I accidentally married a "CEO"

You Will Regret It!

You Will Regret It!

Ann looked around to see if they were listening to her. When she thought that no one would listen to her, she raised her voice for everyone to hear. "Listen! I'm only going to say this once if you don't want to listen to it, fine, but I assure you all that you will regret it if you don't listen."     

Everyone focused their attention on Ann.     

Grandfather Go started chuckling. 'Let see what she's got to say, to wake all these idiots up from their sleeping senses.'     

"Mother-in-law, you're right! I'm pregnant. What I was about to say before you interrupted me is that...If you all don't stop your bickering with one another. I'll make sure that you never get to see your grandchildren in the future."     

"Furthermore, as my husband said, we are married already whether you agree or not, we are only having another wedding for formality, nothing more. So, think about it and think hard. Do you want to be a part of my child's life in the future or not?"     

Grandfather Go started clapping his hand. "Bravo! Bravo, that's how you do it. Now that's all settled, how about we all sit back down and enjoy the meal, and we can discuss the wedding afterward."     

"Congratulations! Sister-in-law." Ethan said somewhat in between sad and happy.     

Jeff whispered to his wife, "Good job, sweetheart, that's how you shut them up."     

Ann finally breathed after the words, then sat down proudly.     

Albert, Sophia, and grandmother Tan went to Ann and Jeff and congratulated them with hugs.     

Olivia, on the other hand, was speechless; she needed to think. Before acting, it's not okay to do anything now; she will wait for the right time. It doesn't matter if they are already married; they can still get divorced in the future.     

The dinner went well after that. Grandma Tan was over the moon, and so was grandfather Go. Their longtime dream had finally come true. What more could they ask for in this lifetime.     

After dinner, everyone moved to the living room to discuss the wedding venue. Olivia and Sophia started arguing again. They could not agree on anything. Everyone just ignored them and continued making plans.     

Ethan went towards the bar and poured himself a drink. He stayed as far away as he could from the couple. He knew that Jeff's eyes were always watching his every move.     

What was supposed to be a reunion for the two brothers was now a thing of the past. Instead of getting closer, they were more distant due to the love they feel for the same person.     

On the other hand, Ann decided to accept the fact that Ethan was now her brother-in-law, whether she liked it or not.     

Ann was very tired of all the bickering between Sophia and Olivia. She decided to have an early night. "Honey! Can we leave a little early, please! I'm already tired." She asked Jeff with tiredness written all over her feature.     

Jeff didn't reply; instead, he got up, helped her up first, then informed everyone that they were leaving before he lifted her and carried her like a baby right in front of everyone.     

"Hahaha! Oh! How I want to be young and healthy again." Grandpa Go jokingly told everyone.     

"Mom, I think we should leave as well. I'm still suffering from jet lag and would like to have an early night," Ethan told Olivia, who was still bickering with Sophia about the theme of the venue.     


In another Country:     

Claudia realized what Sophia had done to her, sending her to a third world Country to recuperate instead of America, where she was supposed to be right now. At first, she was acting high and mighty when she learned her lesson.     

However, she soon realized that it would not do her any good acting as the spoilt child she is; she changed her tactic and bribed someone into helping her make a phone call to Asia. She contacted her manager and requested to send her loads of cash from her private account, in which her manager complied.     

Claudia made use of her money, the same person that helped her make that phone call to her manager; Set her up with a plastic surgeon to fix her ruined face from the accident. Now she was waiting for the day when she healed and took out the bandages. When that day comes, she will return to Asia and get her revenge.     

'Sophia Wen, wait for me. I'm coming back to get even with you. You think you can get rid of me this quick. You got another thing coming.' Claudia mumbled to herself.     

Claudia asked her manager to get everything ready for her return. She told her everything that Sophia did to her, not knowing the full truth. The Manager felt that Claudia should get whatever belongs to her; she fed Claudia information daily.     

The manager would gather all the news about the Tan family. One of the stories she came across was Ann and Jeff's impending marriage in the coming months.     

This made Claudia much more determined to go ahead with her revenge on Sophia.     

Ann Wen, Sophia's love child, took what belongs to her. Her beloved grandmother, Father, and everything that belongs to Tan Clan should all be hers. She was born the heiress.     

The day of the bandage removal could not be soon enough if everything turned out the way she had anticipated. Claudia should be as pretty as Sophia, if not much more.     


The investigation of Claudia's accident was now complete. Officer Garcia provided the police report for CEO Albert Tan to read. He was shocked to find out that it was all Claudia's scheme that caused her own injury. There was no one to blame but herself for whatever happened to her.     

CEO Albert Tan spoke with his mother about telling the truth to Claudia about her parentage. She needed to know the truth in order for her to get on with her life. Also, it was time to clear the air and get rid of the rotten smell.     

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