I accidentally married a "CEO"

Who Cheated?

Who Cheated?

Both Jeff and Ann recognized Claudia in a glance. Even though her plastic surgery was a success, her behavior did not improve at all.     

"Well, well, well! Who do we have here? My fiancé and my half-sister." Claudia spoke with a loud voice for everyone to hear.     

Jeff took Ann's hand and motioned for her to get up. "Let's go, sweetheart. We don't need to deal with her."     

Ann was going to say something to Claudia, but after seeing that other table started to eavesdrop, she changed her mind and got up while Jeff helped her.     

"Where do you think you two are going? Come back here; I'm not done with you yet!" Claudia yelled at the top of her lungs. She looked around to see if people were paying attention to her before continuing. "You two will not get away with this, cheater!"     

Claudia then turned around and spoke with people who were watching the whole thing. "You all saw that right! That man has been my fiancé since birth, and that woman is my half-sister. Take note of that." She informed everyone interested.     

The name of the man is CEO Go of Mega World Intl. Group of Companies, while the woman is Joanna Wen, alias Ann Wen. You all got that?" She checked around the tables, making sure they heard her.     

"Wow! So she stole her half-sister's fiancé?"     

"I know, right! To think I was getting jealous of how sweet they were with each other; they are a couple of cheaters. "     

"Let's post it to the media so that everyone can know."     

"Yes! Yes, that's the right post in the media, and my name is Claudia Tan, the heiress of Tan Corporation. Did you get that?" Claudia coaxed the people around.     

'Let's see if you still have the face to show after this, hahaha!' Claudia was elated with the deed she had done.     

Sure enough, Ann and Jeff were the top searches on the web.     

The headlines read: [No.1 Bachelor of the Country cheated on his fiancée with the half-sister. The names of the two are...-]     


"Ann! Ann, what's this? Why are you and Jeff being accused of cheating? What's going on?" Lea asked with concern for her friend.     

"It's Claudia; she came back already. She saw us at the restaurant and created this mess. Oh! I'm getting a headache." Ann slumped down onto the sofa.     

"Where's your hubby? Shouldn't he do something about this? Come on; we cannot taint your image, especially now that your engagement and impending marriage will be announced tonight at the party.     

"He went back to Mega, he said not to worry, he will take care of it and Claudia once and for all."     

"That's good! If not, I will personally take care of the b...ch, and I can't believe she has the guts to spread these lies." Lea's face was all red from anger.     

"Lea, what time is the appointment with the stylist? I want to have a little time to rest before tonight. I'm easily tired lately due to the pregnancy, I guess." Ann rubbed the back of her neck and sweated bullets.     

"Ann, what's wrong? Are you nauseous again? Don't you dare pass out on me; I wouldn't know what to do? You hear me?" Lea was anxious now.     

'I'll be fine. Let me lay down for a while. If I don't, I might pass out on you."     

"Go, go, go-come, let me help you." Lea ran outside to Mrs. Lim once she got Ann to settle on the sofa. "Mrs. Lim, I need your help, please! I need a cold compress, a blanket, and some hot water."     

"What's going on? Is everything alright with CEO Wen?" Mrs. Lim asked while going in the direction of the storage room.     

Lea followed behind, "She's alright for now, but I'm afraid she might pass out, and I would not know what to do." She replied, not thinking of what she said.     

"Why would she pass out? And how would you know that? Does she have some sickness I don't know about?" Mrs. Lim was now worried.     

"Oh! It was nothing. She's anemic, and a lot of the times, she would pass out due to lack of rest, that's all." Lea recovered.     

'I see it!" Mrs. Lim accepted Lea's excuse, but she doubted that she was telling the truth.     

"By the way, Miss Claudia came by while you were downstairs eating your lunch. She asked where CEO Wen went, and I informed her of the location. But I had a feeling that I made a mistake afterward." Mrs. Lim was feeling downcast.     

"It's alright, don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong." Lea tried to make Mrs. Lim better. 'So, that's how she found out where the two were.'     

They found what they were looking for. Lea went back to the CEO's office.     

"Ann, are you alright?" Lea whispered checking, in case Ann was already asleep.     

"I'm awake and fine. I only need to rest a little, and I will be back to normal. "Ann gave Lea a half-smile.     

"Friend, is it that hard being pregnant? It seems like you have become paler and paler ever since. If it's like this now, what will happen when you get bigger, bigger, and bigger. Hahaha!" Lea tried to ease Ann's concern, which was visible on her face.     

After resting a little, Ann and Lea went home to the Mansion. She asked Lea to come as well, so she and the stylist can do her makeup and clothing for the party. After the makeover, Lea looked like a million dollars.     

"Miss Wen, can we please continue dressing now," The stylist brought in the dress she will be wearing, a one of a kind creation of M.C. Asia # 1 famous designer.     

The dress was a stunning green color. It was fitted, see-through cleavage from the waist up, covering only up to her breast, elegant hand stitch design, the sleeve is translucent, barely visible to the naked eye.     

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