I accidentally married a "CEO"

Arriving In Las Vegas, Nevada!

Arriving In Las Vegas, Nevada!

"Hmmm? I like this new invention of yours, can we do it often? Hahaha!" Jeff teased Ann while still in his embrace.     

The aftermath of their lovemaking still lingers in the air. While the couple was still curled up in bed after their lovemaking, the other couples were at the restaurant below having dinner, waiting for them patiently.     

Jeff still curled up with his wife in bed when he realized the time. New York is 3 hours ahead of Las Vegas. So if they leave as soon as possible, with a 3~4 hours flight, they would be there by 9:00 p.m.     

"Sweetheart, we need to go back to Las Vegas; there's a problem in the hotel. Ethan's stepfather, Mr. Wright, is creating havoc, and I need to take care of the matter."     

"What are we still doing lazing around in bed then? Why didn't you say so earlier? We could have been gone by now if you had told me." Ann gave Jeff an accusing glare.     

"Well..., If I had mentioned it to you earlier, hehe, would I have experienced your new inventions? Hahaha!" Jeff got up from the bed, laughing and teasing his wife.     

"Hmmm? You're right, and I would not see that big o' bun that's flaunting in front of me right now. Hahaha!" It is now Ann's turn to tease Jeff while laughing out loud.     


Inside the private jet on the way to Las Vegas, Nevada. Jeff, Ethan, and Ronald were busy discussing the situation with the Mafia Boss, Mr. Wright.     

Jeff included Ethan in the discussion since, first of all; he's part of Mega World Intl. Group of Company. Secondly, Mr. Wright is his adopted father, and he would know more about his way of dealing with things.     

Ann was tired from the last activity and decided to take a nap on the way. So she stayed in and rested inside the private cabin.     

Lea and Eva were tired; they found a comfortable area away from the guys, put headphones on their ears then went into a deep slumber as well.     

Jeff, Ronald, and Ethan made plans as to how they would handle the situation when they arrived in Las Vegas. First, they needed to take care of the matter quickly so they could return to Asia asap.     

"Ethan, when we get back to Vegas, I want you to let Eva stay with Lea, alright? For the time being, we need to be careful. We cannot be sure what they would do if they know she's your girlfriend. Only preventive measure." Jeff advised his younger brother.     

'I was planning on that anyway. Knowing Dad, he would do all the tricks in the world to get the upper hand. I'm not even surprised if Mom has something to do with this whole thing." Ethan said with sadness visible on his face.     

Ronald was only listening to the brothers conversing. Instead, he took in all the necessary information that could be of help with the situation.     

The mafia boss Mr. Wright had his minions creating havoc at Mega World Hotel and Casino. They would cheat, rob, beat up, and even kill customers that were staying at the hotel.     

Unfortunately, he has a strong connection all over America that he's considered untouchable. He has a politician, Law enforcement, and Mercenary on his payroll. It's going to be a tough fight when the time comes.     


The private Jet landed at McCarran Intl. Airport without delay.     

Before landing, Ronald had secured additional bodyguards to be on stand-by and wait for their arrival.     

They needed to be careful, especially since they have three women with them, and one is currently carrying the future heir of the empire.     

Jeff ordered them to go out separately; Ronald, Lea, and Eva would disembark first and go straight to the villa where they would be staying instead of the hotel.     

Ethan would go separately; he needs to be inconspicuous. He cannot alert his adopted father that he is with someone, even though there's a chance that he already knows.     

Lastly, Jeff and Ann were the last to disembark on the tarmac.     

While everyone went through the VIP gate, Jeff and Ann have a limousine waiting for them at the tarmac with eight bodyguards to protect them.     

Onlooker from the inside of the terminal was curious as to who those people were. At first, they thought of a celebrity, then a politician, so there was a lot of speculation.     

"Look! Look at the tarmac; are they celebrities?"     

" Could be, but what's with that many escorts? Maybe some Politician from another Country or something."     

"No, I think I know who they are; the faces are familiar. I can't pinpoint the names." An onlooker from Asia said.     

Jeff covered Ann with his body so as not to be recognized by any onlooker. He's afraid that someone will remember them and post them on social media.     

They have been in the news recently, and it's better to be safe than sorry. So, therefore, Jeff protected Ann until she was safely inside the limousine.     

Inside the limousine on the way to the villa, Ann couldn't contain herself and asked Jeff with a curious look on her face.     

"Honey, what's with the escorts and Tarmac embarkation? And why do we all have to go separately?" Concern from her voice was evident.     

"Sweetheart, don't worry about it, alright. It's not suitable for our babies' health and yours too. It's only for precaution, we have some issue at the hotel right now, and it involves Ethan's adopted father, and probably my mother as well." Jeff explains while trying to comfort his wife.     

"Ahhh, now I understand. Is there anything I could help with?"     

"Yes! You can help me by behaving yourself while we are here. I don't want to take a chance, and if something happens to you and our babies, I don't know what I would do, alright." Jeff kisses Ann on her forehead then embraces her tightly.     

"Sweetheart, you and our child's safety is what matters the most," Jeff whispered, filled with love.     

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