I accidentally married a "CEO"

Enjoy While You Can

Enjoy While You Can

Ethan heard Olivia laughing with malice in her voice, and it worries him that his mother is plotting something. Her last parting word alone made him worried. 'What does she mean by remembering to take what belongs to me, and what is that? Sure by blood I'm part of the Go family, but I no longer carry the last name Go, I'm Ethan Wright by law. So, what is she talking about?' He shakes his head unsure of what his mother is plotting this time.     

Olivia is happily preparing to go back to America in a couple of days. However, before leaving the country, she's planning on visiting that daughter-in-law and giving her a piece of her mind.     

'Enjoy while you can, when I come back from America; The real daughter-in-law will be with me, Megan Wright and you will be kicked out to the curb.' "Hahaha! Hahaha!"     

Megan Wright is a beauty in her own right, her mother is Italian, and her father is Italian-Irish-American. The combination created an alluring vision with long blond hair. Curvy petite body, 5'8" tall, and with the help of the best surgeon in Hollywood she has a double C-cup breast, and beautiful kissable lips. She's perfect in all aspects except for her princess syndrome.     

Olivia loves her like her daughter, she planned on making it official by marrying her to Jeff since she cannot marry her step-brother Ethan.     

Unfortunately, Olivia's one step behind, and Jeff is now married and a child on the way. However, she could still find a way to make them get divorced as soon as the child is born. With that thought in mind, she happily continued her packing.     


Jeff and Ann have no idea that Olivia's planning on sabotaging their marriage by bringing in another party in the picture. They are quietly embracing each other while they sleep without a care in the world.     

The next day, Jeff and Ann both received an email from the Gynecologist regarding the test result.     

Lea informs Ann of the message as soon as she arrives in the office. "What time would you like me to make the appointment?" Looking at Ann concerned in her eyes.     

Ann thought for a minute if she should contact Jeff and ask him to go with her this time when her phone started buzzing. She took a look at the number, "Speaking of the devil." She mumbles for Lea to hear.     

"Who's the devil?" Then took a peek to see the number on the screen. "Oh! Big boss, he's probably received the same message as you." Lea guessed.     

"Hi, Honey! You missed me already?" She jokes to ease the anxiety she's feeling.     

"Did you receive an email from the doctor?"     

"Yes! I did, how about you?"     

"That's what I'm calling you about, besides missing you. hehe!" Jeff is trying to lighten the conversation. He can sense that Ann is worried about something from the sound of her voice.     

"So! Do you want to go together or are you busy?" She asks to hope that he's not.     

"Sweetheart, unless I'm in a deathbed and can't get up there's no way I will miss this for the world," Jeff assured her that he's coming one way or the other.     

"Ok! What time do you want to go so that Lea can make the appointment?" She asks sound casually while going through the stack of documents in front of her.     

"It's alright sweetheart, Ronald had made the appointment already and will be there in five minutes to pick you guys up."     

Ann stops what she's doing and seriously asks Jeff, " Honey! What do we do if there's a problem with my pregnancy, I'm scared?"     

"Sweetheart, nothing is wrong with you and our babies, they will be fine and so are you." Trying to console his wife.     

Ann heard him say, 'our babies' he already knows they have a twin. However, it's not the time to discuss this matter. "Will be down in a minute, I'll talk to you then. Bye!" She hangs up without waiting for his reply.     

Jeff's concern about the way Ann hangs up the phone. 'I hope she's not feeling bad again.' Sadness envelopes his face while in thought.     

Ann and Lea were already waiting at the door when they arrived. Ronald came out of the car to open the doors for the ladies. "Good morning!" He greeted them with a warm smile plastered on his face.     

"Good morning!" The two answers in unison.     

Jeff got out of the car to help his wife into the car. But as he was about to usher her in, Ann suddenly collapsed without warning.     

"Ann! Ann, are you ok!" Lea was screaming.     

Jeff readily picked-up his wife and went inside the car while yelling at Ronald to rush to the hospital.     

"Ronald! What are you waiting for, step on it!" Jeff's in a panic; he doesn't know what he will do if something happens to his wife and child.     

Lea was shocked that she was speechless, only staring at Jeff while embracing his wife and wiping the sweat on Ann's now very pale looking face.     

"Lea contact Mr. and Mrs. Tan and inform them of Ann's situation. Tell them to meet us at the hospital." After giving his order to Lea, he put all his attention back to his wife who still hasn't woken up.     

"Sweetheart, Ann...come on sweety, don't scare like this ok! Come on wake up and tell me you're fine. Please! baby, wake up..." Jeff's voice is cracking, and he sounds like he's about to cry.     

"Hello! CEO Tan, this is Lea, CEO Wen's assistant. I'm calling on behalf of CEO Go asking me to inform you that we are on the way to the hospital."     

"Hospital! What happened? Is Ann alright? Tell me what's going on?" Albert Tan is anxiously bombarding Lead with the question.     

"Sir, the only thing I can tell you right now" Lea didn't get to finish what she's about to say.     

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