I accidentally married a "CEO"

He's Jealous

He's Jealous

To lighten the atmosphere, Don-don invited Ethan to join them for dinner. When Eva heard the offer, she turned around and gave Ethan a look with a frown on her face and waited for his reply.     

"Thank you for the invitation; however I have another engagement tonight, maybe next time." Ethan quickly answered.     

When Eva heard his answer, she was satisfied. She went back to cooking and let it go just like that.     

"Well! Nice to meet all of you. If I want to see you again, where can I find you beside coming over here?" Ethan was asking Don-don but looking at Eva in the makeshift kitchen.     

Don-don saw how Ethan kept on looking in Eva's direction. Even though he's only seven years old, he is pretty smart at his age. He figured out that Ethan is interested in his older sister Eva.     

How about we give sister Eva's phone number. You can text her first before coming and will meet somewhere." Don-don informs Ethan.     

When Ethan heard what Don-don said, his eyes lit up with a light bulb being turned on. "Sure! Here's my cell phone, you can put it in."     

Don-don accepted Ethan's cell phone, input Eva's number then winked at him while handing the cell phone.     

They walked Ethan back out of the slum area. No one bothered them the whole time. Ethan couldn't see much of the field as they passed through; however, the smell of the garbage around the surrounding making his stomach turn inside out.     

He didn't want to let Don-don know that he has a weak stomach, Ethan tries his best to hold his breathing while sweating bullets at the same time.     

When they were about to reach the end of the alleyways, Ethan couldn't hold it anymore and started throwing up. He squatted at the side of the alley trying to hide it from Don-don.     

"Sir, it's alright! You don't have to hold it in, puke it all out and you'll feel better afterward." Don-don was patting his back with a concerned look on his eyes.     

"Thank you! I'm fine now; it's just that..." Ethan with a face full of sweat looking pale tried his best to smile.     

They separated once they entered an area where Ethan's became familiar, bid goodbye to each other, and went their separate ways.     

Ethan thought of an idea of how to help those children; he will need to speak with his grandfather first; once he gets the approval, the next step would be to talk to his older brother Jeff to implement his idea.     


Grandfather Go was happy to hear Ethan's idea. " That's one hell of an idea you have there; I'm all for it. Go and make your proposal, present it to your brother, and will go from there." Grandpa Go patted Ethan on his back while grinning from ear to ear.     

"So, you're going to be staying in the country from now on? You're not going back to America after the wedding then?" Grandfather Go asks Ethan full of hope.     

"It seems that way, at least. Why? You don't want me to stay?" Ethan worries that his grandfather doesn't want him around.     

"You, rascal! What do you mean I don't want you to stay. You had just made this old man the happiest, hearing that you will be staying. Hahaha!"     

The relief was showing on Ethan's face after hearing what his grandfather just said. He went to the old man and hugged him." Thank you! Grandpa."     

Ethan started working on his project. If everything works out, those children would have a real home and have a brighter future ahead of them.     


Jeff was in the bathroom taking a shower when his phone started buzzing. Ann saw the light and looked at the caller's number. 'Hmmm? I wonder who it could be? " She looked at the time and saw it's past 8:00 p.m. After contemplating, she decided to pick-up the call herself. Good thing Jeff does not have a password on his cell phone.     

"Hello!" Ann answered with her sweet voice.     

Ethan was speechless for a moment. He did not expect Ann to answer Jeff's phone. "Hello! Sister-in-law, it's Ethan, may I speak with bro Jeff please!" Ethan tries to make his voice sound cheerful.     

"Oh! Ethan, how are you? He's taking a shower right now. Is there something I can help you with?" Ann asks amicably.     

Ethan thought for a moment before replying. 'Should I talk to her about my idea or should I wait for big bro?'     

"I needed to speak to both of you about a proposal. I wanted to check if it's ok for me to stop by tonight?"     

"Tonight? I will have to check with Jeff; unfortunately, we are getting ready to go to bed, but..." Ann didn't get to finish what she's about to say. Jeff came out of the bathroom looking like a 'male stripper' with only a towel covering his lower body still glistening with water droplets all over his body.     

Jeff gave her a questioning look. "Who?"     

Ann put her hand to cover the sound of their conversation. "It's Ethan!" She whispered back.     

As soon as Jeff hears Ethan's name he snatches the phone out of Ann's hand like a thief. " What do you want?" He growls to Ethan who was so engrossed in listening to Ann's voice.     

"Jeff Go! What was that? I would have handed it to you nicely, why do you have to snatch it like that." Ann's was hurt the way Jeff had acted.     

Jeff realizes what he just did; he forgot that Ethan was still on the other line. " I'm sorry! Sweetheart, you know how I am when it comes to you speaking with another male species."     

"But, that's your brother! I can't believe you are jealous even with your brother," Ann told Jeff with a high voice.     

"Sweetheart, to be honest, I'm afraid that I might even get jealous with my son if we have one. Hehe!" Jeff said sheepishly.     

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