I accidentally married a "CEO"

Bentong's Hungry!

Bentong's Hungry!

The same cashier was at the counter when Grandfather Go and his entourage came in. The first word that came out of his mouth was, " I want to speak with your manager." He said it with authority which gave scary vibes to the sales clerk.     

"Grandpa, I'm sorry! But before I call for a manager, is there something I can help you with?"     

"I want to speak with your manager unless you have the power to do what I want to happen, then yes! You can help me." He proudly replied with a stern look in his eyes.     

"Sure! Why don't you tell me first, and if I can't help you, then I will call the manager."     

"Alright! Since you're adamant, I'll give you a chance. I don't like eating with strangers. Therefore, I want you to close the whole store until I finish eating. Can you do that?"     

The cashier was dumbfounded; she was speechless. 'What is wrong with this old man, just because he cannot eat with a stranger, he's asking to close down the whole place. Is he going senile?' She thought before replying.     

"Grandpa, I'm sorry! But even the manager has no power to shut down the business for a day. Only the corporate office can issue that order. Please, retract your request."     

The cashier was ready to burst into laughter thinking. " Why don't you buy the place, this way you can close it anytime you want to eat out. Hahaha!"     

Grandpa Go looks at the sales clerk as she speaks, and knows what she's thinking. He didn't respond to the sales clerk; instead, he turned around and motioned to old Ron to come near him.     

Ron hurriedly went towards Grandpa Go and listened. "Yes, sir! Give me a moment, and I'll check." He then steps a little further away and makes a call.     

The boys who're sitting at one of the tables with Grandma Tan were getting anxious and hungry. Bentong was running out of patience and decided to see what's going on with the food.     

Just as Bentong was almost where Grandpa Go, and so was Old Ron; They arrived simultaneously.     

"Grandpa, I'm hungry... Why aren't we eating yet? Don't you have any money like us, is that why they don't want to give you food?" Bentong asked sadly.     

"Before also, we came here and wanted to eat, but they booted us out because we don't have money. Is the manager going to kick us out again?" Tears started developing in his little eyes.     

When the cashier saw Bentong, she remembered him and his older brother. They always hang around looking for someone left over; that's why the manager kicked them out before. "I knew it, moochers!" She murmurs loud enough for everyone to hear.     

The color drained on grandpa Go's face, and he became pale. The contour of his face changed, and he's now enraged and ready to stomp on anyone who crosses his path.     

'How dare she say that! Does she have a death wish?' Old Ron was thinking with a sneer on his face.     

Grandpa Go looks at Old Ron without saying a word.     

However, Old Ron understands what he needs to do. So he walks right in front of the cashier and looks her straight in her face. "Young lady, I advise you to call your manager right now; it's for your benefit."     

"Sir! I'm sorry, but the manager is currently unavailable. If you're not planning to order, can you please!!! Step aside so other customers can order." The cashier said it with authority and a loud voice for all the customers to hear.     

"Yah! Acting high and mighty, can't eat with strangers. Hahaha! Why don't you go and eat at home, if you have one? Hahaha!" One of the customers from behind them said out loud to embarrassed Grandpa Go.     

"Yes! Grandpa, why don't you leave so we can order already. You're holding up the line. How much do you need? Here twenty bucks; it should be enough to buy your grandkid one piece of chicken at least." Another customer banter.     

Old Ron was shocked at how uncivilized the customers were. "Excuse me, young man, are you sure you can afford to donate that twenty dollars? You look like you could use it yourself badly."     

He then turned around and faced the cashier. "Forget the manager; who's in charge here right now?" Old Ron asked sternly with a high voice.     

The cashier thought nothing of it and proudly announced. "I am! Do you have a problem with that?"     

"Alright! Listen, and listen carefully. I'm only going to say this once and would not repeat it. Go out there, inform your customer that the business needs to close for the time being. Anyone that would be inconvenienced will get compensated. You hear me?"     

"Whoa!!! Whoa! Who are you, and who made you the owner of this store to tell me to close the business just so this old man and his grandkids can eat at peace. Please, either place your order or leave." The cashier was adamant about standing her ground.     

"Forget ordering; I'm not selling anything to your party. And before I call the police for disturbance, take your party and leave. Now!!!" She knows all the customers would be on her side if this old man complained to the HQ.     

All the customers in line to order were also upset about being held for a long while. Some started cursing, and some were going to pull them aside.     

Don-Don and Grandma Tan were watching from the side, they realized what's about to happen, and Don-Don yelled.     

"Grandpa, Bentong, watch out!"     

Bentong was quick to protect Grandpa Go with his body. "You're not touching my grandpa." With his rolled fist pointing at the young man ready to box.     

"Hahaha! You don't need that son; he would never be able to touch us." He then twisted his mouth, pointing at four burly men at the door. "Those guys are our bodyguards."     

Bentong: "^-^" Hmmm...     

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