I accidentally married a "CEO"

Shopping Spree!

Shopping Spree!

Everyone was happy hearing the news that everything was excellent with mother and the twin they all decided to celebrate Christmas together as one's family Grandpa will host the Christmas party at his mansion.     

"Alright! Here's the deal everyone, on Christmas Eve we'll have dinner together at my home, and exchange gifts to make it fun. Sky's the limit, so...we will need to do some Christmas shopping" Grandpa Go announces to everyone as they were ready to leave.     

"I'll head out first then; I need to find some bargain. Hahaha!" Lea announced all were about to leave when grandpa Go stopped with another announcement.     

"How's this? I will ask the manager to close the 'MWIM' to the public while we're shopping, I'll let my assistant call to let them know we are coming, we need privacy, and will have them close it to the public. How's that?"     

"But, Sir! As much as I want to tag along and shop at your Mall, I'm only an assistant and can't afford it." Lea informs grandfather Go.     

"Dear, dear, dear! When did I mention any form of payment? You can shop until you drop, get anyone and everyone you know a present from the mall. The sky's the limit."     

Lea and Ronald; "Where on our way Sir! Thank you!"     

"They all agreed and headed out to Mega World Intl Mall for a shopping spree, except for Ethan and Olivia.     


Customers at the mall weren't happy when they heard the announcement about closing the door to the public when they're at the height of their shopping for Christmas presents.     

" It's not fair; I'm not finished shopping yet!" A customer complained.     

"They can't do this; they need to compensate us if they are closing early like this." Another spoke.     

Another announcement came as soon as that person finished his sentence.     

"All valued customers that are currently shopping listen! Due to this inconvenience, we are offering a rain check — a staggering 50+20 % discounts on many brand name purses and shoes such as Tory Burch, Gucci, LV, Prada, Coach, MK, YsL, Dior, Bottega Veneta, Bvlgari, Fendi, Chanel, Chloe, Balenciaga, Buccio Carrara, Burberry and lastly Hermes. Kindly take note, only one product, and one person. No exception!"     

When the shoppers heard it, they all cheered, especially women that had been dreaming of owning one of the brands' names mentioned.     

"Yey! Now I can get that one item my sweetheart wanted for Christmas." A man cheered     

Customers at the World Mega International Mall were happy to leave after that, knowing they will be able to come back and purchase their dream purses or shoes.     


When everyone arrived at the mall, all customers were outside, lining up patiently waiting until when they reopened to the public. Once they saw Sophia coming out of the car, all her fans started screaming and taking pictures.     

In a matter of minutes, it's viral "Sophia the 'DIVA' had the MWIM closed temporarily, while she's shopping."     

"Oh! My God! My Goddess sure is the best, only Sophia can do that!" One of her fans posted on social media.     

From that comment alone, social media is abuzz with Sophia's news. It became the #1 search in a matter of a minute.     

Olivia saw this and changed her mind and went to do some shopping as well. "I can't let you have all the limelight!' She thought to herself.     


Shopping was smooth, with no one to bother them while they were choosing gifts for everyone.     

Once, they picked the gifts for the adults, everyone gathered at the children's department. That's when the fun begins. Grandma Tan and Grandpa Go started fighting for the same things.     

Sophia and Albert decided to intervene. "Come on you two! Do you all forget that we have a twin, why don't each of you pick for each child, you don't need to fight over it. Hahaha!"     

The two elder's joined the waves of laughter, they were right. No need to fight over it, they decided to pick gifts for each child.     

Lea, Ronald, Ron Sr. and manager Edna were all having a blast, to be able to pick gifts and not having to worry about paying is the best Christmas shopping ever.     

By the time Olivia arrived at the mall, everyone was finished shopping, and the mall was opened to the public once again. She was so mad and complained to the Manager, but there's nothing they can do.     

"Do you know who I am? My family owns this mall; I want you to close it to the public so I can shop peacefully." She declared.     

"Mam, I'm sorry! I'm new here, and unless I have an order from the higher up, there's nothing I can do." The manager explains without batting an eye.     

Olivia didn't have much of a choice when no one paid attention to her tantrum. She started shopping. 'Since I'm here already, why not just enjoy myself.' She thought.     

After she had finished shopping, she told the salesperson to send everything to the villa where she and Ethan were currently residing. "Make sure that it gets delivered today! I'm flying out tomorrow, and I would be taking them with me." She ordered the saleslady.     

When the cashier started ringing her purchases, Olivia's eyes widened. "What are you doing ringing my purchase? You're not expecting me to pay for all this right?" She screamed at the cashier.     

"I'm sorry to inform you mam, but we don't have any instructions from above. If you don't want us to charge you for all the products, please! have someone higher-up to contact us." The manager informs Oliva who's now turning red from embarrassment.     

"Excuse me! Do you know who I am? My family owns this mall, and you wait and see alright!"     

Olivia, took out his cell phone to contact Jeff. However, Jeff saw her number and decided to ignore her call and blocked her name afterward.     

She then tried Ethan, with no luck as well. "WTF! What is going on?" She mumbles for the store manager to hear.     

"Mam! We have a lot of people waiting to pay for their purchase if you cannot get a hold of anyone, how about you pay for it first, and then they can reimburse you afterward." The manager suggested.     

"What are you talking about that you want me to pay?" Olivia yelled at the store manager.     

"Mam, I understand what you're saying that you're a family. However, we have a policy that we need to follow. Unless you are the CEO, we cannot let you take any of the product unless we receive some form of payment. He turned and walked away without looking back.     

Olivia screamed and yelled about how mistreated she felt. "You watch if you don't get fired." She ended up being embarrassed in front of the crowd.     

She became the top #2 search in social media. Except her story was the worst, everyone was bashing her left and right.     


Once everyone left Jeff hurriedly contacted the Gynecologist to come to the room. They need to know the result of Ann's last test.     

True to her word, the doctor came as soon as possible. *Knock, knock* She opened the door slightly and popped her head. "How are the mothers and the babies doing? And how's the father doing?"     

"Please! Come-in doctor."     

She first checked Ann's pulse, then sat down on a stool by Ann's bed. "Let's see," she flips through the paper on the clipboard she has with her. "Hmmm! Your test result was all excellent except for your hemoglobin which causes you to collapse frequently."     

She handed over a sheet of paper to the couple to look over. "You see, there!" She pointed to a section where it indicated Ann's hemoglobin result.     

"Normal women should have at least level 8~13, but yours was in a low five which is not good. Especially in your condition right now. Yours considered a high-risk pregnancy." The doctor explains to the couple.     

"High-risk pregnancy! What do you mean by that doctor?" Jeff's tone of voice is a little higher than usual.     

"Don't be alarmed CEO Go; it's not hard to get her level to go up. She needs to eat food with a lot of Iron, that's all.     

"It's alright CEO Go, I'm sure you would do everything in your power to ensure she gets the proper nutrition she needed to help her level upright!" Smiling sweetly to Ann to ensure she's not worrying herself.     

"For the mother, don't worry about anything. Follow the instructions I'm giving to you, and you and the babies should be fine. If there's nothing else, I still have other patients to see." The doctor got up and left smiling to herself secretly.     

Once the doctor left, Jeff embraced his wife who's quietly digesting every word the doctor said. "You heard the doctor right? From now on I'm in charge of your diet, no if's or but's. Understood!" Jeff cupped Ann's face then gave her a lingering kiss.     

She put her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and went to dreamland with her twin and the most adorable daddy and husband in the whole world.     


Ethan couldn't stop thinking of Eva ever since he met her. Especially after seeing how lovey-dovey his older brother to the woman he once considered his first love.     

From the hospital, he decided to once again go for a walk where he met the two little boys the last time.     

Ethan arrives at the same place where he last met them. He looked around, but he didn't see either one of the boys. He saw some other children begging on the street; he decided to go and ask them.     

"Excuse me! Have any of you guys seen Don-don and Bentong?" He asked one that's about their age.     

"If you give me a dollar, I could tell you if I saw them or not." The kid replied without hesitation.     

"Sir, I could tell you for fifty cents." Another one butt-in.     

"I tell you what; I will give both of you two dollars each if you can take me where they live. Is that a deal?" Ethan's offer is tempting, but the boys have loyalty.     

"Nah! Thank's, but we can take you to them, we don't know you, and you could be a bad guy trying to hurt them.     

Ethan tried to higher up the ante, but still no go. Therefore, he has no choice but to look around once again in case they showed up while he was talking to the two boys.     

Ethan was in deep thought when someone started tugging at his shirt. "Sir! Sir, if you want to know where Don-don and Bentong, you can go to the park. They have fireworks tonight, and they planned on watching.     

Ethan thanked the boy by giving him some money. Once the other boys saw that he gave the boy money, everyone wants to point him where the park is     

"It's alright; I think I can find my way there. However, " Ethan pulled out some more money and started handing out left and right.     

Once he finished, he went on towards the direction of the park. He was almost at the park when he saw a person that was haunting his dream and thought days and nights: Eva, the boy's older sister.     

Ethan stared at her for a while; he contemplated how he was going to approach her without alarming in return. As he was watching Eva from afar, he realizes that she seems to be looking for something or someone. 'Could it be, she's looking for the two boys as well?'     

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