I accidentally married a "CEO"

Closing The Store For Bad Service.

Closing The Store For Bad Service.

Bentong was at a loss; he doesn't understand what's bodyguards are. He stood still, rooted to the ground trying to protect his newfound grandpa with his tiny fist.     

Grandpa Go thought he's so cute for trying to protect him with his little body and bowed fist. "Son, why don't you go back with Grandma over there, and the food will arrive soon, alright!"     

Bentong looks at grandpa Go to see if he's telling the truth. After assessing his face, he seems satisfied with what he saw. "Ok! I would go, but if they hurt you, I would beat them to death." He proudly said it, then turned hi,s attention to the young man and pointed his bowled fist at him. "Hmph!"     

Old Ron had enough and decided to take the matter on hand. Since the cashier wanted to dig her grave, so be it. He turned around facing the customers at the line and the one already seated eating.     

"Ahem...People, listen up. This facility is currently closed for further notice. If you want to be compensated for the inconvenience, come up, and I will give you my calling card."     

"My calling card would represent a rain check, which you can redeem at the Mega Intl. Mall for discounts of any one product you purchased." Old Ron looked around if any was moving at all.     

He continued enticing the crowd. " You all probably know which mall I'm talking about, right? Where all the brand name products are sold."     

Old Ron finished it by saying. " Thank you for the consideration, and we appreciate it wholeheartedly."     

One customer got up from his chair. Since he's finished eating anyway and about to leave, why not get a discount voucher along the way.     

He walked toward Old Ron and took one of his business cards. As he was walking out the door, he started reading the printed information written on the card.     

The man's eyes got more prominent when he saw the company name on the business card. 'Whew! Good thin; he's, he's the devil of Mega World Intl. Group of Company. The Chairman's right-hand man. Those people were asking to be fried like their chicken.' He was whistling as he walked out the front door.     

Everyone followed the first man that got the calling and left. Then, one by one, people started to get up, took the card that Old Ron was handing out then left.     

The cashier started panicking; at first, she didn't say anything to the one already ordered. However, when the people who were in line began to move as well, that's when she panicked.     

"Wait! Wait, please! Wait a minute. Don't listen to this person; who knows if those were fake calling cards." The cashier was yelling at the top of her lungs.     

The Manager finally came out after hearing the loud commotion that's happening at the front of the store.     

"What's going on here? What's this commotion all about? " He looks like he was just woken up, and his appearance was disheveled.     

The cashier was about to say something. However, she was not able to voice whatever it is she's about to tell.     

The Manager saw Old Ron. "Sir! How are you, sir? What brings you here? Are you with your family?" He was trying to fix his appearance as he spoke and brushed his hair with his fingers to make it a little neat.     

Some of the customers that were about to leave stopped. They are now curious as to what's going on. The young man behind them in the line was still around. He's watching wide-eyed.     

"So! this is where you got demoted, and you still haven't changed and learned from your past mistake." Old Ron acknowledged the manager.     

"Sir...come on, we don't need others to hear that, right?" The manager's face was all red from embarrassment. He then realized that people are still gawking and listening with all ears.     

"Ahem! Ahem! Are you going to introduce me or what?" Grandpa Go asked Old Ron while his brows snapped together.     

"Sorry! Sir," Old Ron apologizes for overlooking.     

"Manager! Aren't you going to acknowledge your superior?" Old Ron asked him straight up.     

"Sir? I Don't understand?"     

"Forget it! Ron! Take care of everything, bring me my food now; my grandson and my date are hungry." Grandpa Go ordered and started walking towards Grandma Tan and the boys.     

Terror overtook the cashier's face when she realized that the people she offended were VIPs. Fear crossed her face for what's about to happen to her.     

She hurriedly rushed to where grandpa was seated.     

"Sir! I apologize if I had offended you earlier. I was only looking out for the benefit of the stores, that's all. Please, understand and forgive me for my stupidity, please!!!"     

A vein popped out in grandpa Go's neck, his expression hardened, and he only looked at the girls with a face void of any emotion. He did not say a word, just stared blankly.     

Bentong already lost his appetite, and so did Don-Don and Grandmother Tan. They all got up at the same time without warning.     

"Grandpa, I don't want to eat here anymore. Could we go elsewhere?" Don-Don asked seriously.     

"Yes, it's too much for my weak heart to watch and listen to all this drama." Grandma Tan followed up.     

"Me too! I don't like her anymore; they are not nice people." Bentong said to Grandpa Go.     

"Alright! we would go somewhere else." Grandpa Go motioned to Old Ron to come.     

Old Ron was still busy reprimanding the manager. But in the corner of his eyes, he saw Grandpa Go calling him.     

He didn't even excuse himself; he went towards Grandpa Go to find out what he wanted.     

"Yes, Sir?"     

"We're leaving; they no longer wanted to eat the food from here." Grandpa Go got up and was ready to leave, suddenly he thought of something.     


They then walked out the door without looking back to see the reaction of the people they left behind.     

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