I accidentally married a "CEO"

Watching Broadway Show...

Watching Broadway Show...

The contour of Jeff's face suddenly changed. A line appeared between his brows when he heard what Lea said. Ronald could tell with one look that he's pissed. Lea was still acting like a child pouting right in front of everyone.     

Ann, on the other hand, was very understanding towards her friend. She gave Lea a tight embrace for everyone to see; she then whispered. " You better straighten up, girl, or you're going to get it. You hear me!" After saying those words only for Lea to hear, she turns to everyone with the sweetest smile she can produce and greets them one by one.     

Lea understood what Ann meant; she did a ninety-degree change in her attitude as to not embarrass herself. "You know is not what I mean literally; what I mean is that I hate you for not informing us so we could have been here to see you do that catwalk." Lea buttered up to Ann with a pleading eye, asking for forgiveness.     

"I'm sorry! It was my fault, we didn't have much time, and I took their cell phone and turned it off so they would not get disturbed while getting ready." MC announced to every one to hear.     

" No wonder our calls couldn't get through since Las Vegas, and when we landed, we tried as well with no luck. Now we know." Ronald interjects at the conversation to ease the tension.     

"Alright, since we got that out of the way, how about we move on to the next agenda." Jeff interrupted the conversation with a stern and commanding voice.     

Ethan was watching what was happening and he decided to stay out of it and not get involved with the conversation.     

Eva, on the other hand, was awestruck seeing MC in person. She had been a long-time fan, and being face-to-face with him was like a dream come true.     

"Excuse me, MC, if it's not too much to ask, may I have your autograph, please!!!" Eva pleaded excitedly.     

Ann realizes that she had not introduced any of them and corrected it in a heartbeat. " MC, this here is my cousin Eva." MC's eyes brightened when he heard that she's a cousin.     

"Nice to meet you, cousin, and yes! I'll be more than happy to give you an autograph." However, in the future, you will need to do me a favor.     

MC holds Eva's hand and looks her up and down; he then went around her to see more. "Hmmm... Height, long legs, slim, and let me look at you."     

MC grabs her face with his two hands, " High cheekbone, beautiful eyes... Hmmm, You will do it!"     

What does he mean she would do?' Ethan was thinking while giving MC a dirty look.     

MC continued, "When you get back in Asia, come see me at my studio, alright?" Eva only nodded as in agreement.     

Ann calls Ethan and introduces him first before Lea and Ronald. Lea was just like Eva; she had to have an autograph as well. Once the introduction was over, MC had to go back in for the closing of the show.     

The whole time they talked in front of the ballroom, many spectators took pictures and posted them on social media.     

Someone even created a poll for people to like and vote as they posted pictures of the three couples. Of course, Jeff and Ann beat them with a score of 85 percent out of 100. Ethan and Eva got a whopping 10 percent, and Ronald and Lea got 5 percent. The question was, 'who looks like a picture-perfect couple.'     


After the fashion show, the three couples went to watch a Broadway show called "Mama Mia." after the fashion show. It's a musical and Ann truly enjoyed it. It was a long-time dream of her to attend a musical, and it finally comes through thanks to her loving husband.     

Ann was so happy and engrossed the whole time they were watching. And Jeff was engaged in watching his wife enjoying herself. If someone questioned him later on about the show, he would not be able to answer at all.     

The truth of the matter, Jeff was never interested in watching a musical before and now. What Ann wants, she gets. That is how much Jeff loves his wife.     

The same goes with the other two guys; Ethan never cared for a musical or any Broadway show; he tagged along for Eva. Of course, Ronald is in the same boat, but at least he loves ABBA's song.     

Therefore, he's the only one out of the three guys who actually fully watch the whole show and even sing along with the actors and actresses when singing a song.     

Jeff and Ethan looked at each other when they heard Ronald singing along. " I had a dream, a song to sing...Lalala." They couldn't believe that he has a beautiful voice.     

Lea was stunned as well when she heard Ronald's voice. She stared at him without Ronald realizing what's going on. When it was over, Jeff and Ethan were teasing Ronald the whole way back to the hotel.     

"Wow! Ronald, I didn't know you're that talented. Why didn't you choose that career instead? You have a beautiful voice." Ethan jokingly told him.     

"I know, right; I was stunned to hear your voice; for as long as we know each other, I never knew you could sing," Jeff told him, teasing a half-smile showing on his face.     

Ronald's face turned red, and he became shy after hearing what the brothers said.     

Lea back hugged Ronald to show how much she loves his singing. " You could always sing to me in bed, my sweetie, and you never know what kind of reward you might get. Hahaha!"     

The three couples decided to explore the New York strip and walked down the street to look around.     

A passerby couldn't help themselves when they came across them. They gawk in awe; some even took pictures of them, thinking they were Asian celebrities.     

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