I accidentally married a "CEO"

It's An Emergency!

It's An Emergency!

Grandfather Go is now in a fit of anger. For many years he had kept it to himself and never told the truth to Jeff about his mother's involvement with his fathers' death. Maybe now is the time. It's been long enough; even though he doesn't have any proof, in his guts, he knows she and her husband had something to do with the death of his son.     

"If you don't want to lose both of your sons, you better stay as far away from my family and me. It's the last time I'm warning you. The next time I will not hesitate, you understand!"     

Olivia knows better than to argue with the older man. What he's saying is the truth. Her now ex-husband was the one who put a hit on Alex Go, Jeff, and Ethan's dead father.     

"Father-in-law, I'm sorry! I..."     

"I told you never to call me that. You are only a mother of my grandchildren, nothing more. You! If you don't want me to call security to drag you out of my home. I advise you to get out of here now!" Grandpa Go started to massage his chest. The stress and anxiety are too much for his heart to handle.     

"Alright! Alright, I will leave right now. Please calm down. I don't want to be the cause of you dying before my eyes." Olivia stumps and leaves the study.     

"Ethan! Ethan! I'm leaving now if you want to stay here, fine by me. If you want to go with me, then let's go!" She yelled at him on the way out to the door.     

Ethan was contemplating his next move. Part of him wanted to stay, but he can't let his mother leave like that. She's a volatile person since the divorce from her Mafia husband.     

After the divorce, her mother announces that they will be coming back to Asia. Ethan was elated that he will finally come home. He never did feel at home in America; he always felt that something is missing; His roots.     


Ann came through right after Olivia and Ethan left. "I'm sorry, did I pass out?" She asks her husband, who just finished informing his grandfather about the upcoming reunion with his mother.     

Jeff faces full of concern, lovingly caress Ann's cheek, then lightly gives her a deep kiss. "How are you feeling now? Can you take in some food right now?"     

"I'm still slightly light-headed, but I think I can take a few bites. Is dinner ready? If so, let eat." She tries to get up, but she's still weak and ends up laying back down.     

"I guess I'm not fully recovered yet, give me a couple more minutes, ok! I'm sure I will be fine then."     

"You stay here; I'll go tell the Chef to arrange someone to set up our dinner here in the study." Jeff's heart is aching for his wife. He hates seeing her like this, but there's nothing he can do.     

"Sweetheart, I wish I could switch bodies with you right now. Is it hard being pregnant? If I knew how hard it would be for you, I would have made sure to use protection." Jeff told his wife, sheepishly.     

"Hahaha! You're something you know! You want to be the one carrying the baby, yea, right!" Ann forces herself to get up. "Come here!" Motion to her husband to get closer.     

Ann eyed Jeff up and down before, "Hahaha! Would you have used protection? Honey, if I can remember correctly, each time we made love, you would rub my tummy like a Buddha making a wish. Hahaha!"     

Jeff scratches his head, then starts laughing as well.      

"Seriously speaking, If I can be the one to suffer for our pregnancy, I will do it in a heartbeat. As long as you don't suffer. I can't bear to see you not feeling well." Jeff proudly announces while looking at his wife lovingly.     

*Knock Knock Knock* "Young Master, Young Missus, your dinner is ready. May we bring it in, please!" The Chef and the Butler announced in unison.     

"Come in, bring in the food," Ann replied happily.     

However, as soon as she smelled the melted cheese on top of the spaghetti, she started getting nauseated again. "Honey! Hurry, help me up. I'm going to puke! Hurry!!!" Ann anxiously asks Jeff.     

Jeff did not help her up instead, he lifted her and took her to the guest restroom.     

He settles her down by the commode, and when he saw that Ann's hair would be in a way; He pulled it and held it steady. He then started stroking her back and trying to soothe Ann's emotion.     

"Sweetheart, do you mind if I call the family doctor to check your health. I'm afraid that you're going to be very sick if you continue like this until our baby comes to this world. Jeff whispers to Ann, whose only concern is how she can throw up.     

"Do whatever you want; all I care is to settle this stomach of 'mine. Good thing I didn't eat anything at launch, or I will be in trouble big time.     

Ann's stomach settled in as she was getting up...     

Jeff saw a spot of red at the back of her dress pants. Jeff didn't know what to do. "Should I inform her now or wait after dinner?" He mumbles...     

"Sweetheart! Why is there a red spot on your pants? A red spot!" This is not good. He picked up his wife, then yelled at Butler to prepare the car.     

"Jeff put me down! What's going on? If you don't tell me or put me down, I might lose the baby." Ann told him without hesitation.     

"Jeff put me down!!!" Then hit him on his chest to wake him up from a trance.     

He finally realizes that Ann had been telling him to put her down.     

"No! I can't; I'm taking you to the hospital. This is an emergency! I can't wait for the family doctor to come." He anxiously told his wife while trying his best not to drop her.     

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