I accidentally married a "CEO"

If You Want It, Then It's Yours!

If You Want It, Then It's Yours!

Ethan was at a loss; he looked at the two who screamed at the same time to stop Bentong from talking any further.     

"What's going on? What's the big secret?" He asks jokingly with a smile pasted on his face.     

"It's a secret!" Bentong replied, smiling sheepishly.     

"Oh! It's a secret, and you can't tell me, is that it?"     


Ethan looks at Eva and Don-Don, who are quietly sitting and acting like they didn't just scream.     

"Alright! I understand I don't have the privilege yet. When the time comes, you will tell me, right?" He's asking Bentong and not the other two.     

"Yup!" That was all the answer Ethan received from Bentong.     

Ethan let it go if she doesn't trust him enough yet, then he would wait and be patient. But he would not wait that long. He promised himself that he would not lose this girl this time.     


In the meantime, at Jeff's mansion, Ann was taking a nap while Jeff was catching up on his work in his study. He needed to be a little away from his wife, or he would not do any kind of work.     

A call came in from Korea regarding the new vessel being built. One ship is complete, and they are now at the stage of naming the vessel. The manager wanted to know what name they should use.     

Jeff gave it thought only for a second. "Name it M/V "ANN" when it would finish. I want to give it to my wife as a Christmas present."     

"It's finished, CEO; we will just paint the name and will do it today. We can have the christening tomorrow if it's not too early.     

"That's fine; arrange everything and will be there." Jeff finished the conversation quickly. He then proceeds to complete the pending work built up since Ann arrived in Asia a couple of months back.     

Jeff was starting to get a headache. He had been slacking off since his wife came, and now it all fired up. He needed to clear everything before their wedding so they could go on a real honeymoon.     

Jeff was still working late when Ann woke up from her nap. She realizes that she has not had dinner yet, and Jeff was nowhere to be found.     

Ann got up and put a robe on before going downstairs straight to Jeff's study. She was tip-toe-ing making sure that Jeff could not hear her coming.     

Once she arrived at the door of the study, what she saw made her smile and sad at the same time.     

Jeff's hair was all over the place, his eyebrow almost crossed to each other, and he kept on sighing.     

He keeps on rubbing the back of his neck. She could tell he's tired and sore.     

Ann went towards Jeff without making a noise. She went straight to his back and started massaging his neck.     

Jeff was startled at first, but once Ann started massaging the sore part, he felt like he was in heaven. "Oh! Sweetheart, you're a lifesaver. That's it, right there...ahhh! that feels so good."     

Ann continued massaging Jeff and glancing at the document he's working on at the same time.     

Ann's eyes suddenly widened. "Jeff, can I have a look at that one!" She's pointing to the one he's currently reading.     

"You want this?" Jeff raised the document to hand to his wife.     

"Yes! Do you mind if I take a look at it? "     

"Sure! Any help is much appreciated." He jokingly told Ann.     

Ann took the document and about to go to the sofa to start reading when Jeff pulled her to sit on his lap instead.     

"Where do you think you're going? "He started kissing the back of her neck, and it tickled Ann. "Hahaha! Stop it! How can I read if you're going to keep doing that? Hahaha! Stop, please!" Ann was trying to wiggle out of Jeff's embrace.     

"No way! Jose, I had been slaving away all afternoon while you're napping. I need a reward, hmmm..." Jeff continued kissing Ann's neck, earlobe, and it's making her unable to concentrate reading.     

She needed to compromise to be able to read the document she has on hand. "How about this, you let me read this first, and when I'm done..." Ann didn't finish what she's about to say; instead, she gave him a sounding kiss on his lips.     

"You promise?" Jeff asks playfully.     

"Ummm! Do I have to make a promise? What if I don't want to?" Ann banter to Jeff's playfulness.     

Jeff's raised his two hands, " Alright! You win. I will patiently wait for you to finish reading. But once you're done, your mine!"     

The document that Ann wanted to read is an acquisition of Wen corporation. It seems that Edward Wen had been gambling away their fortune in Las Vegas and is now on the verge of bankruptcy.     

Ann continued reading. She was so immersed in her reading. She wanted to know what's going on. This is the time that she's been waiting for her whole life. To get back what belongs to them.     

Jeff was busy playing with her hair and kept on caressing her arms and legs. Once in a while, he would kiss her ears and brush her belly.     

"Honey! What are you planning to do with this company?     

"Ummm! Why? You want it?" Jeff's whispering to her ears.     

"The truth, yes! I want this company. Would you get it for me?" Ann asks Jeff with determination in her eyes.     

"If you want it, It's yours. During the acquisition, do you want to be present? I can arrange that too." He said with the sweetest smile plastered on his lips while his two dimples were heavily indented.     

There's nothing in this world that he wouldn't give to her if he can. If she asks him to give up his life, he's willing to comply with the woman he loves more than his life.     

Jeff was thinking while looking at his wife lovingly.     

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