I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Real Heiress

The Real Heiress

Claudia was apprehended for attempted murder charges. Jeff was the one alerted officer Garcia of her arrival and Asia. He needs to make sure she cannot create a scene at the party.     

They know she would come and create a scene at the party. Therefore they arrange to apprehend Claudia during that time, and it's a success. She's now history.     

It's like nothing happened. The celebration continued. The guest from all over the world doesn't care who is the true heiress of Tan Corporation. What matters to them is who Jeff chooses to be his partner. From what the spectators saw, Joanna Tan is the right one just from her look alone.     

After the big commotion, Albert Tan, Grandma Tan, and Sophia excused themselves. They needed to go to the Police station to speak with Officer Garcia and find out what's going on. She's still a family member in the eye of the onlooker; they cannot abandon her like that.     

Ann and Jeff had to stay with Grandfather Go along with Ethan and, of course, Olivia Wright. Now that Sophia is gone, the limelight is all hers. It's showtime!     

"Well, I guess it's now official. The whole world knows that you are the true fiancee as Chairman Go announced." She walked towards Ann and gave her a once over. "Enjoy it while you can." She follows through almost a whisper.     

"This gown you're wearing, tell me who the designer is? If it can clean you up to look like a million-dollar, who knows what it would look like on me." Olivia asks Ann with a sneer.     

Ann didn't know who her gown designer was; therefore, she can only honestly answer her mother-in-law. " To tell you the truth, I have no idea. Jeff had this gown made for me, and I only saw it tonight."     

Jeff, who's standing by Ann about to say something to his mother, was interrupted by Lea, who's running excitedly over something.     

"Ann! Ann, ANN!!!" Lea was calling her with a voice loud enough for everyone to hear.     

Lea was out of breath by the time she reached Ann's side. Hah, hah, hah- Lea is trying to catch her breath still. "Oh! My gosh, Ann, you don't know who just came.     

"Lea! What is it? You need to come down; there are too many eyes here." Ann whispers. "Dignity, poise, elegant. Where did it all go?"     

"I'm sorry! But I can't calm myself at the moment." Lea is holding Ann's handshaking with excitement. "It's tremendous. Wait till you see what I'm mean."     

Ronald finally catches-up with Lea apologizing to everyone. "I'm sorry! Chairman, CEO, everyone." He then tries to pull Lea back to let them continue their conversation.     

"Insolent! How dare you butt in when we are in the middle of the conversation. Who do you think you are?" Olivia's eyes were burning with anger toward Lea and Ronald.     

"Mother! Stop it, please! Don't make a scene. It's embarrassing." Ethan pleaded once again.     

Ann turns her attention back to Lea, who's still hyperventilating from running and excitement. "What's going on? Why are you all excited?" She repeated once again.     

Before Lea could reply, guests started talking among themselves about the famous person that attended.     

"Oh! My, my! Is that who it is? My eyes are not deceiving me?"     

" I think so! I attended one of his fashion shows, and it's him for sure."     

The guest is all in a buzz seeing the only # 1 famous designer from Asia, Mr. C. walking towards the Go family with an air stating I'm the king of fashion.     

"He must be here to give his greetings to the old man."     

"Why else would he be here if not for the celebration."     

Once Mr. C. reaches where the Go family is, he greets the older man with respect. Then turned around to look at his creation being worn by Ann. "I knew it, a beauty like yours can only wear this gown," M.C. told Ann while holding her hand and going around the circle checking her out.     

After carefully looking over Ann, he then turns to Jeff and nods. "You're right, Jeff; she's a beauty beyond this earth. If I didn't see it with my own eyes tonight, I would think you were only bragging because she's your future wife. hahaha!"     

Mr. C then turns his attention back to Ann. "Let me see... You are the only one, for sure! no one else." He mumbles.     

Olivia is speechless; she cannot find a word to say at all. 'This dress is created by non-other than Mr. C. himself?'     

"Excuse me! My name is Olivia Wr.." She was cut-off before she could finish introducing herself.     

"And?" Mr. C. was looking at her up and down with a straight face.     

"I'm the mother of ..." Olivia was talking to thin air. Mr. C. had given his full attention to Ann.     

"Follow me!" Mr. C. told Ann, who started going in the direction of the podium.     

Ann, who's dumbfounded, finds out that this famous person created the gown she's now wearing. The most sought out fashion designer in Asia, it made her speechless.     

She followed him, walking like the model she is, toward the podium. Jeff stayed rooted and watched from the sideline like a male God statue, watching over his Goddess descend to earth.     

"Attention! Ladies and gentleman, assuming I don't need to introduce myself." Mr. C. loudly announces over the microphone.     

"Mr. C."     

"Mr. C."     

"Mr. C."     

The crowd yells and cheers his name.     

"Thank you! For knowing who I am." He smiles then bows to give respect. "I want to invite all of you to my next fashion show. Now that I found my muse, I have a creation in mind that will blow your mind away." Mr. C then took Ann's hand and guided her to come to the front.     

"This Goddess who descended on earth is currently wearing my one of a kind creation called "The True Heiress." What do you all think?" Mr. C. Pointed to Ann's gown proudly.     


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