his hands towards his assistant for a high five.     

The atmosphere inside the Mansion was lively and filled with merry. Everyone was excited and couldn't wait till the day they received the promised bonus. Where in the world would you find a boss that would give everyone a 3-months salary as a bonus only because his wife is pregnant? Nowhere!     

Once all the household help went back to their task. Grandfather Go, assistant Ron, and the family doctor also bid the couple goodbye. They were happy as a lark, especially Chairman Go. This has been his long time dream, to be able to see his great-grandchild be born while he's still alive and kicking.     

Ann and Jeff continued the celebration in the comfort of their bedroom. [No snu-snu] Just comforting each other and sharing their love for one another and the new life within Ann.     

"Honey, what would you like us to have as our firstborn?" She asked while lying down on his abs. Playing with the hair on his chest.     

"I don't care, as long as the baby is healthy and neither are you. That's all it matters." Reply Jeff while caressing his wife's face filled with love...     


On the way home to Grandfather Go Mansion, Ron couldn't hold it any longer and decided to air out his grievance to the older man. "Sir, I have something to ask if you don't mind." Ron was asking Grandpa Go with concern on his face.     

"Speak! what do you want to ask?" Grandpa Go is not worn out, it's late, and he's still roaming around.     

"CEO Go had just announced to all the help in his household that they're receiving an extra 3-months bonus. How about us in your household?" He sighs after letting it all out.     

"You old fool, what are you worrying about? Jeff's only giving them a 3-months additional bonus, while I'm planning on giving you all 6-months additional. How's that! For a bonus. Hahaha!"     

Ron, who was worrying for nothing, is now dumbfounded by what he had heard. '6-months! Oh, my jolly! It's the best Christmas ever. Hahaha!' Now it's his turn to laugh silently, all worry gone from his face.     

Grandfather Go couldn't wait for Ann and Jeff to announce to the other side of the family. He immediately made a call to Grandma Tan; " Congratulations to both of us, it's good news. May I come for a visit?" He anxiously awaits for grandma Tan to agree.     

Grandma Tan looks at the time and realizes that it's almost midnight. "What in the world are you doing up this hour calling me? Aren't we too old to be doing this?" She jokingly told him.     

"Wait till you hear my news. You wouldn't care what time it is. Hahaha! So can I come over?"     

Grandma Tan contemplated for a while before she replied. "It's late already; I'm sure this good news of yours can wait until morning. I decline."     

Grandpa Go wasn't too happy with her reply, but what can he do. "It's your loss and my gain. You didn't want to see me; then you'll have to wait then. Bye!" He hangs up the phone without waiting for Grandma Tan to reply.     


On the other side of town, Lea and Ronald finally realized that Ann and Jeff had left a long time ago. They were too busy in the kitchen preparing the meal and flirting with each other.     

All meals were ready; Lea went to the bedroom to check on the couple when she realized they had left. At first, she wasn't planning on informing Ronald but changed her mind in the long run.     

"Well, it's only you and me now. How are we supposed to eat all this food?" She informs Ronald while looking at him hungrily and not the food.     

Ronald, who doesn't have much experience when it comes to a woman, only smiles sweetly and acknowledges that he heard what she said. "Let's eat then before the food becomes cold.     

Lea, who's much more experience regarding dating, asks Ronald straight to the point. "Do you like me?" She looks at him with her face almost right in front of his.     

"What if I do? What will you do about it?" Ronald replied nervously while also looking straight at her.     

Lea wet her lips, then put her fingers into her mouth, sucked the sauce from her fingers before going for the real thing. Ronald's lips.     

Ronald was stunned only for a moment, the taste of Lea's lips so sweet from the whipped cream she had sucked from her finger. The heat was too much for him to handle. He pulled Lea toward him and returned her kiss for kiss, and everything else.     

They were getting hot and heavy and ready to do the dirty right on the top of the dining table when they smell something burning.     

"Not, Again!"     

Both stopped and looked at each other first, then started bursting into laughter.     

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"      

[There goes their dinner ]     

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