I accidentally married a "CEO"

Not In A Million Years!

Not In A Million Years!

Something odd about that girl, it seems that her younger son knew her from before, and it's okay. She could use this to hatch her plan. With her youngest son's help, it could work.     

A scheme is now brewing inside the mind of Jeff's mother. 'If I have to use Ethan to stop the wedding, why not. From the way he's looking at her, I can see he loathes her to the core of his being. Hahaha! '     

Jeff's mother tested the water to see how hot it is before she would jump. "Ethan, honey, do you, by any chance, know who she is? It seems she's from Vegas as well. If I'm not mistaken, you went to the same high school as her. Am I right?"      

Ethan looks at his mother and tries to read her thoughts. He knows how his mother's mind works. 'Should he go along with her or not?'     

'I know what you're trying to do, mother; it will not work. You want to put doubt on your older son's mind, but I can see it for myself that he is deeply in love with her.' Ethan continued contemplating if he would or not…     

Ann was his first puppy love, and he's afraid that if he was not careful, their mother would do something to hurt her. He can't have that! Not in a million years.     

For four long years, Ethan tried his best to forget Ann and get on with his life. However, no matter how many girls he had dated in the past, none ever lasted longer than a week. She was the very first girl he had given his heart to and didn't get the chance to express in the long run before she disappeared from his life.     

To sum it up, Ethan never got over his feelings for Ann. Especially now that she's right in front of him, it just proved how much he still cares for her. He finally found her again, only to find out that she's about to become his sister-in-law. God can be cruel, sometimes!     

'My mind tells me to get my revenge for the heartache I received four years ago. However, deep in my heart, I cannot find a sign of courage to hurt the first woman I ever loved.' Ethan thought before replying to his mother.     

"Mom, what makes you think that I would know her just because she's from Las Vegas?" Ethan did his best to answer politically, looking straight at Ann instead of his mother.     

Olivia Wright wasn't happy that Ethan did not go along with her scheme. She looked at him with scorn. She was sure what she saw in his eyes was recognition toward Ann, but maybe she was wrong.     

"Forget it! I asked if you know her since she's from Vegas, and you're about the same age. If you don't know her, then you don't!" Olivia's face is now red from anger.     

Ann didn't know whether she should be happy or be scared. For whatever reason, Ann felt relief. She feels it's not the time to discuss their past; she will tell Jeff all about it when it is just the two of them.     

Ann looks at Jeff, giving him a sign to properly introduce her to his mother. However, Jeff's still upset with his mother. He has no intention of introducing Ann at all. " It's getting late, and you guys just arrived. Why don't you both head to grandpa's home where you will be staying? He's waiting for you right now." Jeff told them straight face.     

"What do you mean we're staying with your grandpa? I don't have any plan on staying in the same room with that old goat." Olivia refuses to follow Jeff's order.     

"Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble's mother, grandpa's mansion, or one of the villas, but you're not staying here with us." Jeff's adamant for them to leave the sooner, the better, especially his brother who kept sneaking a glance at his wife.     

"With us! Do you mean you two are now cohabitating? Hahaha!" Olivia turns and looks in Ann's direction. "I'll give it to you; you work pretty past. My son was engaged to your half-sister for four years until recently. You are already playing house in a short period coming to Asia.     

Ann did not contradict nor agreed. She stayed rooted with a blank look on her face. It is not acceptable to start a war with her mother-in-law. No matter what, she's Jeff's mother, and she has to accept that.     

She's starting to have a headache. If Oliva weren't her mother-in-law, Ann would have given it to her straight up.     

Jeff saw the way his wife kept on rubbing the back of her neck. He can no longer hold it in; he went towards his wife and started massaging her while whispering to her ears. "Sweetheart, don't pay no mind to her. If you want to go up and rest, go ahead. Let me take care of them first; then, I will go up to give you a message, alright!."     

Ethan is secretly dying inside from what his eyes are seeing. He cannot stay another second in the same vicinity as them. He needed to get out of there as fast as he could. "Mother, I'm exhausted from the long flight. Can you continue this again another time? Please! " He pleaded to his mother the best he can.     

"Fine! I'm not staying another minute in any place that I'm not wanted." She fitfully thinks Jeff will change his mind. She was wrong; Jeff didn't even hear what she said. His whole attention was with his wife, who's now becoming paler and paler by the minute.     

On the other hand, Ann heard every word Olivia said, and she felt terrible for the way Jeff is treating her mother-in-law.     

"Mrs. Wright, you are more than welcome to stay here if you want." She then turned and looked at Ethan; "You too! Ethan, if you're tired, I'm sure the guest room is readily available.."     

She gave her the sweetest smile that she can.     

Jeff: "HELL, NO!" He shouted as fast as the lightning.     

Ethan: "^-^."     

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