I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Patient's...

The Patient's...

Ronald heard Jeff's voice filled with concern for his wife and child. But he cannot take a chance on speeding and get them into an accident in return. However, from the sound of his boss's voice, it sounded like it's a matter of life and death.      

Therefore, he stepped on the gas as Jeff ordered, but he's cautious while driving. He kept on looking in the rearview mirror to see if Ann's woken up yet, but she's still unconscious, and he began to worry as well. He knew how much his boss loves his wife, and if anything happens to her, who knows what he would do.     

They arrived in the emergency room of the hospital in a flash. The car screeched when I stepped on the brake. Once he put the car in park, he swiftly got out of the car and went to the passenger at the back on Jeff's side and opened the door.     

A stretcher was brought out, waiting for their arrival. A doctor and a couple of nurses were already waiting to help An into the stretcher. However, Jeff would not let them touch his wife. He slowly stepped out of the car and gently lifted Ann.     

He carried his wife and lay her down in the cot. Once Ann was secured, the nurses and doctor rushed her to the emergency care unit, Jeff, along with them, not letting go of his wife's hands the whole time.     

"Ann, sweetheart, wake-up... " Jeff keeps on trying to wake her up.      

He knows she is breathing just fine, but it's shallow, and he can barely feel her pulse. He's getting scared for not having control of the whole situation.     

 "Doctor, please! I beg you to do something. Why is she not awake yet? It has been more than fifteen minutes?" He said, voice cracking and sounded like he's about to cry.     

"CEO, Go, please! step aside for a moment so we can check the patient." The doctor told Jeff, who hasn't left Ann's side and will not leave either-even if they make him.     

 "You don't have to leave; you just need to let us check her up to find out what's going on." The doctor politely explained to him. He looked lost and didn't know what to do.     

He had lost all rationality due to his concern for his wife and the babies. Jeff realizes that he's hindering the process and makes way to the doctor to be able to properly connect all the contraptions needed to check Ann and the babies properly.     

However, concern was still in his heart, and he couldn't help himself and continued asking a question while they were hooking up the contraption on the mother and child.     

"Doctor, please accept my apology. I will step outside and let you do your job. I don't want to be in the way of progress. Only one thing I'm asking...Please! Take care of my wife and child." He begged before walking out of the emergency care unit.     

Sophia, Albert, Grandma Tan, Grandpa Go, Ethan, along with Lea and Ronald are all outside the Emergency care unit waiting area. The only one that's not present was Olivia, who's celebrating the news of Ann's passing out and still not awakened.     

She couldn't be happier if she dies. Olivia could care less about the babies that she's carrying. She's not interested one bit. She wanted her out of the way so that she could bring the woman she wanted his son to marry.     


As soon as Jeff stepped out of the emergency care unit, everyone rushed to him to bombard him with questions.     

"How is she?" Albert Tan is the first to speak.     

"Is she awake yet?" Sophia asks with concern showing on her beautiful face.     

"Is the baby alright?" Both Grandma Tan and Grandpa Go ask in unison.     

Ronald, Lea, and Ethan, who stand at the side, just listening to the conversation, were the exception.     

Jeff looks all worn out in such a short time. His face showing like he's carrying the whole world on his shoulder.     

"She's not awake yet when I left; the doctor needed to check her thoroughly, so I stepped out. I don't want to be in a way." Jeff explained to everyone before finding a chair to sit and wait.     

Jeff was about to sit-down when he realized that his mother is not around anywhere. " Ethan, did you tell mother about the situation?"     

"I did inform her, and she told me she would follow. When would that be, I don't know, and I don't care?" Ethan informs his older brother, who looks like he's going to pass out as well.     

"Who cares if she comes or not, It's better if she doesn't. That woman is nothing but trouble." The older man interjects.     

Sophia, who's listening to the whole time, smirks and puts in her two cents as well. "Grandpa Go is right; It's better she didn't show up. She would create more trouble rather than help the situation."     

Speaking of the devil, Oliva comes in looking like she's going to a party with glitters and all on her clothing. "Hello, Everyone! " Olivia greeted.     

No one paid attention to her. When she realized that no one spoke back to her, she looked at her two sons, whose eyes were glued to the emergency care unit door.     

"Hello!!! In case you two did not realize, I'm here." She tries to attract Jeff and Ethan's attention. [Nothing!] The two continued looking at the door with blank faces.     

Soon enough, a nurse from the ECU came out of the room. "Who's the immediate family of the patients?"     

"I am!"     

"I am!"     

"I am!"     

"We are!"     

Almost everyone said it in unison. It made the nurse confused, and they had to clarify the question.     

" Actually, when we ask for a family, we are asking for a Husband." Said the nurse while looking at everyone.     

"Oh! How about us! We are the parents and grandparents of the patients; we want to hear the result as well." Albert Tan spoke on behalf of everyone else.     

The nurse looks at everyone contemplating. " The patients...     

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