I accidentally married a "CEO"

You Are Dead!

You Are Dead!

They agreed that Eva and Bentong would stay in the hospital for the night since police officers would guard them.      

Ethan had to take care of some matters at home.  As much as he wanted to stay, he had no choice but to bid his goodbye to the three and left like the devil was chasing him.      

He needed to ensure that Olivia's out of the way; he will make sure she's on the plane first thing in the morning.      


Ann had woken up and realized that Jeff was not in the room. She pushed the buzzer to the nurse station for someone to come.     

"You called mam?" The nurse asks as soon as she comes in.     

"I'm wondering if you know where CEO Go went?"     

"I apologize, but I did not realize that he had stepped out. The last time I checked on you, he was sleeping next to you." The nurse replies with a smile on her face.     

"Could you please take out the needle? The ivy is empty, and I want to go for a little walk if that's possible?" The nurse can see from Ann's face that she's worried about something.     

"Mam, please! don't concern yourself. If you want, I could go look for CEO Go and inform him that you're awake." The nurse offered sincerely.     

Ann smiles at the nurse, "I'm fine, really! I only want to get some fresh air." She's hoping that the nurse would agree to her request.     

The nurse complied with Ann's request and took out the needle. Once Ann was freed, she got up and grabbed her robe, put it on, and walked out of the room with no directions.     

She was strolling toward the elevator when she bumps into a girl. "Excuse me!" The girl said and continued going inside the elevator. Ann went in as well, with no direction in mind.     

"What floor?" The girl asks with a smile plastered on her face.     

"To tell you the truth, I don't know. I wanted to get some fresh air, and I don't know where to go." Ann replied, honestly.     

"Oh! I'm the same way; I'm heading to the rooftop. Would you like to go together?" The girl offered while staring at her curiously.     

Ann looked at the girl and decided to agree." Sure, why not! It would be good to have company and someone to chat with." She replied with her winning smile.     

They stand there quietly, waiting for the elevator to take them to the rooftop. *Ding!* The elevator door opened, and two big burly men came in and grabbed the girl, then Ann. They put their hand on their mouth so they cannot scream. Everything went dark after that; they were knocked out.     


Jeff slowly opened the door of Ann's hospital room. He didn't want to make too much noise in case he woke her up. Pokes his head first to see if she's still asleep. What he saw was an empty bed. Ann was nowhere in the room.     

When he realizes that Ann was not on the bed, he went to the bathroom to check, but she's not there either. 'Hmmm? Where could she be?' He thought.     

When he couldn't find his wife anywhere in the room, Jeff went to the nurse station to ask.     

"Good evening, CEO Go!" The nurse greeted.     

"My wife is not in the room. Do you know where she went?" Jeff asked with concern in his voice.     

"Oh! She's your wife, well she was asking where you were, and I could not give her an answer. I'm thinking she might be looking for you."     

"Which direction did she go?"     

"I'm sorry, CEO Go, but I did not have the chance to see. I was busy when she left and didn't notice." The nurse apologetically replied.     

Jeff left to start looking for Ann, after going around the whole VIP ward and still unable to find his wife. He decided to check the surveillance of the hospital to make it easier for him to find her.     

What Jeff saw enraged him like a dragon ready to spit out a fire. A big burly man was dragging his wife towards a black car. "What the hell!!!" That's all he needed to see; he ran in the basement direction where the vehicle was last seen, followed by his bodyguard.     

All the security personnel were alerted, the hospital was locked-down.     

Ethan, who was coming back after making sure that his mother was set to leave the next day., was happily whistling toward the Don-Don VIP room. What he saw shocked him, his older brother running like the devil is chasing him.     

While Jeff was running toward the crime scene, the bodyguard was calling all his teammates and giving them instructions. "Young missus had been kidnapped, alert all the team members, and secure the whole hospital, do not let anyone get in or out unless it's an emergency."     

'God! Please! Don't let anything happen to my family, I'm begging you! Let my family be safe.' Jeff's praying.     

"Whoever you are, you are dead! When I get to you, bastard!!! You will wish for your death when I get my hand on you." Jeff's screaming while running to save his wife and child.     

Ethan heard what the bodyguard said to his teammate over the headphone. Soon he also hears Jeff's screaming. He runs after Jeff to see what's going on.     

"Jeff, what's going on? Jeff!!!" Ethan was yelling at his older brother while they were running.     

"Your sister-in-law had been kidnapped!" Jeff replied, trying to catch his breath.     

"WTF! How did that happen? Who would dare touch your woman? Do you have an enemy that you don't know off?"     

"Stop asking a lot of questions. I don't have the answer. All I know is a person is a dead man once I get a hold of him." Jeff replied angrily.     

They arrived at the basement parking lot. Unfortunately, they were too late already; they could not catch the bastard that kidnapped Ann.     

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