I accidentally married a "CEO"

Ethan To The Rescue...

Ethan To The Rescue...

With a shy smile, Bentong twirled around in front of Ethan to show him his new outfit. Ethan praised the boy before telling him to go back inside. He was about to put the phone in his pants pocket when he saw the blinking light.      

Ethan wonders who could have been trying to get in touch with him? When he saw the number, he realized that it belonged to Eva. Anxiously, he pushed the button and a message popped out on the screen.      

[Help! Please, help me!] He almost dropped the phone; luckily, his reflex was pretty quick, and he could catch his phone before it crashed on the floor.     

"WTF!" He exclaimed loudly. He then looked at the number once again, making sure it belonged to Eva, and it is...     

Bentong hasn't gone back to the room as he requested, which is a good thing. Instead, he crouched down to Bentong's level, eye to eye. He put both of his hands on the little boy's shoulder while looking straight into his eyes.     

"Bentong, I'm going to ask you a question. This is very important, and you must think. Alright!" Ethan is trying his best to stay calm. He doesn't want Bentong to be alarmed.     

"Do you know where sister Eva lives? Have you ever been to her house? I really need to see her right now; I miss her, you know." Trying to sound calm so he won't scare the little boy in return.     

"Nope!" Bentong replied while shaking his head vigorously.     

"Shit!" Ethan growled and scared Bentong half to death. Then, he started to back out a little, away from him. He had never heard Ethan yell before.     

Ethan quickly retracts his action, "I'm sorry! It's not you, alright."      

He needed to think of a way to find out where Eva lives; he checked how long ago when she texted him. It wasn't that long; he could still save her. Only if he could find out where she lives?     

Ethan's half worried, half scared of what's happening to Eva. Then, suddenly, he heard someone speaking.     

"I know where sister Eva lives. Do you want me to take you?" Don-Don interrupts their interrogation.     

Ethan didn't hesitate, "let's go!" He told Don-Don and Bentong.     

They went to the garage searching for a car to use for the rescue mission: something easy to access and a convertible.     

Don-Don saw a 1965 Ford Mustang Shelby GT Convertible; it's white and has the top down. It caught his full attention and in awe.     

He pointed at it and asked Ethan. "What about that one!" With eyes full of admiration for the classic car.     

Ethan looks at the one Don-Don pointed. It's his grandfather's favorite 1965 Ford Mustang Shelby GT Convertible; he could get in big trouble if he uses that one.     

However, Eva's rescue mission is more critical than his butt at the moment. So he decided, "Get in!" he ordered the boys.     

The boys happily got in the car with wide grins on their faces. They didn't know why they needed a convertible just to pick up sister Eva. All that matters to them is being able to ride in a classic car.     

Once they were seated, Ethan put their seatbelt on then went to the driver's seat.     

"He throws the phone to Don-Don, "do me a favor, I need for you to contact a person for me. He's my older brother, and his name is Jeff.     

After instructing Don-Don, he drove off, not knowing the direction they were heading.     

Don-Don, on the other hand, can multitask while calling Jeff and explaining what Ethan said. He was also giving Ethan the direction to Eva's home.     

"That's it, turn there...once you get to the fourth street, turn right." Don-Don has a photographic memory.     

Even though he had only been to Eva's home once before, he can tell Ethan the direction quickly.     

They arrived at their destination. This time Ethan is not about to wait for the backup. He told the two kids to stay in the car; someone might steal it while he's on the rescue mission.     

The gate on Eva's home was locked. There are no security guards on duty, which made his rescue effort easier.     

He climbed at the brick fence and jumped over to the other side.     

Once inside, he was careful not to be seen by others. He slowly made his way towards the house.     

' Well, at least they seem to be in the upper class.' He thought.     

What he saw from the window outside the house made his blood boil to 200-degree Celsius.     

Eva was hit in her stomach and then kicked by the man.     

Ethan's sanity flew away just like that; he's now raging mad and ready to kill.     

He ran towards the house, kicked the door open. He went to the man who's talking on the phone then gave him a flying kick.     

Edward was kicked to the curb, knocked out in one shot.     

He then bent down to pick up Eva, who's still crouching from the pain in her gut, carrying her like a princess towards the waiting car.     

The household help were all afraid of Edwards' wrath, that they didn't dare get involved when Eva was getting beat up.     

They saw the man kick Edward, and they all cheered. One of them hurried up and picked up Eva's backpack, and followed along toward the car.     

The backpack was handed over to Don-Don, " thank you! Yaya."     

Yaya looks at Ethan with tears of joy in her eyes. "Please, sir! No matter what, don't let them take her back. If you do, you might never see her again."     

Ethan only nodded, then drove off to take Eva to his home.     


An hour later, Ethan couldn't wait to see what Eva looked like all dressed up. She started feeling better as soon as they were out of sight, away from Edward.     

When Eva walked out to the living room where the three were patiently waiting, the stunned look on their faces was a sight to see.     

Right in front of them was a beauty queen, much like Ann and Sophia.     

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