I accidentally married a "CEO"

Calm Down!

Calm Down!

Everyone was waiting for Ann and Jeff at the Villa impatiently. Lea was going back and forth, making everyone dizzy. "Why aren't they here yet? They should be here by now, where are they?"     

"Lea, you're making us dizzy, why don't you sit down and calm down, alright!" Eva calmly told Lea, but deep inside her, she's also worrying like Lea.     

"Calm down, alright!" Eva calmly told Lea, but deep inside her, she's also worrying like Lea.     

"Ah!! Shit, why do things always get messed up when it's my turn? " Lea mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear.     

Ronald, who's busy with his laptop checking things, looks up with a sadness in his eyes while looking at Lea's direction.     

He was so looking forward to him meeting her parents; everything was all planned. He was going to ask for her hand in marriage and if they approve in which he hopes that they would have their wedding within a year.     

That's all down the drain for now. Lee's parents decided to give them a surprise visit to Asia, and they are here to visit them what a joke fate has in them.     

Ronald went back to what he's doing and tried to block Lea's image from the corner of his eyes. Ethan saw the way Ronald looked at Lea and felt his pain. He's in the same boat right now; it seems that all four of them are destined for suffering.     

"They're here!!! They're here, and I can see three cars coming in the driveway." Lea runs out excitedly Eva following.     

Ronald and Ethan got up and followed the girls to welcome the bosses. When they arrived at the front door, Jeff was helping Ann get out of the car. He looks so gentle an ordinary man who's so in love with his beautiful wife.     

Ethan was envious of his older brother, not because of Ann. He's jealous because Jeff had found the love of his life, and he looks so happy and content.     

He wanted the same thing, now that he met the love of his life. He could only hope that his mother would accept Eva the same way she received Ann for his brother.     

"Ethan! Ethan!!! What's up with you man, Ronald was talking to him, but Ethan didn't hear a word he said. He's lost in his thought.     

"Sorry! What did you say?" He gives him a half-smile.     

"I said, now that the Jeff's here, how about you go and meet with your Dad and see what you can find out. That's if you still want to help?"     

"Oh! Ya, of course, I want to help. The sooner we get this taken care of, the sooner we can all go back home." Ethan said it a little grumpy.     

'Home? When did I start thinking that Asia is my home?' Ethan was in deep thought again, looking all space out.     

"Yoo! Earth to Ethan, hello.o.o...! What's wrong with you, man, one minute your here, then out in the space the next. What's going on with that mind of yours?" Ronald asked with concern in his voice.     

"Nothing, Nothing!" Ethan replied.     


In the meantime, not far away from the villa, a group of people all wearing black leather pants and jackets with the logo of Mr. Wrights's company was seen being inconspicuous.     

They had intel from the headquarters that a group of wealthy Asians had occupied one of the Villa couple of hours ago. They planned on robbing the place at night once they all go to bed.     

"You! Scout the whole place. We only have less than an hour before we take action. We had to be quick and precise, In and out. Understood! "     

"Yes, sir!" Replied by the little minions, they took their gear with them and left to check the Villa.     

A couple of minutes later, the leader of the gang received a text message from one of the subordinates.     

Minion-1 [Sir, they are currently preparing to go to bed, should only be another hour and it's a go]     

Leader [Alright, I'll get the gang ready, make sure to set the sleeping-gas once they all go to bed.]     

Minion-1 [ I got it, I have everything ready. I'll text back once they are all in the dreamland.]     

Leader [ Alright! will be on stand by.]     

The little minion made a move and started setting up the inert gas as the people all got ready for bed. There's a total of six people; he counted how many rooms they were using. Once verified, the little minions made their move closer to the house inconspicuously.     

They got closer towards the house first, make a camp there, and waited until all the lights were turned off. One by one, the lights were turned off, that was a signal they are all going to bed.     

Five minutes, then ten minutes passed. Once they thought all was asleep, they made their move and cut the security alarm once that's finish, they enter the house through the window.     

The little minions move very quick and precise. They were able to put all the can of sleeping gas in a matter of minutes. Since they were all wearing a gas mask, none of the minions were affected.     

The minion then texted the leader as a signal that it's ok, and they can come in and clean the place up with all their wealth.     

The leader came in a flash; they started to rob the whole villa while everyone was sound asleep. The gang was pretty efficient and professional. They cleaned the entire place in less than fifteen minutes.     

"Alright! It's a success, let's clear out." The leader ordered, and everyone started to move out.     

The leader of the gangs was one of those pervert types. Each time they rob a place, and there's a woman, he would rape first before leaving.     

While they were cleaning out one of the room, he saw a woman sound sleep with her partner. He decided to go check her out; she looks tasty enough.     

He slowly opened the door, making sure the effect of the gas still lingering, and they were all still asleep. Once verified, he moves into his target.     

He stripped the woman of her underwear, then raped her while her partner was sleeping next to her, never knowing what's happening.     

"WTF!!! Who are you?" The man suddenly woke up for whatever reason; he saw his partner getting raped by the leader of the gang. He was going to jump the leader filled with rage, ready to kill with his bare hand when...     

*BANG! BANG! BANG!!!* The man was shot three times, all on his forehead between his eyes, and was killed instantly.     

The leader had lost his appetite, he got up and zipped up his pants then left as if nothing had happened.     

The girl was still asleep, never know she got raped, and her partner was shot to death.     

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